Shortly after his wedding, he began living a scandalous libertine existence
and repeatedly abused young prostitutes and employees of both sexes in his
castle in Lacoste, a practice he would continue later with the help of his
wife. His behavior also included an affair with his wife's sister, who had
come to live at the castle.

Beginning in 1763, Sade lived mainly in or near Paris. Several prostitutes
there complained about mistreatment by Sade, and he was put under
surveillance by a police inspector, who provided detailed reports on his
escapades. After several short imprisonments, he was exiled to his chateau
at Lacoste in 1768.[2]

CB; Today's sadomasochists emphasize the consent of the masochists. Doesn't
sound like de Sade got consent from those prostitutes.

( Exiled to his chateau. What a terrible punishment ! Like go to your room,
Marquis, you bad boy)

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