Waistline2 :

CB: I've heard it said that Rosa Parks was in the CPUSA at the time she

WL: What is the point?

CB: You had just run down a whole thing about the problems of the CPUSA in
the South, how "the CPUSA was in trouble."
Then you end with  " then Rosa Parks happened." Would be kind of funny ,in
terms of your piece, if Rosa was a Red. That would mean the CPUSA was in
trouble, but even in trouble it had a potent "passive-aggressive", Black
female sitdown strike. That would be an obviously very interesting point if
Rosa Parks was in the CPUSA. What do you mean , "what is the point ? " The
point is obvious,if she was in the CPUSA.

 WL: Rosa Parks as individual narrative of American history 
exists on a continuum related to Plessy. The CPUSA's role in our history is
never disputed by me, nor am I a "party hater." For valid reasons they
became the "party of the Negro People" and I never dispute this. Something
different happened in political America bound up with the name Rosa Parks
and subsequent developments.

CB: Something maybe different, but also connected to the CPUSA struggle
happened with Rosa Parks. 


WL: Any comment on Birmingham 63, Watts 1965 and Detroit 1967? What of the
real history which I have never heard you speak of? 

CB: Malcolm X spoke in Detroit of the "ballot or the bullet". With '67 and
then Coleman Young's election, it was the bullet and then the ballot.


WL:Classical Marxism? You mean classical American Marxism - as you

CB: I mean do you or do you not consider that your theory is the same as the
classical theory of Marx , Engels and Lenin , or do you consider that you
have a different theory than they  ?


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