Here some more Rosa L. with interlinear comments:
One of Mr D's side-kicks --, a Mr Charles Brown (who grew rather upset
with me when I refused to correspond with him for continually sniping at
me without bothering to read my Essays),
CB: No, Comrade L., I was not upset with you, nor did I refuse to
correspond with you. I think you are fun to argue with, and it was you
who quit the exchange. I was then and am now willing to continue the
exchange. How is it that you misread my state of mind about our
discussion ? That is not a logical error, but it is a mistake in

 has produced the following devastating response to a point made in
Essay Three Part One ( ) -- although,
it is clear that Mr B is here merely commenting on excerpts posted by Mr
D himself:
"RL: The boss is a crook". Plainly, this does not mean that the boss is
identical with a crook! (Which one?)  
CB: Uhhhh, plainly, yes it does." 
[I plan to use this prize example in Essay Twelve to show how even
academic Marxists and HCDs ( Church
Dialecticians ) are rank amateurs when it comes to logic.]
CB: Another error in assessment or judgment: I am not an academic, and
therefore not an academic Marxist. Nor am I an HCD , (High Church
Dialectician) as Rosa L. defines it. ( Also, I'm a whiz at logic)
Rosa L. defines High Church Dialecticians in a way that is not like me,
as anyone on Marxism-Thaxis list knows from years of my posts. Here is
Rosa's HCD:

2) High Church Dialecticians [HCD's]: these Marxists, on the other
hand, are in general openly contemptuous of the 'sophomoric ideas' found
in most of the DM-classics (even though many of them have an odd liking
for Engels's first 'Law'). 
CB: From Thaxis to Lou Pro's Marxism list, I believe I am known as a 
respecter of the DM classics, probably a Stalinist, even (gasp). Ask Jim
F. . I quote _Anti-Duhring_ more than most. So, yet another error in
judgment by Rosa L.  

RL: More often than not, they reject the idea that the dialectic
operates in nature, 
CB: This point was debated at great length on this list years ago. Jim
F. will tell you that I was a prime defender of the idea that dialectic
operates in nature.  Another error by Rosa in assessing , in reading my
thought.  They aren't precisely logical errors, but they are thinking
RL: inconsistently using Engels First 'Law' perhaps to justify this
'leap' (so that they can claim that humanity is unique), just as they
are equally dismissive of these simple LCD souls for their adherence to
every word in the classics.31
[Anyone who knows about High Church Anglicanism will know of what I
HCD's are mercifully above such crudities; they prefer the mother lode
-- direct from Hegel, Lenin's Philosophical Notebooks and/or the
writings of assorted latter day Hermeticists like Raya Dunayevskaya, CLR
James, Tony Smith, Tom Sekine, Robert Albritton, Chris Arthur and
Bertell Ollman -- sometimes cut perhaps with a few kilos of hardcore
jargon straight from that intellectual cocaine-den, otherwise known as
French Philosophy. 
CB: I've often criticized post-mods. As to Lenin, I don't use the
Philosophical Notebooks, but regularly use _Materialism and
Empirio-Criticism_ to criticize post-mods  (and positivists;nb; Rosa
L)as neo-Kantians.

So, you don't think humans are unique ?
Or worse: that haven of intellectual heroin: the work of Heidegger.
CB:  I don't buy  Heidegger.
HCD's are generally, but not exclusively, academic. Tortured prose is
their forte, and pointless existence is their punishment.
CB: I'm not an academic, and my prose is crisp. I'm almost as witty as
Rosa L. 
Anyway, Rosa has a notably and demonstrably inaccurate assessment of
me. I'm working on drawing out the implications of this for criticizing
her claims to logical supremacy. More later. 

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