Good Morning, Vietnam!
27th March 2008, 03:54 pm by Stan Goff
Nouri al Maliki, at the behest of his American masters, has thrown the new Army 
of the Republic of Vietnam against the militias of the most powerful and 
cohesive popular movement in Iraq, that of Muqtada al Sadr. By all accounts, 
even with their American advisers, tactical air and intelligence support, this 
operation appears to be a stupendous failure; the Mehdi Army of Sadr is 
reported to be routing the Iraqi “government” forces at every turn.

Moreover, it has ignited an uprising that stretches from Baghdad to Basra and 
all points in between. This flagrant violation of the ceasefire that the 
Sadrists renewed only days ago for six additional months, by the 
American-controlled puppet government, has set the stage for the most dangerous 
moment in Iraq for the occupation forces since the dual rebellions in Fallujah 
and Najaf in April 2004.

It has also quite probably signed the death warrant for the Iranian-trained and 
supported militias of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq 
(SCIRI), the foundation of Maliki’s last thread of legitimacy as an “Iraqi 

The calculation is that this “strike” by Mailiki’s forces — many reported to 
have shed their uniforms and joined the Mehdi Army — will interrupt the 
breathing space that the US believes Sadr was using to rest, refit, and 
professionalize his forces… who the press calls “militants,” as it calls the 
Maliki forces “Iraqis.”

The same US press, which has parroted the absurd claims of “surge success” for 
months now, a success that was based on successful ethnic cleansing in Baghdad 
combined with the Mehdi Army’s ceasefire, will now have to tie itself in 
rhetorical knots to explain how this success is now adrift in the columns of 
black smoke rising from one of the two main oil pipelines passing through the 
port-transit city of Basra, and why rocket-propelled grenades and mortar rounds 
are splashing onto the Green Zone like a storm.

This past January, I pointed out in a Truthdig article, that “The principle aim 
of The Surge is to break the power of Muqtada al-Sadr. Sadr not only has the 
seats in the Potemkin parliament of Iraq that put Maliki (a leader in a 
relatively small Shiite party, the Dawa) into power against the SCIRI (the 
largest parliamentary faction); he commands the ferocious loyalty of two and a 
half million people and has an 80,000-strong militia concentrated a stone’s 
throw from the U.S.-protected Green Zone in Baghdad. Baghdad has about 6 
million people; New York City has 8 million, just by way of comparison. The 
population of Sadr City, the “neighborhood” under the leadership of Sadr, is 
approximately that of Brooklyn.”

If I could figure this out from Raleigh, NC, why can’t the press figure it out 
with reporters embedded at the Green Zone? Perhaps I just answered my own 

Just as was pointed out 32 months ago, the American occupation has been thrown 
into alliance with Iranian-backed partitionist Shia formations (by pressure 
from Sadr, actually), yet it cannot afford the dangers inhering in Iraqi 
partition. Yet the most popular nationalist, anti-partition Shia leader in Iraq 
— Muqtada al Sadr — cannot be relied upon to support either the occupation 
(part of the plan for permanent US bases in Iraq) or the oil law that lies near 
the center of the frozen heart of the occupation.

And so, his power must be destroyed… if that is even possible.

Now the US has plunged the knife into the back of even the obedient Kurds, 
allowing Turkish forces to rampage through Iraqi Kurdistan. The list of allies 
is shrinking; and the myth of “surge-success” evaporates.

Good morning, Vietnam.

Category: General  |  Comment (RSS) 
Some comments -
1. Muqtada al Sadr seems to be pursuing a strategy of dividing US troops and 
drawing them out of Baghdad. There are reports of simultaneous bombings in both 
Baghdad and Basra. 

2. Of the two cities, Basra is more vulnerable. If Basra falls, then US troops 
will be forced to move into Basra. Basra is the only port in Iraq - oil gets 
transported out of there, and it’s also an extremely important supply route for 
US troops - equipment, food, materials = incredibly vulnerable. This seems to 
be the plan - draw US troops out of Baghdad to defend Basra. Next: al Sadr 
supporters storm the Iraqi Government. Declare victory. Demand that the U.S. 
get out immediately.

3. U.S. strategy has been a series of misjudgements of the problems and the 
misapplications of the solutions. Problems which could have had a diplomatic 
solution had a bomb dropped on top of them. The US’s first option seems to 
always be pull out the heavy artillery; just drop bombs on the problems in the 
hope that they will go away. 

4. If Basra falls, it’s doubtful they can bomb the city indiscriminately. There 
is an oil facility and the Port can not sustain any damage; plus the oil 
pipeline. Also roads need to be in good repair for the supply vehicles. 

5. After the smoke clears, Muqtada al Sadr will emerge as the power broker in 
Iraq. He has shown himself to be shrewd, 10 steps ahead of the slow-moving U.S. 
behemoth. He’s a popular leader. He’s survived several assassination attempts. 

6. The only real power the US holds in this situation is to divide and conquer. 
That’s a position of extreme weakness.

7. The Iraqi troops working for Al Maliki should be considered to be 
“chameleons” meaning, at the least sign of trouble, they will abandon their 
allegiance to this unpopular man and go with Al Sadr.

9. My only advice to Mr. Petraeus would be: “You underestimate Muqtada Al Sadr 
at your own peril. The problems you are facing defy a military solution”.

27 March 2008, 5:59 pm 
“The problems you are facing defy a military solution”.

Exactly. I think this is true of every problem on earth that might be named.

27 March 2008, 8:06 pm 

Great essay, but I have some questions about the deal cut with the Sunni 
insurgency. Although JAM’s (the Mehdi Army for those unfamiliar with acronyms) 
ceasefire was a significant factor in the “success” of the surge the MSM 
constantly harped about the deal cut by the Sunnis against the so called 
Al-Qaeda in Iraq as being the most important part of the surge. Case in point 
was when our Coward in Chief met with a Sunni sheik that used to fight the 
Occupation forces but then accepted American aid after a deal was cut. Also the 
so called normalcy that the MSM reported in Fallujah suggested this. 

As troop deaths declined (until recently) the MSM talked less and less about 
the Sunnis. I was wondering if you had heard anything about how the Sunnis have 
been reacting to recent developments with JAM in Iraq? I know it is a vague 
question but the MSM has been really lacking in Iraq coverage lately and info 
about recent developments have hard to come by. Unless of course you believe 
the MSM when they say things are getting better in Iraq.

All I am trying to say is that Bush’s surge has been a success in that aspect 
since reliable info on recent developments in Iraq has been exceedingly 
difficult to come by.

STAN: The deal wasn’t cut without big bucks. In Anbar, they have been paying 
guerrillas to not attack Americans and accept weapons and training “to fight al 
Qaeda,” a reference to foreign fighters as well as rival political Islamists 
from Iraq. This was in the wake of basically ceding Anbar and parts of Saladin 
and Ninevah to the political control of Sunni nationalists… who have the best 
of all worlds now. Free money and guns from the US to fight local rivals, local 
political control, the opportunity to build and strengthen, and eventually turn 
the guns on the occupation… after the US figures out how to deal with the fact 
that their only allies outside of the Sunni Triangle and Kurdistan (ie, most of 
Iraq) are also Iranian allies. It would be funny if it weren’t such a sea of 

28 March 2008, 1:00 am 

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