I may be lliterate, but at least she admits I'm logical.



Logical Illiterates Strike Again

A year or so ago I had the great misfortune to correspond with an irascible 
fellow who could not resist making ill-informed comments about my Essays, all 
the while refusing to read them.

I refused to continue to correspond with him on that basis, and, it seems, he 
has been sulking ever since. Last year I had occasion to slap some materialist 
sense into him (here), but I fear that this incorrigible Idealist is beyond 
even my help. Despite several attempts to inoculate him from his own folly, Mr 
B has once again demonstrated that he is immune to the influence of modern 
logic, preferring his own brand of sub-Hegelian make-believe. Commenting on an 
argument of mine, he had this to say:

"CB: The sentence 'John is a man' means John is both the same and different 
from Joe, Jack, Rosa, Charles...  It is precisely the 'is' of predication that 
is a unity and struggle of opposites. The 'is' of identity  'He is John.' -- 
that is not a tautology.

CB: This should be 'that is a tautology'." [Quotation marks changed to conform 
to the conventions adopted here.]

This odd piece of reasoning was exposed for what it is here, and here.

Despite this, Mr B hopes to neutralise my arguments by referring merely to his 
own not inconsiderable authority in this field -- that is, the field usually 
occupied by Popes and assorted dictators whose word is law. And in matters 
logical, that should be enough for us. It certainly is for Mr B.

He now deigns to comment on the musings of my colleague Babeuf; here is an 
example of truly innovative historical materialism:

"CB: Another fundamental activity was the raising of children. I'm thinking 
language/culture emerged between parents and children."

It is reasonably clear that Mr B has shot from the hip again -- or rather shot 
from the holster and into his foot --, for if the above were the case, not only 
would parents and children confront each other like Pentecostal ecstatics, 
mouthing incomprehensible noises at one another, no two families would share 
the same idiolect. Communication between families would thus be impossible. In 
that case, 'culture', as Mr B sees it, would soon begin to resemble that 
cacophony which constantly sounds in his head.

Now, in Essay Twelve Part One, I asserted that most Marxists give lip-service 
to the idea that language is a social phenomenon, but fail to think through the 
implications of that fact, and talk and write as if language were a private 
affair. Mr B has shown once again that when it comes to getting things wrong, 
he is keen to elbow his way to the front of the queue. How language can be 
social, but remain a family affair is perhaps another one of the 
'contradictions' that still compromises his thought processes:

"Before I had even heard of dialectics -- living in the a mental (sic) world of 
strict formal logic -- I started to 'run into' lots of contradictions and 
paradoxes. My own road to dialectics was a posteriori, not a priori."

Mr B here confuses matters biographical with matters logical; unless --, of 
course, he thinks paradoxes are a posteriori. But, even if he were right, this 
otherwise commendable public confession of his own confused thought should not 
be read as mere humility. On the contrary, the road to Hermetic-enlightenment 
-- a path which all true dialecticians have to pass along in order to qualify 
as adepts (and the reasons for this are exposed here)  -- elevates them way 
above the rest of us mortals. This means that if ever they regain power 
somewhere they can screw-up once more in a truly almighty and awe-inspiring 
manner. After all, they have a suitably screwy theory to help them on their way.

But what is this? It is none other than our old friend Mr D, who  volunteers a 
riposte so devastating I hesitate to post it here for fear it might affect the 
reader's sanity:

"This is just stupid, even more stupid than the Trotskyist recitations of 

Mr D, someone who is not known for his ability to string a clear argument 
together -- but a well-respected expert at drawing attention to that fact --, 
probably does not know that the material about which he is commenting has to be 
compressed into a three minute slot, and has to be kept to a level that makes 
it comprehensible to mere workers. And here he can be forgiven, for over the 
years, at his site, he has developed an enviable skill at repelling such lowly 
types, and to the extent that he has probably forgotten their limitations. One 
of which is that they find the mystical ideas he spouts incomprehensible. It's 
a good job then that we have substitutionists of his calibre to do their 
thinking for them.

Now, we have already seen that Mr D takes exception to anyone who cannot 
compress a PhD thesis into a sentence or two --, a skill he taunts the rest of 
us with, since, as the sentence above reveals, he can squeeze several into a 
single line. He is, I am sure, working on doing the same with a single word.

We wait with baited hooks...

Mr B then posted a few sections from a summary Essay of mine, but the 
eagle-eyed Mr D swooped in for the kill, with yet more lethal prose:

"This is all pretty juvenile leftism."

Well, Mr D should know.

But, it is rather unfair of him to pull rank, and complain that my words are 
juvenile when he still has his dialectical diapers on. And as if to prove it, 
he throws another toy out of his pram:

"The entire history of philosophy to Rosa is a scheme, a ruse, duplicity."

He might like to quote where I say this, or even imply it.

But, accuracy is not Mr D's concern; we have seen that several times already.

[Less charitable readers might be forgiven a snigger or ten here when they 
notice that Mr D thinks that the history of Philosophy can be a "a ruse, 
duplicity". Philosophy itself might be so described (but not by me), but how 
the history of that bogus discipline can be depicted thus is a question that 
perhaps Mr D's psychiatrist is alone qualified to answer.]

Back to Mr B, for he is intent on providing yet more amusement. In response to 
that summary of my criticisms of Lenin's crass remarks, he bravely leapt to his 
defence (but the reader will soon see that Lenin would be better defended by 
his sworn enemies, if this is the best Mr B can do):

"Anyway, the first thing I noticed is that this is from 'Philosophical 
Notebooks'. That means personal musings, talking out loud to oneself, 
unpublished personal thoughts. That doesn't mean they can't be criticized, but 
it also means we can't be sure what status Lenin gave them, but there's a good 
chance that he didn't publish them because he may have had criticisms of them 
himself.  It's kind of cheating to attribute to them such a fundamental status 
in Lenin's arguments for his positions."

So, with Mr B as his defence attorney, Lenin would be well advised to plead 
guilty and throw himself on the mercy of the court.

Mr B should know (but I hesitate to praise him too much here) that Lenin's 
words are treated as gospel by practicing Marxists, and it is these I am 
addressing in my Essays, not armchair HCDs like him.

However, if Mr B is right, and we can disregard Lenin's amateurish musings, all 
well and good, In that case, perhaps we should throw Hegel's Hermetic 
hodge-podge onto Hume's bonfire too? Since the latter's work reads like an 
extended April Fool's joke, who will miss it?

But, how does Mr B handle the summary of my argument? Well, it is worth 
pointing out that the comment below was written after he had pointed out that 
Lenin was summarising his own ideas, and should not be treated unfairly because 
of that. No problem, Rosa's summary can be treated with disdain; after all 
consistency is not to be expected of someone who thinks reality is riddled with 

"Also, the 'John is a man' discussion is not given in the discussion itself and 
inferentially by it being a personal diary, the logical status that Rosa gives 
it, i.e. that Lenin claimed to derive eternal truths and universal principles 
out of it. On the contrary, he seems to be discussing it as an example, not 
some kind of fundamental proof of the universality of dialectics. That's really 
cheating by Rosa. She portrays this example by Lenin as if he uses it in the 
opposite of the way he actually does. Can't remember whether I raised this with 
Rosa when she was here. I do remember she got pretty angry pretty quickly , 
started hurling insults pretty quickly when challenged. I realize she gets 
challenged a lot, so for her it was just the same old lunkheadism, but I mean, 
I really can't see where Lenin employed the 'John is a man' thing as 
fundamentally, can't see where he attempted to derive as much from it as she 
claims. She should start with an example from something published. When she 
uses an intellectual diary note, it could very well be that Lenin didn't 
publish it because he thought of some of the same criticisms of it that she 

Can anyone figure out what this muddle-head is trying to say here? Is there a 
an actual counter-argument in there -- anywhere?

Now, Mr B should know that Lenin is here summarising an argument Hegel 
inflicted on humanity (one that had first appeared in Aristotle, but which 
assumed classical form in Aquinas and Buridan (references can be found in Essay 
Three Part One)), where he does try to derive everything from the nature of 
'judgements' -- sentences of a certain sort -- where the "is" of predication is 
re-configured as an "is" of identity. Hegel uses "The rose is red" to show that 
the universe is fundamentally contradictory. Is it unfair of me to point this 
out? Perhaps it was even more unfair of Hegel to advert to his own logical 
incompetence in this way?

[That argument, if such it may be called, is dissected here, and here.]

In passing, Mr B notes I get angry very quickly. Here is how I explained why 
this is so (on the opening page of this site):

How Not To Argue 101

This page contains links to forums on the web where I have 'debated' this creed 
with other comrades.

For anyone interested, check out the desperate 'debating' tactics used by 
Dialectical Mystics in their attempt to respond to my ideas.

You will no doubt note that the vast majority all say the same sorts of 
things... They all like to make things up, too, about me and my beliefs.

25 years (!!) of this stuff from Dialectical Mystics has meant I now take an 
aggressive stance with them every time -- I soon learnt back in the 1980's that 
being pleasant with them (my initial tactic) did not alter their abusive tone, 
their propensity to fabricate....

So, these days, I generally go for the jugular from the get-go.

Except, of course, I do not get angry, I just go on the offensive.

Mr B's earlier correspondence with me showed that he too was quite happy to 
make stuff up about my ideas (without bothering to check). But still he wonders 
why I become aggressive. In response, I'd post this quite rare picture of him, 
but even I am not that cruel:

Based on a summary of my argument -- which even at 71,000 words represents less 
than 10% of the material I have so far published -- he thinks he has understood 
my work. Had he bothered to check (and you can stop that sniggering at the 
back; I am sure one day he will) he would have seen that I quote from published 
work, scores of times, right across the DM-spectrum. Indeed, I manage to show 
that every single dialectician indulges in the same sort of a priori dogmatics 
-- in private notebooks and published work -- as Lenin, Engels and Hegel. In 
fact, that is the only way they can make this loopy 'theory' seem to work.

But, how does this super-scientist answer that allegation?

"Hegel, Marx, Engels, Lenin give lots of other examples as the basis for their 
generalization rendering their claims a posteriori, not a priori."

However, we can leave Marx out, for he is almost totally silent on this 
'theory'. As for the rest, here is what I say in Essay Seven:

To be sure, there are a handful of scientists who accept this and the other two 
'Laws' as laws -- particularly those who hail from previous generations of the 
Communist Party (e.g., Bernal, Haldane and Levy, etc.), but it is quite clear 
that these comrades would have treated with contempt a PhD thesis that relied 
on evidence as weak as that found in this area of dialectics. Indeed, their 
acceptance of the adequacy of the 'data' in support of DM is somewhat analogous 
to a similar acceptance by scientists (who are also Creationists) of 'evidence' 
in favour of, say, the scientific accuracy of the Book of Genesis.

In general, however, the examples usually given by dialecticians (like Hegel, 
Lenin and Engels) to illustrate their 'Laws' are almost without exception 
either anecdotal or impressionistic. If someone were to submit a paper to a 
science journal purporting to establish the veracity of a new law with the same 
level of vagueness, imprecision, triteness, lack of detail and overall 
theoretical naivety, it would be rejected at the first stage. Indeed, 
dialecticians would themselves treat with derision any attempt to establish, 
say, either the truth of classical economic theory or the falsity of Marx's own 
work with an evidential display that was as crassly amateurish as this --, to 
say nothing of the derision they would show for such theoretical wooliness. In 
such circumstances, those who might be quick to cry "pedantry" at the issues 
raised in this Essay would become devoted pedants, and nit pick with the best.

Now, anyone who has studied or practiced real science will know this to be 
true. It is only in books on DM (and internet discussion boards) that Mickey 
Mouse material of this sort seems acceptable.

And this is what I say in the Basic Introductory Essay:

Anyone who has studied and practiced genuine science will know the lengths to 
which researchers have to go to alter even minor aspects of current theory, let 
alone justify major changes in the way we view nature.

In stark contrast, and without exception, dialecticians offer a few paragraphs 
of trite (and over-used) clichés to support their claims. Hence, all we find 
are hackneyed references to things like boiling water, balding heads, plants 
'negating' seeds, Mamelukes fighting the French, a character from Molière 
suddenly discovering that he speaks prose, and the like, all constantly 
retailed. From such banalities, dialecticians suddenly derive universal laws, 
applicable everywhere and at all times.

Even at its best (for example, in Woods and Grant (1995), which is one of the 
most comprehensive defences of classical, hard-core DM to date, and Gollobin 
(1986), which is if anything even more comprehensive), we encounter perhaps a 
few dozen pages of secondary and tertiary information, extensively padded out 
with repetition and bluster (much of which is taken apart here). Contrary 
evidence (of which there is much) is simply ignored. This is indeed Mickey 
Mouse Science.

As Essays Two and Seven show, the universal and eternally-true theses 
dialecticians regularly lift from Hegel go way beyond even the meagre evidence 
Engels, Lenin and Hegel offered in support.

Mr B's parting shot:

"With this initial seriously cheating move by Rosa, I have trouble getting up 
the energy to look at her further arguments."

Well, what a loss to humanity!

Please, someone e-mail him and tell him to "get" it up.

Otherwise I will have no one to poke fun at.

Word Count: 2710

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 © Rosa Lichtenstein 2007

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