Ralph Dumain 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this particular work by Cornforth was 
later incorporated into his SCIENCE AGAINST IDEALISM.

CB: I don't know


I'm still trying to process the fact that this person apparently trained in
some sophisticated philosophy could descend to writing the shit he wrote on
dialectical materialism.  Perhaps, like the Soviet philosophers, he was much
better at criticizing bourgeois philosophy than coming up with a positive
credible version of diamat. 
CB: So you have a positive credible version of Marxist philosophy ? Where is
it ? Send it to the list.


 Now that I think of it, I basically got on with my own intuitive version of
dialectical materialism without 
accepting any of its standard presentations, which are all horrible, 
sloppy, half-assed, splapdash efforts.

CB: You can call it "shit" , "sloppy", etc. all you want but those aren't
arguments, and so can be refuted by simply calling "sophisticated
philosophy" names in response. Make arguments, specify what your criticism
is, otherwise it's like you are farting on the list. There no reason to
think that "sophisticated philosophy" is not subject to the criticism as
bourgeois ideology that the Sovies, Cornforth and others made. What the fuck
are you talking about "sophisticated philosophy", like it ain't the
philosophy of the rich.


Let me remind you that the fellow I mentioned specifically needs that one 
book in Cornforth's trilogy on diamat, THE THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE.  For some 
reason, he has to use it for his students, Marx help them.

I ain't about to send a copy of that book to somebody who is going to teach
his students that it's shit. Who do you think you are kidding ?

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