Novaya Gazeta 
March 19, 2008
Cohen's 70th Anniversary
By Mikhail Gorbachev

The Association of Researchers of the Russian 
Society (AIRO-XXI) is celebrating its 15th 
anniversary and we want to congratulate it on 
this occasion. We are not only good friends, but 
we also cooperate effectively. The Association 
presented some of its projects in Novaya Gazeta, 
and our employees took part in the conferences and
seminars organized
 by it.

Tomorrow a presentation will be held of a book 
prepared by the Association. The book is 
dedicated to one of the members of the 
International Council of AIRO-XXI. He is our 
mutual friend, who contributes regularly to our 
newspaper. This is Stephen Cohen, a brilliant 
American philosopher and historian.

The book has been published on the eve of the 
70th anniversary of Mr. Cohen, who is the 
Professor of Russian Research and History in New 
York university, Honorable Professor of Princeton 
University, and also a political observer, 
well-known in the US and Russia. The book’s title 
is “Stephen Koen and Soviet Union/Russia” 
authored by G.N.Bordyugov and L.N.Dobrokhotov.

Novaya Gazeta publishes some fragments from this
anniversary edition.

A well-educated Russian reader, keen on the home 
history, knows well the books by Stephen Cohen: 
Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution: A 
Political Biography, 1888-1938; Failed Crusade: 
America and the Tragedy of Post-Communist Russia,
2001; and others.

When I was told that Stephen Cohen is celebrating 
his 70th anniversary, I just couldn’t believe it. 
His image of a lively person with great sense of 
humor that surfaced in my mind, contradicted 
obviously to such a “grave” figure of 70. It 
happens sometimes that a persons’ image is 
defined not with the lifetime a person has behind 
oneself but with person’s attitude towards life, job
and people.

I have known Stephen Cohen for long. We have 
often met and discussed different historical and 
political issues. Our frank talks made us 
friends. His books about Russia were always 
distinguished with topicality, and comprehensive 
and deep exploration of the chosen topic. Looking 
back to Perestroika times, I remember many 
acquaintances of mine being absorbed in reading 
his book about Nikolai Bukharin. The judgments by 
Steve about this outstanding and mixed figure in 
our history amazed us with accuracy of assessment 
and consistency of the conclusions. I remember 
that book, that was in tune with the times, 
becoming a bestseller in Soviet Union.

But even more significant came his book telling 
about why Soviet Union collapsed, where he, 
unlikely to “traditional Sovietologists” - who 
ignored the contradictory nature of the soviet 
history and “Stalinized” it mainly - gave an 
objective interpretation of its principal stages. 
When reflecting over the text of that book, I 
noticed to have much in common with the author in 
terms of appraisal of different periods and most 
important events in the soviet history.

Steve Cohen has proved to be a brave and 
impartial researcher of post-soviet political 
history. One of his latest works - Failed 
Crusade: America and the Tragedy of 
Post-Communist Russia -  is typical in that 
respect, where he, as an expert in Russian 
issues, deprecated direct interference by 
American authorities in the Russian reforming, in 
particular the approval by Americans of 
devastating Yeltsin’s policy of “shock therapy”.

To tell the truth, I’m glad about the fact that 
Steve Cohen, when studying Russian history, 
cooperates fruitfully with Gorbachev Fund. His 
recent work dealing with analysis of Soviet Union 
reforming was naturally included in a collective 
monograph “Breakthrough To Freedom” dedicated to 
20th anniversary of Perestroika. So I look 
forward to further successful cooperation.

I believe that successful academic career by 
Steve wouldn’t have been so successful without 
his clever friend and beloved wife Katherine. 
Being an expert for Russia and the editor of the 
progressive magazine The Nation she has always 
been of great support without which his books 
would have been less correct and perfect. Every 
time Steve Cohen visited Russia I saw his 
charming daughter Nicky accompany him and ask him 
difficult questions which he tried to answer 
frankly. That was not easy but it’s exactly such 
candid communication that can help you bring up 
your children in the best way. It was noticed 
long ago that there is no need in “special” 
process of “educating” children as they just only 
need to be full actors in their parents’ lives. 
I’m sure that Katherine and Nicky are such 
sources of the inspiration for our hero of 
jubilee without which his life would be, of 
course, less joyful and less fruitful.

Concluding on my reflections, I want to stress 
one more time such features of his personality 
like impartial search for the scientific truth - 
without which it is impossible to comprehend the 
present and to forecast the future - also 
boldness and objectivity. There are few scholars, 
historians and publicists having such qualities 
today, and it’s exactly such qualities that have 
never been in greater demand by people 
experiencing global challenges of the modern age.

The world of today wants new democratic and 
humanitarian seeing of the future. I believe that 
Steve Cohen is promoting such a vision with his 
knowledge and bold and original research.

On the eve of his 70th anniversary I want to wish to
him “Carry on!”

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