(5) Local talk radio a couple mornings ago: someone characterized
Clinton as a suicide bomber (leader of the right wing) in the Dem Party:
if she loses, she will take Democrats down rather than support Obama.

CB: Yea, a main expression of this was when she said McCain is ready,
she's ready , but she's not sure about O.  Basically , she endorsed
McCain over O.  Astonishing in the openness of her treacherous. 

  As far as I can see, Obama is as much an establishment candidate as
Clinton, but is attractive insofar as he is more of a wild card, less
predictable and perhaps less corrupted.

CB: Yea, it's not possible to predict, but there is at least a chance
that he isn't totally sold out like the other two.  There is some chance
that he is a "stealth progressive",given his history as a progressive
activist.  He won't be any worse than Clinton, and might be better.
There's nothing to lose in supporting him.


The entire terms of the recent controversies displease me, because the
issues under debate obscure the underlying dynamics of how we got into
this situation. The race-baiting tactics of the Clintonites sinks much
lower than I would have anticipated, and thus I instinctively react on
Obama's behalf on this one issue, given its potential to sway voters.

But this entire campaign season has been questionable from the start,
including the media sea-saw: first, setting up the contest as an
Obama-Clinton contest, squeezing out the other candidates; then by
setting up Clinton as the shoe-in, bolstered by favorable focus groups
(with a high approval by blacks), then by giving Obama a free ride while
he was winning primary after primary, then giving Hillary a respite once
she won Ohio and Texas, then emphasizing Obama's unstoppability, then
turning on him now converting him from a transcendent figure into a race
man, and now showing him in deep shit while Hillary is resurrected as a
potential winner even though she can only win via manipulation of the
superdelegates, etc.  Hillary is now shown to be a liar, but still her
advocates get lots of airtime.

CB: However, it's hard to see all that tumultuous road as organized by
he ruling class and their media. In other words, there's some real ,
dare I say, democracy going on.  It got _out_ of control. I do not think
the bourgeoisie planned for O to win or to have C steal it as the


Note that the terms in which this contest is being publicly fought and
reported makes it something other than what underlying political and
economic forces are really driving this turn of events. 

CB: Say that again ?


However, there may be also more superficial forces at work driving the
eventual outcome in ways I did not anticipate.  I knew that many
supporters of Obama would not vote for Clinton in the general election
because they were not Democrats or Democratic loyalists in the first
place.  But now to have the threat that Clinton and her supporters would
sabotage their own party (assuming that most Clinton supporters are Dems
and not independents) rather than see Obama win is something new and
highly disturbing to me. This is not a factor in electability that I saw

CB: Consider that this could do damage to the Democratic Party as is.
It certainly could wean many Black people from the DP.  This could be a
crisis for the DP and two party system , no ?  That ain't all bad


This personal quest for power, if it is not about electability from the
standpoint of voters for Clinton but only about Clinton's lust for
power, is small and selfish in the extreme, for after all, the
dashiki-clad jackass preacher notwithstanding, Obama is no radical; he
has joined the establishment with considerable establishment backing. 
Now he is being portrayed not only as incompetent, untested,
inexperienced, and a loose cannon, but as some weirdo race man outside
the mainstream of legitimate politics. And not just by the Republishits,
but by Clinton.

CB: Well, the process is exposing the Clintons. Their honeymoon with
Black people is "ova".

I still think O _is_ Blacker and more progressive than the persona he
is running as.   His tendency will be as progressive as it is possible
to be in that office in this Reaganite period, which period by the way
is almost fascist !


This situation is doubleplusungood.  The only good that can come out of
it is that black people may finally be rid of their illusions about Bill
as the first black president and the Clintons as good white people to
work for.

CB: Yea, see above.  Also, it is allowing the masses of White people
who are ready for an anti-racist , Black-White unity surge to express
their anti-racism.  Some of the mainstream Whites on television,
journalists are really impressing me with how they are fighting the
racism. And there are masses of White voters doing the same.  There are
lots of Whites on comments on newspaper columns and articles, and on
talk radio like randi rhodes who are really impressing me with their
anti-racist consciousness. And the heavy youth component to this is very
promising for the future.  O may not win , but he has helped to coalesce
a new generation of Whites who are showing great promise. They are
seeing right through all this racism, oozing to the surface like puss.

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