Is Professor Haldane's Account of Evolution Dialectical?Professor Haldane 

Ralph Dumain rdumain at

A. P. LERNER succeeds in criticizing the kind of crap that passes for 
dialectics of nature in the Marxist literature.  A study of the arguments of 
Marxist scientists in the 1930s would be historically profitable, if one has 
the patience to review the literature.  I have quite a bit of it myself.

CB: A.P. Lerner sounds like the typical metaphysical thinker who doesn't want 
to understand dialectics , and tries to make it seem silly.  Haldane sort of 
puts him out to pasture in his reply. Haldane is clear as a bell.  Sounds like 
Engels, and he's a great , professional biologist to boot ?!


Helena Sheehan also provides quite a bit of info in her book MARXISM AND THE 
PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE.  But what she leaves out is also instructive.

There are two or three aspects of dialectical materialism to consider:

(1) diamat as ontology
    (a) diamat as emergent materialism
    (b) what is 'dialectical' in diamat (incl. dialectical contradiction)

(2) diamat as epistemology (abstraction, concept formation, categorial 
thinking, contradiction, etc.)

And of course the relation between (1) and (2).

CB: This might be rendering dialectical materialism in terms of categories of 
bourgeois philosophy, ontology and epistemology. Dialectical materialism 
explicitly claims to make these categories obsolete.


And then of course the relationship between abstract philosophical categories 
and empirical concepts, fudged from Engels on.

CB: Care to elaborate ?  


I've devoted quite a bit of effort over many years to straighten out this mess, 
but my efforts have fallen on deaf eyeballs.

Sheehan not only leaves out quite most of Marx as well as quite a bit of 
Engels, but she leaves subjective dialectics (epistemology & logic) out of 
account, the area where the Soviets of the '30s, Somerville (ass-kissing the 
Soviets), Novack (following Trotsky) and others messed up completely.  
Dialectics of nature was plausible to scientists, I think, based on the 
plausibility of emergent materialism, sans scrupulous logical scrutiny of the 
actual doctrine.  This may have been due to some form of ideological 
subservience to Moscow, or the power of metaphor, it's hard to tell.

CB: Emergence concerns the transformation of quantity into quality and vica 
versa.  Levels of integration of the sciences, and all that. Levels don't 
reduce to each other. Anti-reductionism, like Levins and Lewontin emphasis in 
_The Dialectical Biologist_. Emergent analysis is the other side of 
anti-reductionist analysis...The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


The best one can say of Haldane here, I think, is that diamat belongs to what 
Gerald Holton called themata:

I might be able to accept that Haldane was thematically guided in a certain 
direction, but otherwise his account of his own discovery process is 


CB: :>) Well we'll have to look into the matter a little further at some point. 
 For now, I think I'll believe Haldane as knowing his own thought processes 
better than others, with all due respect. Sounds entirely plausible to me. 
Reminds me of how I've thought of some things.

Anyway, Jim F. mentioned here way back when that Stephen Jay Gould referred to 
dialectic as a heuristic device, which may be similar to this thematic idea. 

>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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For heuristics in computer science, see heuristic (computer science). 
Heuristic is the art and science of discovery and invention. The word comes 
from the same Greek root as "eureka": εὑρισκω, which means "I find". A 
heuristic is a way of directing your attention fruitfully. The term was 
introduced by Pappus of Alexandria in the 4th century.

The mathematician George Pólya popularized heuristic in the twentieth century 
in his book How to Solve It. He learned mathematical proofs as a student, but 
didn't know how mathematicians think of proofs, nor was this taught. How to 
Solve It is a collection of ideas about heuristic that he taught to math 
students: ways of looking at problems and casting about for solutions.

Some commonplace heuristics, all from How to Solve It:

If you are having difficulty understanding a problem, try drawing a picture. 
If you can't find a solution, try assuming that you have a solution and seeing 
what you can derive from that ("working backward"). 
If the problem is abstract, try examining a concrete example. 
Try solving a more general problem first (the "inventor's paradox": the more 
ambitious plan may have more chances of success). 
Lexical note: The name of the topic is heuristic (not "heuristics"), a 
particular technique of directing your attention toward discovery is a 
heuristic, two or more of these are heuristics, and the adjective for 
"pertaining to how something is discovered" is heuristic.

Contents [hide]
1 Psychology 
1.1 Theorized psychological heuristics 
2 Philosophy 
3 Law 
4 Computer science 
4.1 Human-computer interaction 
5 See also 
6 External links 
7 Further reading 

In psychology, heuristics are simple, efficient rules of thumb which have been 
proposed to explain how people make decisions, come to judgments and solve 
problems, typically when facing complex problems or incomplete information. 
These rules work well under most circumstances, but in certain cases lead to 
systematic cognitive biases.

For instance, people may tend to perceive more expensive beers as tasting 
better than inexpensive ones. This finding holds true even when prices and 
brands are switched; putting the high price on the normally relatively 
inexpensive brand is enough to lead experimental participants to perceive that 
beer as tasting better than the beer that is normally relatively expensive. One 
might call this "price implies quality" bias.

Much of the work of discovering heuristics in human decision makers was ignited 
by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, who shared an important influence on 
behavioral finance. Critics led by Gerd Gigerenzer focus on how heuristics can 
be used to make principally accurate judgments rather than producing cognitive 
biases — heuristics that are "fast and frugal".

Theorized psychological heuristics

Anchoring and adjustment 
Availability heuristic 
Representativeness heuristic 

Affect heuristic 
Contagion heuristic 
Effort heuristic 
Familiarity heuristic 
Fluency heuristic 
Peak-end rule 
Recognition heuristic 
Scarcity heuristic 
Similarity heuristic 
Simulation heuristic 
Social proof 
Take-the-best heuristic 
In philosophy, especially in its Continental European kind, the adjective 
"heuristic" (or the designation "heuristic device") is used when an entity X is 
there to understand or to find out about some other entity Y. A good example is 
a model, which, as it is never identical with whatever it models, is a 
heuristic device to understand the latter. Stories, metaphors, etc., can also 
be termed heuristic in that sense. A classic example is the notion of utopia as 
described in Plato's best-known work, Politeia. This means that the purpose of 
the "ideal city" as depicted in the Politeia is not to be pursued or to present 
an orientation-point for development, but rather, that it shows how things 
would have to be connected, and how one thing would lead to another—often with 
highly problematic results, if one would opt for certain principles and carry 
them through rigorously.

In legal theory, especially that of law and economics, heuristics are used in 
the law when case-by-case analysis would be impractical.

For instance, in the United States the legal drinking age is 21, because it is 
argued that people need to be mature enough to make decisions involving the 
risks of alcohol consumption. However, assuming people mature at different 
rates, the specific age of 21 would be too late for some and too early for 
others. In this case, the somewhat arbitrary deadline is used because it is 
impossible or impractical to tell whether one individual is mature enough that 
society can trust them with that kind of responsibility.

The same reasoning applies to patent law. Patents are justified on the grounds 
that inventors need to be protected in order to have incentive to invent (or 
else suffer the tragedy of the commons if anyone could use their idea). So, it 
is argued that it is in the best interest of society to issue inventors a 
temporary government-granted monopoly on their product so they can recoup their 
investment costs and make economic profit for a limited period of time. In the 
United States the length of this temporary monopoly is 20 years from the date 
the application for patent was filed, though the monopoly does not actually 
begin until the application has matured into a patent. However, like the 
drinking age problem above, the specific length of time would need to be 
different for every product in order to be efficient, but the 20-year number is 
used because it is difficult to tell what the number should be for any 
individual patent. More recently, some including Lawrence Lessig have argued 
that patents in different kinds of industries such as software patents should 
be protected for different lengths of time.

Computer science
Main article Heuristic (computer science)

In computer science, a heuristic is a technique designed to solve a problem 
that ignores whether the solution can be proven to be correct, but which 
usually produces a good solution or solves a simpler problem that contains or 
intersects with the solution of the more complex problem.

Heuristics are intended to gain computational performance or conceptual 
simplicity potentially at the cost of accuracy or precision.

Human-computer interaction
In human-computer interaction, heuristic evaluation is a usability testing 
technique devised by usability consultant Jakob Nielsen. In heuristic 
evaluation, the user interface is reviewed by experts and its compliance to ten 
usability heuristics (broadly stated characteristics of a good user interface) 
is assessed and any violating aspects are recorded.

See also
Behavioral economics — an economic subfield with heuristics as one of its main 
Problem solving 
External links
The Heuristic Wiki 
Heuristics and artificial intelligence in finance and investment — The use of 
heuristics and AI techniques in finance and investment. 
Further reading

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