

What I want to show here is how a number of technological and economic
changes, facilitated by European trade with India and China, benefited

The printing press, gunpowder, navigation, and spices from the East Indies
contributed to scientific, technological and economic revolutions in the
16th and 17th centuries. World trade fed capitalist commodity production in
the Netherlands and Britain.

This resulted in capital accumulation leading to the industrial revolutions
in Britain and France, and underdevelopment in Africa, lose of its skilled
laborers in the slave trade, and the acquisition of commodities produced by
wageworkers in Europe consequently retarding Africa's own handicrafts.

We need not do an entire analysis of the economics of primitive capital
accumulation and the role that the trans-Atlantic slave trade played in it
engendering European development and African underdevelopment. Suffice it to
refer the readers to:

  I) Karl Marx: "Capital Vol. II
  II) W.E.B. Dubois: "The World and Africa"
  III) Eric Williams: "Capitalism and Slavery"
  IV) Walter Rodney: "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa"

The industrial development of England and the Underdevelopment of West
Africa were directly related to:

  A) American plantation systems needing experienced, skilled agricultural
laborers, not hunters-gatherers.
  B) African Slavers needed Guns
  C) Human beings bartered in Africa, had more value in America than the
exchange value of Guns.

Assume that in England and in America one gun is equal to one pair of shoes
and to one shirt. The merchant goes to Africa, rather than directly to

Were the merchant capitalist to trade directly with American customers,
using monetary forms of exchange, one gun would exchange for one pound of
sugar or one pound of coffee.

The Triangular Trade between European merchant ships brought guns, and other
commodities to costal African kingdoms exchanging them for human beings.
These human beings were carried from Africa to America and sold into chattel
slavery. Agricultural produce and raw materials were purchased with the
money derived from the selling of the slaves. These commodities were then
carried from the American colonies and sold to customers in Europe. Produce
was sold to merchants; raw materials, e.g. sugar and cotton, were sold to
capitalists in Britain to be processed in manufactures and industries, thus
directly contributed to the industrial revolution in England.

The factors that coalesced in the development of Europe; thus, the
Triangular Trade is "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa".

The dialectical interaction of trade between Europe and Asia, however, has
also to be factored in as very important to the rise of capitalism and
industry in Europe. Without gunpowder, and therefore guns, muskets and
cannon, there would have been no colonization of the Americas, or the
triangular trade.

Had it not been for muskets and cannons, the Portuguese and Spanish
conquistadors would not have had the capacity to conquer the Americas. The
America's natural resources included, as well as the gold used in European
economies, agriculture, maize, potatoes, sugar, tobacco, which were
important in the world-market and its products in the trans-Atlantic,
triangular trade. Potatoes were cheaply produced in great quantities, which
together with bread, became the cheap but filling component of English
workers and Irish farmer's diets.

Africans had been smelting iron for centuries, but had no gunpowder and
consequently no gun industry. The Chinese invention and harmless use of 'gun
powder' was made into a weapon of violence, war.

The brisk arms trade, made all the more necessary that African tribes and
feudal warrior kingdoms conquer and present to gun merchants human beings of
other tribes to become economic chattel, rather than having members of their
own tribe or kingdom become captured, and made into chattel. The
depopulation of Africa nor Africa's reliance upon industrial commodities
imported from Europe, would not have occurred had it not been for Europe's
trade with Asia, and consequently there would have been no colonization and
underdevelopment of Africa.

The French and British mercantile systems, predicated upon the manufacture
and industry in England ,were domestic capitalist commodity production
surrounded by colonial crop economies. The emerging capitalist modes of
production and distribution in England subordinated the Portuguese and
specifically the Spaniard's system of colonial possession of plunder and


Mercantile capitalistic commodity Production originated in Britain and
Western European kingdoms, under absolute monarchs, initially in cottage
industries. Of course this cannot be fully explicated without taking into
account other contributing factors, in England for instance.

In the history of England, from the days of the Roman Empire, garment
industries were important. The Romans brought sheep to England, and with
this, the woolen industry. This was facilitated when Flemish weavers were
thrown out of Flanders, and settled in England, improving the methods of
production, quality and quantity, of wool production there.

Also important was the Bubonic Plague, or rather its consequence of rapid
depopulation, losing more than a third of it's landed aristocrats that
enabled greater concentration. These developments contributed to the
capitalization of the productive forces in agriculture, because both the
landed aristocracies and the laboring masses all found it in their practical
interest to displace serf labor of the feudal mode of production and
appropriation by capitalist commodity production using wageworkers.

Merchant capitalists delivered to farm families cloth or wool, that would be
spun in their houses, and picked up by these merchants in exchange for money
that supplemented the families income enabling farmers and their families to
purchase other agricultural produce and manufactured commodities in the

This form of piecework concentrated in a specific space facilitated the
co-operation epoch. Cottage industry that concentrated a division of labor
of the workforce, evolved capitalist commodity production by wageworkers.

In the colonies, the mode of production was environmental agriculture, by
slave workers. The historical evolution from manufacture to industrial
capitalist commodity production by wageworkers, occurred in the framework of
mercantilist commodity production, wageworkers in the center surrounded by
agriculture and the production of 'raw materials' in the colonies, fed into
the industrial center.

British-American colonists needed guns and slaves -- to kill indigenous
American populations and to control their slaves. The guns industries were
the core of the British industrial revolution. Colonial mercantilist systems
are predicated upon the Spider-web concept, of an industrial center where
the Spider-capitalist industry sits, from the center outward colonies are
crop economies dependent upon these industrial centers.

The inheritance, literally of the 'nuts and bolts' of production, by
manufacture was from co-operations. Co-operations originate in response to
rising demand, with developments in circulation of commodities, both tools
and means of subsistence. What was done in separate cottage industries as an
appendage to farming, where merchant capitalists purchased from and sold to
others, are now brought together by capitalist merchants, who now owned the
means of production, purchasing labor power that was brought under one roof.

These developments thereby progressed from petty-bourgeois cottage
capitalism, under feudal relations of production, to capitalistic relations
of production predicated upon the selling and buying of labor power. The
division of labor, which began in co-operations, achieved greater complexity
of detailed labor in manufacture proper. All kinds of new inventions and
forms of production facilitated the development of industry, industrial
capitalistic commodity production by wageworkers.

In mercantile England, one gun was of equal value, say, to one pound of
sugar or to a pound of cotton. In Africa, let's say, one gun barters for ten
human beings. But, in the American colonies, by the laws of supply and
demand, there was a greater demand for slaves compared to sugar and coffee,
which were in abundance.

The markets in America determined one slave's comparable worth, or
corresponded to one pound of sugar, or one pound of coffee. The merchant
enters America, not with one gun to be traded for one pound of sugar, or
coffee, but ten human beings, which in each case exchange for one pound of
sugar or one pound of coffee. Thus, by way of the triangular trade, the
English merchant, by way of the mercantile slave trade, took back to England
not the equivalent of one gun, with which he began, but the equivalent of
ten guns, ten pounds of sugar or coffee.

The profitability of the triangular trade further facilitated developments
in the gun, and gun related industries: the industrial revolution. Further
more, cotton grown in the American South, by slave labor, entered Britain as
raw materials engendering the textile industries. This cheaper cloth,
because of the textile industry in Britain fed by cotton from slave labor in
America, in comparison to traditional African weavers' cloth and clothing
requiring less socially necessary labor time in Britain than Africa, drove
the African weavers out of business.

African dependency on British industrially manufactured guns, clothing,
facilitated the relative industrial development in England and
underdevelopment in Africa. Africa, participating in the slave trade,
collecting and bartering human beings, and in the World Market as importers
of industrial commodities from Europe, was stunted at the stage of cottage
industries and pre-capitalist economic formations.

Whereas the Weapons industries facilitated bourgeois democratic revolutions
in Europe, in Africa, guns in the hands of warrior clans and feudal chiefs
and kings resulted in the intensification of slave raids on one hand, and
tyranny on the other. Warlords and chiefs political interests in the guns,
and using the wealth derived from trade with Europeans transformed tribal
politics, resulting in powerful kingdoms. Armed tyrants thus ruled several
such kingdoms.

The slave trade resulted in depopulation in Africa, and the importing of
industrially manufactured commodities from Europe retarded Africa's own
industrial development.

Meanwhile, dynastic and colonial rivalries were flaring up between European
kingdoms, subsequently between capitalist nations. There resulted in
centuries of on again off again barbaric wars fought with savage weapons.

War is good for business, says the military-industrial complex, which not
only exploit's wageworkers but pays those wages with tax monies appropriated
from the working classes and toiling masses. This is a goddamn double
whammy! Add to this, it is the sons and daughters of the working classes and
toiling masses whom bourgeois parliaments send out to kill, and be killed by
one another! How dare capitalism's racist politicians and pundits, in Europe
and the United States call African politicians corrupt, stupid apes and
coconut heads!

Certainly, Africa politically is in relative chaos. This chaos, however, is
not reducible to psychological profiles of individual heads of state,
whether or not they are personally incompetent or/and have delusions of
grandeur. It's the economy, stupid!


The world-historical techno-economic, and socio-political determinations of
the interconnection of Africa's own capitalistic "comprador bourgeoisie" and
Western capitalist investors are in possession of Africa's productive
forces. It is this cosmopolitan capitalist class rather than inept heads of
state that determine economic performances. In league with the profit driven
foreign investors in Africa's economy, it is the African capitalists that
have run Africa's economics of scale into the dirt.

The African economies presently are part and parcel of its world-historical
present context, the world-market. The retardation of Africa's technological
development is due in part to three centuries of slave trade, exporting
major elements of Africa's agricultural population and of artisans, on the
one hand, and more than a century of direct colonialism on the other,
resulting in neo-colonialism presently.


Radical economic problems in Africa demand radical changes in the
Continent's economic ownership structures, basing themselves in natural
resources and corresponding restructuring of the political state. Corruption
in the one-party governments is not the cause but the consequence of
economic mismanagement. The classes and investors who own and thus manage
the productive forces, (American, European, African), are the one's who
manage production and distribution.

For instance, the problem of food shortages in Zimbabwe are not so much
caused by "Mugabe", that is how long he has held political power or his
political rhetoric denouncing "British imperialism". Rather, it is because
African traditional agricultural production of means of subsistence has been
supplanted by settler-capitalist's agribusinesses producing cash crops, such
as tobacco, for instance.

Thus, until recently, ZANU-PF has worked with imperialist investors as well
as African capitalists. The present land redistribution scheme, in Zimbabwe,
has not challenged the operative principle of aissez faire. In the ZANU-PF
land redistribution, along capitalist principles, large acres of prime land
went to relatives and cronies, and Zimbabwean capitalists, who are still
producing for foreign markets rather than producing food for Zimbabwean

The African capitalists together with foreign investors have the economic
power. It is therefore laissez faire capitalism, as landowners and investors
themselves determine what is to be produced, for whom, and how much.

Turning over small plots to selected peasants, and large fertile lands to
career politicians of ZANU-PF, bureaucrats and chiefs isn't in itself the
solution to the problem of Zimbabwe's food shortages. Wageworker's need to
become this land's collective owners, producing and distributing means of
subsistence managed by the worker's themselves.

What is needed in Africa is a radical re-orientation toward the creation of
a Continental Federal Republic of Africa, based on common ownership of
natural resources together with a Continental infrastructure directly the
Public Property of Pan-African workers and peasants, making these citizens
of a Federal Republic of Africa shareholders capable of democratizing the
natural resources, having voices and votes on what is to be done with it.

In this model of democratic capitalism the citizen as equal shareholder
might put forward a motion to produce and sell a significant portion of gold
or/and diamonds and/or bauxite to the European Union or/and Japan, with
contracts that stipulate wage scales that would entice the European, or
Japanese capitalist firms to develop in Africa the relevant technologies to
access and process the gold, diamonds, or bauxite, including the technology
needed to manufacture this technology and relevant spare parts, screws,
screwdrivers, &C. and thus in doing so, educating and training African
workers and peasants in the process. The gold, diamonds and bauxite,
together with the produced means of production relevant to accessing and
processing it, remains the Public Property of the All Africa Federal
Republic, democratically owned and managed.

Thus done, the Africans are realizing that it isn't land as such but
technology, related to geo-economic qualities of "land", that is the "basis
of independence".

The established capacity to build means of producing means of production
will enable Africans to further operate those productive forces to get
Mammon's gold, diamonds and bauxite to sell on the world market at standard
prices, to fund the electrification of All of Africa.

The purchase of the relevant means of producing the means of construction of
equipment needed to build electrical power throughout Africa, again
stipulates in the contract the education and training of Africans as
physicists and engineers, as well as the teaching of manual skills. Again,
the entire water and power, electrical and nuclear energy industries remains
the Public Property of the All Africa Federal Republic, democratically owned
and managed

Another group might propose that at the same time Africa sell oil, having
purchasers build the infrastructure and refineries there in Africa, as
Pan-African Public Property, stipulating in the contract that Africans be
educated in the relevant sciences, as well as technical skills.

The drilling and processing of oil, together with the gold, diamonds and
bauxite industries, will enable Africans to go on to other projects, fully
funded by Africa's Public Development Fund, enabling Africa to invest
billions in medical facilities throughout all of Africa, hospitals and
medical schools, chemist and pharmaceutical industries, that will be Public
Property of All Africans, meaning free health care, in patient and out
patient, surgery and post-op follow-up, and free access to all medicines,
with African pharmaceutical industries all over the continent.

Other geological and tropical gifts of Nature, among a great variety of
wealth of Africa's economically exploitable natural resources, will enable
Africa's economists, engineers, technicians and ethicists to propose
projects to the African electorate and citizen shareholders, and to suggest
further self-development programs. It is pay as you go, financed by cash on
the barrel head to produce industries needed to produce the means of
producing means of production and acquisition of that wealth as an
alternative to ruthless laissez faire robber-baron capitalism characterized
by exploitation and bloody wars in Europe and America on one hand, and
repressive bureaucratic state monopoly capitalism by wageworkers in the
former Soviet Union on the other.

Africans, from the local village to the District, Regional and Federal
systems will be brought into debates regarding development and economic
issues as well as political and social issues. These debates would be held
for a definite period, translated into relevant languages, providing all
with access, but not just to read polemics, but to engage in critical
thinking, debate and polemics on local, District, Regional and Federal
television and radio. By public broadcast ownership, the masses of the
citizenry will have free access to cable and network television, radio and
worldwide Internet connections. Public free access to major communications
forums, and the right of all speakers to be heard by major audiences differs
fundamentally from America, where significant, i.e. national and
international press and media in actuality are restricted to capitalist
owners of the means of communication.

Freedom of the press is essential to the political health of democracy. By
'free' press is not meant the right of the reader and listeners to stay
"informed" by supposedly reading and hearing "all sides", which really
amounts a variation of the same perspective. This is not 'free press and
media', restricted to those who own publishing and publication businesses,
and their journalists hired to spit out market interests and patriotic
rhetoric. Truly free, publicly owned press and media has free access to
television, radio and literature publications without censorship or litmus
tests speaking to the African masses in their hundreds of millions.

The objective is for African workers and peasants of both genders, without
regard to race, religion, or ethnicity to be brought into the political and
intellectual process with passion. Exhaustive, participatory debates and
polemics will transform African workers and peasants from ignorant
bystanders into the most informed critical thinkers in the world.

In these debates one stands or falls on the power of reason and the strength
of their understanding. Some are no more equal than others: titles are

Presently, the ruling politicians use the title's of their approved agents
to intimidate or convince people on that basis alone, as an "expert",
"professor", "doctor", "pollster" and so on. This is to provoke servility
and humility among the masses of the working classes and poor, as did
medieval titles of church and state hierarchies -- lord, sir, bishop,
cardinal, prince, king and pope.

Modern means of mass communication is potentially a leveler, an equalizer
for every argument that must stand or fall on its own logic, or lack
thereof. What working people need today is not servility but audacity.

This is of course a practical question as well as a political issue. It is
because the capitalist class owns the material forces of production and
dominates the state that their paid propagandists regurgitate one another in
the press and media.

To free themselves from the lying propaganda regurgitations of bourgeois
political ideologists, Africa's working classes and toiling masses need to
have many news sources, and to have access to present their ideas, whether
as individuals, unions, or parties. Cable networks and the worldwide web
make it possible to establish many public mediums of communication.

To pay for this networking and establish town halls to present responsible
speakers, it might be democratically decided by the African citizenry to
expand cable and web access to every African home.

Developing industrial access to, and processing of e.g. oil, platinum,
graphite, industrial diamonds or other natural resource of Africa could pay
this for. These commodities could thereupon be competitively priced and sold
on the world-market. No secrets and back door dealing will be tolerated.

By these improvements in communication, citizen participation in the
democratic process will be in practice, in Africa, what is in the United
States today only theory. All of Africa will have complete information and
able to vote on every economic policy, as well as resolution of political
and judicial issues.

Any number of options presently impossible will be possible once all the
post colonial states and borders will have been eliminated, for instance
relocation of farmers to even more fertile farmland, or the Bedouin to other
grazing territories. These can be temporary resettlements, as scientists
check and reverse Sahara desertification. There are still other, perhaps
even more creative solutions that can be suggested in town hall and village
community meetings.

Farmers and cattlemen on Local, District, Regional and Federal cable
networks 24/7 can debate the issue if they want to. All of Africa will be
absorbed into this debate, seeking nonviolent solutions to solvable economic
problems. The tribal leaders and village elders, scientists, trade unionists
and ordinary citizens participate in these debates and polemics, freely.

The Federal Parliamentarians assigned to mediating this regional problem
finally organizes regional balloting, comprising all the people of the
region. The vote decides the issue.

The Americans, the British, Israel and the UN will not be permitted to
interfere; African solutions for African problems preclude arms and military
training from outsiders. African solutions for African problems are
predicated upon Consensus, and Democracy decided by majority decision.

The positive functioning of tribal leaders and village elders in resolving
this problem, rather than being excluded or manipulated by global powers as
they are today, would indicate positive benefits of reviving traditional
advisory councils associated with Local, District, Regional and Federal
Parliaments. The African Federal Republic may come to include, in its
Constitution, Rights and Duties of self-sustaining tribal leaders and
village elders.


The cancellation of national debt has generated a lot of clucking among the
chattering classes, among both European/Americans and Africans/African
Americans. I think that this could generate useful discussions, of profound
significance were we to use it as a practical context and starting point in
the discussion of Africa's future in response to the issues raised by Fubara

I will take it from the standpoint of Pan-African politics of economics. The
windfall from debt cancellation must be invested in a program directed at
continental economic integration building an intercontinental
infrastructure, operating from the philosophical premise "Africa for
Africans", based on the utilitarian principle of policies promoting the
greatest good for the greatest number.

An intercontinental infrastructure in production related to the Pan-African
agenda to finance a cohesive bureaucratic structure initiated by the African
Union. The money freed up by these debt cancellations should be used for all
of Africa in a common fund, allocated from each African government to the
African Union to be used specifically on creating the material and political
infrastructure required for the creation of one All-Africa Federal Republic.
This money must be set aside, separate and apart from government to
government aid and chicanery.

The political federation of states could be comprised of Local, District,
Regional and Federal Parliaments, with parallel advisory bodies of tribal
elders and/or representatives. The various ethnic groups could be given some
degree of relative cultural autonomy, since all existing colonial borders
and governments will be abolished. Tribal elders and/or chiefs in the same
local, district, regional and federal spaces will have observer status at
the various parliamentary bodies, and right to speak. Only elected
representatives can vote.

The members of parliament at every level will be elected as individuals or
representatives of parties, on the principle of free, open competitive
elections to parliaments, on the principle of proportional representation,
of course.

The scenario to follow is an outline of a "blueprint", according to the
challenge outlined by Fubara David-West. I know I have immediate, automatic
critics, which is fine. However, I request those who do their criticisms do
so based on what I have actually written, as a concept, and not red herrings
on this or that detail, or/and clairvoyant ad hominem attacks, which in any
case I will ignore.

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