The important conclusion that Popper makes reflects the socio-ethical and
ideological thrust of his concept: the emergence of the self signifies the
transition of nature to a socio-cultural level of development and the
transformation of the laws of evolution and natural selection in accordance
with the new environment. "The main function of mind and of World 3," writes
Popper, "is that they make possible the application of the method of trial
and the elimination of error without the violent elimination of ourselves...
Thus in bringing about the emergence of mind, and World 3, natural selection
transcends itself and its originally violent character... Non-violent
cultural evolution is not just a Utopian dream; it is, rather, a possible
result of the emergence of mind through natural selection." [20
<> ]

CB: Perhaps here Popper is indirectly discovering that human culture is a
LaMarckian mechanism ?

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