
[Marxism] Venezuelan President Proposes Socialist World Offensive

Walter Lippmann 

("He called for open debate, without prejudice
about socialism, and to abandon the defensive 
attitude of revolutionary movements in recent
years." Chavez means a battle of ideas here.)

Venezuelan President Proposes Socialist World Offensive

Caracas, Aug 14 (Prensa Latina) The President of Venezuela, Hugo
Chávez, called for world youth to initiate a socialist offensive, 
due to the urgency to save life on the planet.

Chávez assured that there is nobody better than young people to
achieve the resurgence of socialist ideas, in a speech Saturday
before delegates of the XVI World Festival of Youth and the Students.

The Venezuelan head of state recalled that after the fall of the
Soviet Union many thought that was the end, but 14 years later
socialism has revived.

The ghost has returned to travel through the world and now, with new
ideas, young faces being fed with the ideas of Indians, black people
and the grass roots, in a deep offensive, he noted.

In his opinion, the first five decades of this century are when the
decision must be made between the socialist alternative or barbarism,
and called on them to realise that life on the planet might end.
"There is no time to lose. In this and the next five decades the
future will be decided," expressed Chávez before thousands of
delegates of a hundred countries that participated in the youth
meeting here between 8-15 August.

He called for open debate, without prejudice about socialism, and to
abandon the defensive attitude of revolutionary movements in recent

Chávez announced likewise the initiation in his country of meetings
of local community governments to make their own proposals, to
establish genuine popular power.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The greatest terrorist attacks ever:

Havana. August 12, 2005

Fidel receives Venezuelan military delegation

BY RENÉ CASTAÑO—Granma daily staff writer—


CUBAN President Fidel Castro has received a delegation from
the Venezuelan Air Force Higher Institute at the Palace of
the Revolution, comprised of officers enrolled in that
institution’s 35th Air Command and General Staff Course,
who have been visiting Cuba since Monday.

Yesterday, the Venezuelan officers met with patients from
their country who are being treated at the La Pradera
International Health Center.

A medical cooperation agreement signed between Cuba and
Venezuela in 2000 by both countries’ presidents has enabled
thousands of patients at that institution to be treated, as
Doctor Pedro Francisco Llerena, the center’s general
director, told his visitors. Up until Wednesday of this
week, he said, 9,864 patients and their 7,856 companions
had been attended to at that center.

Through this program, he explained, 739 operations had been
performed on minors under 15, and 2,842 on adults. Of that
total, 288 were cardiovascular-related operations and 153
were organ transplants; of the latter, 125 were for cornea,
12 for bone marrow, 11 for kidney and five for muscles.

The officers on the aforementioned course, led by Division
General Roger R. Cordero Lara, general commander of the
Venezuelan Air Force, and accompanied by Brigadier General
Tomás Valdés Hernández, director of the Military Technical
Institute (ITM), and Colonel Josel Luis Vega Rodríguez,
military, naval and air force attaché of the Venezuelan
embassy in Cuba, toured areas of the Health Center. They
spoke with patients and their companions about their
diagnoses, treatment and the care received.

The delegation subsequently visited the Air Museum, a
facility that exhibits the historic traditions of Cuba’s
Anti-aircraft Defense and the Revolutionary Air Force
(DAAFAR), civil aviation and cosmonauts, according to its
director, Arquímedes Martínez.

After viewing three exhibition halls and 27 airplanes
nearby, together with anti-aircraft artillery elements and
troops, the officers from the South American nation
received a broad outline of Cuban aviation history.

They were told about the 1913 flights by Cuban aviation
pioneers Agustín Parlá and Domingo Rosillo; the role played
by Cuban pilots during the mercenary Bay of Pigs invasion;
the terrorist attack on a Cubana Airlines passenger plane
in 1976 by Posada Carriles and his followers, and Cuban
cosmonaut Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez, now a brigadier general,
who talked of his experiences with the visitors.

The delegation from the Venezuelan Air Force Higher
Institute will remain in Cuba until August 15.


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