andie nachgeborenen 
        W's philosophy actually calls out for following up
        with such investigation.  If you want to go beyond
        philosophy, you have to go _somewhere_ -- maybe to
        political economy and political sociology, like Marx,
        maybe to Ideologiekritik like Adorno and the early
        Frankfurters (Adorno also did flat out scientific
        sociology or social psychology, see The Authoritarian
        Personality), maybe to genealogical critic and
        psychology like Nietzsche, maybe to mystical
        pragmatism like Heidegger or scientific-sociological
        pragmatism like Dewey -- there are a lot of
        possibilities.  But some people, and W was one of
        them, are like Moses at the Jordan, they point the way
        to the land of Canaan but cannot cross the river.
        Quine was another: he wanted to "naturalize
        epistemology, but that meant actually doing cognitive
        psychology, and he wasn't suited for or able to do


CB: If we are to get some rational kernels out of these philosophers,
andie's discussion here seems worth going into further.

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