All of this demonstrates why I can't get involved 
in this melee.  As long as politics gets 
conducted on this level, how can anything get straightened out?

However, the Clinton campaign, whichever way it 
goes, has to straighten itself out.  The more 
fundamental problem is that the legitimacy of 
Clinton, whatever the objective criticisms of 
Obama, has a flimsy basis other than the fact 
that she is an entrenched representative of the 
party, a course she charted for herself ever 
since Bill left office, if not before.

Obama's weaknesses should have been dealt with a 
long time ago, but they couldn't be, for a number 
of reasons.  Obama's appeal to independents (i.e. 
idiots) and moderate Republicans (reforming 
idiots) is the source of his strength, even 
though this very same appeal alienates 
traditional (white) Democrats, and did not make 
Obama appealing to blacks until whites voted for him en masse.

There is a lot of mess to be entangled here, but 
it's too late to accomplish anything but damage 
control.  That means the Clinton supporters have 
to change their tone and their accusations.

At 01:26 PM 3/13/2008, Charles Brown wrote:
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64Content-Disposition: inline
>By Ariel Alexovich
>Hillary Rodham Clinton at the National Newspaper 
>Publishers Association Presidential Forum. (Photo: Brendan Smialowski for The
>1.March 12th,
>8:52 pm I can’t believe I actually used to support Ferraro. She’s a lunatic.
>— Posted by Get rid of bigots
>2.March 12th,
>8:57 pm Ahhh - The Clintons have calculatingly 
>decided they can afford to jettison what they 
>have left of the black vote in order to secure 
>the blue collar, closet racist vot that Mr. 
>Penn’s statistics say are a more fertile field to plow.
>The woman is disgusting. Monster is too weak.
>— Posted by Gertie
>3.March 12th,
>8:57 pm Although I support Sen. Obama and have 
>grown steadily less thrilled about Sen. Clinton, 
>I completely accept her disavowal here. The 
>candidates cannot be held responsible for 
>everything every supporter says, and so long as 
>they repudiate it the statements shouldn’t be 
>held against them, same with that ‘monster’ comment.
>Also I’m pleased to see Sen. Clinton starting to 
>work towards the common goal of a Democratic 
>president rather than being sheerly self-serving.
>As for Ms. Ferraro, I used to like her very much 
>and even suggested that she run this year, on 
>this blog many months ago. But I can’t support 
>her ridiculous and damaging comments about this, 
>and I’ll fire a shot back (NOT on behalf of Sen. 
>Obama, he cannot control my statements), on the off chance it gets back to her.
>Ms. Ferraro, the sole reason you were picked to 
>be Mondale’s VP was that you were female, you 
>had no other outstanding characteristics 
>compared to the alternatives. And it turned out 
>you shouldn’t have been picked anyway, what with 
>your husband and son’s various criminal activities. Touche.
>— Posted by Dan Stackhouse
>4.March 12th,
>8:59 pm It is so bitterly ironic that women 
>continue to vote for Hillary. This is the wife 
>who enabled her husband to commit perjury 
>against a woman. She enabled and supported her 
>husband in his abuse of power to prevent abused 
>and harassed women from exercising their rights 
>to sue for justice. She allowed innocent women 
>to be vilified and tarnished by the media. She 
>was his accomplice! It is simply tragic that 
>women continue to support this dysfunctional and 
>destructive couple. They have done more insult 
>and injury to women than practically any pair in 
>US history. How you can continue to forgive and 
>forget these misdeeds is beyond all logic and reason.
>— Posted by Tammie
>5.March 12th,
>9:01 pm what’s this›È˜\Ú[™ÂöÖrÂF†W&^(   [EMAIL PROTECTED] sky
>— Posted by Jude
>6.March 12th,
>9:03 pm Does Mrs. Clinton think she would have 
>gotten where she is in 2004 running as a rookie senator?
>— Posted by Steve Bolger
>7.March 12th,
>9:04 pm If Obama and Clinton both reject 
>Ferraro’s comments, why is there so much debate about this‚’]8 &\Èݙ\ˆ
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] stopped going on TV).
>— Posted by Confused
>8.March 12th,
>9:07 pm Hillary Clinton is going to have to work 
>very hard to reestablish credibility with the 
>black community and with those appalled by her 
>systematic attacks on Obama, many tinged with 
>either a subtle or overt racial component. I’m 
>not calling Hillary Clinton a racist, but 
>appealing to racists to win an election, I don’t 
>see any difference. Either way, she’s 
>perpetuating racism. And I’m afraid she’s going 
>to be right back on the attack trail tomorrow, 
>which means these apologies won’t mean crap.
>— Posted by Nelson Yu
>9.March 12th,
>9:08 pm I think Ferraro Comments were on the 
>mark. Senator Obama has no significant 
>accomplishments, only an opportunist who has 
>capitalized on the people’s need for change. I 
>for one will vote republican if he wins the 
>nomination. I have found his politics to be 
>deceitful and hypocritical, calling people at 
>what he himself is not practicing.
>— Posted by Jeremy
>10.March 12th,
>9:09 pm 1.March 12th,
>8:52 pm I can’t believe I actually used to support Ferraro. She’s a lunatic.
>— Posted by Get rid of bigots
>I totally agree…She can’t seem to help 
>herself….I every time she opens her mouth she 
>seems to step into a bigger hole…And we thought 
>the Republican Party was the party of bigotp 
>)‹•ÚÈÛÝ[]™HۛÝۈÙHY\È\HوY[Ý in the Democratic Party….
>— Posted by justwaitandsee
>11.March 12th,
>9:09 pm I reject and denounce and condemn 
>Ferrarl &\ÈÛÛ[Y[È[™Ü˜^X[\È\œÙ[ˆ\À the victim. 
>But the apple does not fall far from the tree. 
>Hillary Clinton is a monster. Every time the 
>Clinton campaign pulls something like this, I 
>donate to the Obama campaign. I am going to go broke soon.
>— Posted by derekv
>12.March 12th,
>9:11 pm Remember, the Clintons will say or do 
>anything including destroying the Democratic 
>Party to win. The Dems lost both the House and 
>Senate in 1994 but guess what, he was reelected in ‘96.
>The party and country will be in harmed once 
>again if she takes this nomination.
>— Posted by james
>13.March 12th,
>9:12 pm To everyone on the last Ferraro post 
>claiming Obama keeps “pulling the race card”, go 
>back and look at what he has actually said on 
>the matter. He bends over backwards to play down 
>his race, in order to try to broaden his appeal. 
>Seriously, don’t take my word for it, but look 
>into it before you make this claim.
>— Posted by Tom
>14.March 12th,
>9:13 pm Ms. Ferrarh &\À comments are ridiculous 
>and racist. And what’s worst she’s said them 
>before 20 years ago about Jesse Jackson. A 
>completely different person. This cannot be 
>defended. At all. And since Ms. Clinton made 
>such a huge point at one of the prior debates to 
>point out that Mr. Obama denouce Minister 
>Farakhan on his statements about persons of the 
>Jewish faith, she needs to come out and do the same.
>I’m rather disgusted at the ways her campaign 
>has continued to bring race and ethnicity into this race.
>— Posted by Jen G.
>15.March 12th,
>9:14 pm Sen. Clinton can be very gracious (altho 
>it appears she does so here to cater to her 
>specific audience), and her disavowal of Ferraro 
>sounds clear and straight. The problem is that 
>if Clinton and her campaign had maintained this 
>high tone throughout the campaign, she would be 
>dead politically. The only thing that has kept 
>her in it are the attack ads and attack tactics of her campaign.
>I do not get a feeling EVER from Clinton that 
>there is a vision or a principle behind her candidacy.
>Go Obama. Clinton is finished.
>— Posted by Andreas
>16.March 12th,
>9:16 pm “Mrs. Clinton again said that she’s 
>proud to be in this election, and that she would 
>urge her supporters to vote for Mr. Obama if he 
>made it through to the general election.”
>Obama has made this same pledge. Too bad some 
>supporters on this board don’t seem to share the same feelings.
>Democrats in November!
>— Posted by Billie
>17.March 12th,
>9:16 pm The Obama camp screamed bloody murder as 
>well when the Clinton camp raised Obama’s admitted illegal drug use.
>The Clinton campaign is attacked as vicious for 
>raising very serious matters that are going to 
>sink Obama faster than the Titanic once the 
>Republicans crank it up. Let’s air it all now, 
>while we still have a chance to choose a nominee 
>who can actually win the general election.
>Obama knows he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance 
>in hell against a moderate white war hero. He’s 
>willing to condemn us to President McCain, just 
>so he can say he won the nomination, to burnish his career for future runs.
>But he’ll be sure to place the blame for his 
>inevitable loss squarely on Hillary. Isn’t that 
>what Bill Cosby rails against, blacks always 
>playing victim, blaming all their misfortunes on 
>whitesؘ[Xx &\ÈÛÝ]down to an art form.
>— Posted by md
>18.March 12th,
>9:17 pm Mrs. Ferraro said what she had to say. 
>That was probably her personal opinion.
>She was wounded, and it was time to bring her back behind the lines.
>— Posted by Andrew B (AB)
>19.March 12th,
>9:17 pm We all need to let the media know that 
>we are getting tired of all the focus on racial 
>and gender distractions and really want to hear 
>more about the candidates and their issues!
>Today we saw and heard over and over again 
>Obama’s televised response to a question re: the 
>FORCE who were gathered today to announce their 
>endorsement of Senator Barack Obama for 
>president! Not one word re: the gathering or the 
>endorsement. Don’t you think the Clinton 
>campaign and Geraldine Ferraro were smiling and 
>salivating at the fact that this distraction has 
>completely deprived the voting public of any 
>mention from the media of this important meeting.
>If we truly care about the legitimacy of Barack 
>Obama’s candidacy we need to find a way to get 
>the press to focus on what is important. Quite 
>frankly it is the media’s duty, not only to us 
>but to the future of this country! They should 
>be showing us the meat from BOTH campaigns and 
>significantly limit the time spent on these 
>titillating but otherwise worthless distractions.
>AND — so should all of us!
>— Posted by Shannon S
>20.March 12th,
>9:17 pm But wait - she rejected the comments, 
>but she surely didn’t ‘denounce’ them! Oh no!
>— Posted by James
>21.March 12th,
>9:18 pm Even Hillary Clinton knows it’s not 
>smart to enrage an important democrat voting bloc.
>— Posted by Michael C
>22.March 12th,
>9:18 pm except she didnt reject them yesterday 
>she only ‘disagreed’ and called them 
>‘regretable’. sure doesnt sound like a rejection to me. unbelievable…..
>— Posted by lacey
>23.March 12th,
>9:20 pm If the Clintons and their surrogates 
>continue down this dishonest path the Clintons 
>will “further tarnish” their reputations. 
>Americans will not forget their shameful 
>behavior and shenanigans in this campaign.
>— Posted by Maria
>24.March 12th,
>9:21 pm Geraldine Ferraro raised concerns that 
>the Democratic Party has to face. Obama doesn’t 
>win in large diverse states without at least a 
>25% African American electorate, which 
>nevertheless traditionally vote Democratic, for 
>a simple yet paradoxical reason. The simple and 
>undeniable fact is that Obama, two years out of 
>his state legislature, is not nearly as 
>experienced or qualified as is Clinton. Stack 
>Clinton and Obama up against each other and take 
>race and sex out, and it’s not even close. This 
>is not a liberal or conservative or Black or White issue.
>Democrats are hesitant to raise negative issues 
>in primaries. The GOP won’t in the general 
>election. They’ll bring up every weakness: 
>Rezko, lack of experience, lack of proven 
>bipartisan actions (besides words, Senator Obama 
>was one of the most partisan voters in a 
>Senate), Michelle Obama’s words about lack of 
>pride for America until Senator Obama’s ascent 
>to power, his attachment to special interests in 
>case of nuclear power waste issue in Illinois, 
>his building personality cult, plagiarism 
>(whether real or not and Gov. Patrick’s 
>“successes”), and many other spots which 
>inevitably will be found between now and 
>November. The good thing about HRC, which she 
>repeated many times, is that she’s vetted. This 
>means that she was in the epicenter of the White 
>House and senatorial life. In these positions 
>every possible negative material has been 
>published and used against her. The same thing 
>is true about McCain. A race between Clinton and 
>McCain would be mainly a debate on policy 
>differences. Obama is an unknown entity; his 
>past is cloudy and new details, not necessarily 
>positive, appear more frequently as the race continues.
>The Civil Rights Movement has been extremely 
>important to me and I’ve worked in the campaigns 
>of a number of African Americans. However, given 
>Senator Obama’s lack of experience, I’m fearful 
>that an Obama presidency would be a disaster for 
>the country and for the Democratic Party. I am a 
>life-long member of the Democratic Party, but I 
>value my country more than my party and will 
>cross party lines to vote for McCain if Obama heads the ticket.
>— Posted by Wilson
>25.March 12th,
>9:21 pm It should be obvious by now that Hillary 
>is only setting her table for 2012, after McCain 
>serves his first term. Clinton’s crew is ripping 
>open scabs to make sure that Obama can’t win in 
>November, and this garbage will continue until 
>and through the convention. It is so sad - he has so much to offer.
>Obama should skip Pennsylvania and save his 
>campaign money and declare right now that he’s 
>running as an independent and he should start a 
>new political party in this country. If Hillary 
>can still command the support she is receiving — 
>with the stunts she’s been playing — there is 
>nothing of value in the Democratic party worth redeeming.
>— Posted by Fagin
>26.March 12th,
>9:22 pm jeremy-
>you’re so right,, i don’t want a former 
>community activist, lawyer, constitutional law 
>lecturer, state senator and senator to become 
>president. i prefer a former first lady and one 
>term senator who wants to seat delegates from an 
>uncontested primary that she forgot (oops!) to 
>take her name off of when all the other 
>candidates had done so according to the DN@ &\ș\]Y\ÝH]8 &[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>— Posted by barca1
>27.March 12th,
>9:23 pm I agree with Jeremy #4.
>the notion that it is “reprehensible” to talk 
>about race is idotic in itself. There is way to 
>much PC-ing going on over all this. Its getting to the point where if you use

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