> Jim Farmelant 

Nietzsche's Bolshevik admirers were attracted to
his ideal of the Overman. However, whereas
Nietzsche saw this ideal as realizable only
by a select few, the Bolshevik Nietzscheans
argued that it would be realizable by the
many in a communist society. Leftwing
Nietzscheans have always been intrigued
with his analysis of the geneology of morals.
Many people have seen this as compatible with
historical materialism and with Marxist critiques
of morality as ideology. 

CB: Recently I discussed N. with my brother-in-law. He mentioned that for
him, in his youth, he had not even thought of morals as being something with
a geneology. So, it was eye-opening for him to read Nietszche.

I can see that my coming out of anthropology makes me unusual in taking for
granted the relativity of our moral system. Cross-cultural review makes
obvious that our moral system is not the only way to set things up. But for
most people who don't major in ethnology, this would not be necessarily be

I can see , also, that in the period of the Bolsheviks, certain versions of
social darwinism have a materialistic ring to them, and at that time social
darwinism as the basis for rightwing ideologies was not as clear. Also,
Nietszche obviously put his atheism upfront, as discussed in the recent
Landa essay.

I think Nietszche has some credibility on the left because of his
libertarianism, just as today we have a sort of meeting place of the left
and the right in some libertarianism.  Chomsky considers himself a left
libertarian, I think, using that term (?).

And then the his centerining his philosophy in aesthetics, being a
philosopher for artists, dovetails with our tendency to think of "art" as
sort of inherently left as a seat of creativity, libertarianism and revolt.

Also, Nietszche's libertarianism lends itself to reading him eccletically,
that is picking and choosing parts. So, the Nazis didn't have to adhere to
his every principle, but in selecting parts of him actually read him in his
own style of "free spirits", artists.

The structure of art and the art world really does parallel aristocratic
society.  There are always stars and geniuses, a talented elite.
Aesthetics-based politics tends to elitism.

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