For a defense of Wittgenstein on Frazer against Gellner's charges, see:

Uschanov, T. P. The Strange Death of Ordinary Language Philosophy. 2001.

I remain unconvinced of Wittgenstein's worth.

At 09:13 AM 2/20/2007 -0500, Charles Brown wrote:

***************************************************************** * * Titel:
A Critical Note on the Editions of Wittgenstein's REMARKS ON FRAZER'S GOLDEN
BOUGH*1* Autor: Andrzej Orzechowski, Warschau - Polen Alois Pichler, Bergen
- Norwegen Dateiname: 21-2-95.TXT Dateilänge: 35 KB Erschienen in:
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Garver, B. McGuinness, P. Hacker, R. Haller, W. Lütterfelds, G. Meggle, C.
Nyíri, K. Puhl, T. Rentsch, J.G.F. Rothhaupt, J. Schulte, U. Steinvorth, P.
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several editions of Wittgenstein's REMARKS ON FRAZER'S GOLDEN BOUGH (in the
following abbreviated as GB) the public still hasn't been provided with an
edition which can truly be said to form a reliable basis for accurate
research and translation. Not only do they contain errors, some of the
editions are also - without notifying the reader - abridged. This note is to
correct main mistakes and to comment on some of the most striking
deficiencies, in order to prevent the continuation of infelicities. The note
is divided into four parts, starting with a general introduction (#1). The
second (#2) and third (#3) parts of this note consist of comments on the
editions of Part I and Part II of GB, respectively. The fourth part (#4)
gives additional references to Frazer's GOLDEN BOUGH, in order to facilitate
a better understanding of Wittgenstein's remarks. #1. Introduction and
general comments #1.1 Wittgenstein's remarks on Frazer's THE GOLDEN BOUGH
were not written as a single span of text but are found scattered among
various manuscripts. They were initially compiled and edited by Rush Rhees
and have been published in the following editions: GB 1967 "Ludwig
Wittgenstein. Bemerkungen über Frazers THE GOLDEN BOUGH" Edited by Rush
Rhees. SYNTHESE 17 pp.233-253 (Dordrecht, Netherlands).[*2*] [German text.
With the inclusion of quotations from THE GOLDEN BOUGH in Part II.
Introductory note in English by Rush Rhees] GB 1971 "Remarks on Frazer's
GOLDEN BOUGH" Edited by Rush Rhees, translated by A.C. Miles and Rush Rhees.
THE HUMAN WORLD 3 pp.28-41 (Swansea, Wales, U.K.). [Abridged English
translation of GB 1967 with the inclusion of quotations from THE GOLDEN
BOUGH. Introductory note in English by Rush Rhees on pp.18-28] GB 1979a
FRAZER'S GOLDEN BOUGH Edited by Rush Rhees, translated by A.C. Miles,
translation revised by Rush Rhees. Doncaster, U.K.: The Brynmill Press.
[Abridged reprint, with corrections and the inclusion of additional
quotations from THE GOLDEN BOUGH, German text with English translation.
Introductory note in English by Rush Rhees] GB 1979b "Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Remarks on Frazer's GOLDEN BOUGH" Translated by John Beversluis. In:
Hassocks, Sussex, U.K.: The Harvester Press. [English translation of GB
1967, with corrections and the inclusion of additional quotations from THE
GOLDEN BOUGH[*3*] GB 1989 "Bemerkungen über Frazers GOLDEN BOUGH" Edited by
SCHRIFTEN pp.29-46, p.141f. Edited and translated by Joachim Schulte.
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Suhrkamp. [German text, abridged, with
corrections and quotations from THE GOLDEN BOUGH, translated into German.
Editorial note by Schulte on p.141f] GB 1993 "Bemerkungen über Frazers
PHILOSOPHICAL OCCASIONS 1912-1951 pp.115-155, 511-512. Edited by James C.
Klagge and Alfred Nordmann. Indianapolis, USA: Hackett Publishing Company.
[German text of GB 1967, with corrections and quotations from THE GOLDEN
BOUGH. References also to the standard edition of THE GOLDEN BOUGH. English
translation by John Beversluis from GB 1971a, slightly revised. Editorial
conventions pp.xiv-xvi. Introductory note by the editors pp.115-117.
Additions and corrections to the text on p.512] #1.2 Each edition consists
of two parts: Part I is based on remarks from the early thirties, Part II
contains notes from manuscript sheets probably not written before 1936. The
exact sources and the dating of the remarks published in Part I are (with
page references to GB 1993):[*4*][*5*] GB 1993: pp.118-132 TS 211 (1932):
pp.313-321 GB 1993: p.132 MS 110 (2.7.1931): p.257 GB 1993: p.132 TS 211
(1932): p.322 GB 1993: p.132-134 TS 213 (1932-33): pp.433-434 GB 1993: p.134
TS 213 (1932-33): p.433 GB 1993: p.134 MS 110 (1.7.1931): pp.253-254 GB
1993: p.136 MS 110 (1.7.1931): p.255 GB 1993: pp.136-138 MS 110 (6.7.1931):
pp.297-299 Part II bases on MS 143, which is dated by Rush Rhees "not
earlier than 1936 and probably after 1948" (GB 1967: p.234). Michael Nedo
presumes that MS 143 originates from 1936.[*6*] The sources can be studied
on the Cornell copy of the Wittgenstein Nachlaß; we indicate both the
microfilm roll number (first number) and the volume number in the bound
xerox copy (second number): 1; 12 (MS 110) - 15; 88b (TS 211) - 21; 89c (TS
213) - 25; 68 (MS 143).[*7*] #1.3 The first edition was published in 1967
(GB 1967). Since then Wittgenstein's REMARKS ON FRAZER'S GOLDEN BOUGH has
been widely referred to and translated into different languages. In GB 1979a
the German text was reprinted with corrections from GB 1967, and with
additional quotations from the abridged edition of Frazer's THE GOLDEN
BOUGH, New York and London: Macmillan 1922. But in fact GB 1979a is not a
complete reprint, but an abridged version. This was brought to public
attention in the very latest edition, GB 1993. GB 1993 is editorially the
most rigorous publication, with regard to its antecedents, in particular to
GB 1989.[*8*] However, it still contains deficiencies and misreadings which
were taken over from previous editions since the text was apparently not
proofread against the originals. The editors of GB, when confronted with the
original manuscripts, had the choice to diplomatically transcribe the
sources, or to intervene with editorial grammar, punctuation and spelling in
order to improve the readability of the text. Concerning the latter there
have been made different decisions in the course of the editions; however,
in our opinion the editors succeeded in neither option. In many ways the
principal outcome is to distort essential features of Wittgenstein's style.
Several of the "corrections" actually concern accepted varieties of German
spelling and grammar. On the other hand, some of Wittgenstein's
idiosyncracies - which are evidently not in accordance with German grammar -
have been retained so that the reader is led to believe that the text is
being rendered as authentically as possible. [...]

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