my "obsessive opposition" to Obama

Joaquin  Bustelo writes -
What makes  Dbachmozart include in a comment about the speech,
writes a clever  bit of cliched rhetoric for him," without spending 5
googling to see  if there is any reporting on whether Obama or a ghost
wrote that  speech. Given the nature of the speech, it was obviously
relevant, which is  WHY Dbachmozart found it worth asserting that it
written "for him" and  not "by him. OK, in Dbachmozart's individual
case we
can speculate it is his  obsessive opposition to this particular
politician. But the same  meme is all over the internet and with no
foundation at all, which is where  Dbachmozart picked it up

reply -
Re: my "obsessive opposition to this particular bourgeois politician" 
- as 
if Obama is the only bourgeois politician that I and other comrades
oppose!  On 
a Marxism list, I wouldn't expect much time to be devoted to  debunking
promises of a McCain or Clinton or even a Kucinich - I don't sense  any

illusions about their campaign rhetoric from comrades. But there are
some  obvious 
flirtations being made here towards Obama, and if they can't be 
criticized on 
THIS list without the demagogic accusation of white supremacy  being
used as a 
cudgel to stifle that criticism, then the political  situation in the
US is 
even worse than I thought . I could understand and  even partially
with such a flirtation if Obama's campaign  had HALF the clear left
wing thrust 
that Jackson's Rainbow  campaigns certainly did, but someone who
nothing more than the  mealy-mouthed centrist drivel of "there is no
America"/ giving Bush every  penny he's asked for to destroy Iraq and
blank check  support to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that Israel wants to do
the  Palestinians/ "excesses of the 60s and 70s" praise for the Reagan
years -  
program of the DLC - Democrats for the Leisure Class - THAT'S the
that we should stifle our critique of to appease those in the Black
who will settle for nothing more than "a Black face in a high place"??
isn't leadership, it's tailism - opportunism, dressed up as being 
to the hopes and dreams of a cruelly oppressed people. It is a 
reflection of 
a pessimistic view of Black America as being hopelessly naive and 
unsophisticated. And what happens if and when he's elected and does  
everything we know he'll do to protect the Empire's interests, what do
we tell  people 
who've listened and followed our advice to support him - even if  
"critically"? We'd be in the same boat that a discredited Hillary is in
today as  she 
tries in vain to explain to anti war Democrats why she supported the
war in  2002 
- "I didn't really support actually going to war".
There are those on the left who are supporting Obama with  the
that once he gets into office and starts carrying out the  DLC program,
supporters, invigorated by the promises and hopes of  his campaign,
will turn 
against him and create a powerful  opposition from the left and if we
antagonize them with our  criticisms, we can be part of a new mass
The reality is that mass movements just don't spring up overnight. An 
candidacy would de-mobilize the left as the Kerry candidacy did to  the
war movement in '04, and his DLC program would more  likely demoralize
than energize the forces that are so  enthusiastically supporting him
Where would that leave Black America  and the left? 
Maybe comrade Bustelo feels that ALL critics of Obama are  contaminated
white supremacy? And the Black critics from Black Agenda  Report and
The Black 
Commentary - AND MALCOLM X IF HE WAS STILL WITH US!! - must  be ultra
"self-hating" Blacks! It seems that comrade Bustelo may have  been
contaminated by 
the demonizing tactics employed by Zionists  against their critics.
I have found myself in agreement with the valuable insights that  this

comrade has contributed here with respect to the struggle against all
forms  of 
white privilege including when it raises its head within the left,  as
well as 
with party building and the nationalist aspect of the combined 
revolution in 
South America. I also agree with him that if Obama does  get the
nomination, the 
non Democratic Party left must take a certain approach  that we
wouldn't have 
with a white candidate, something like "I hear where  you're coming
from and 
we both want the same thing, but there's something to the  sayings
"show me who 
your friends are and I'll tell you who you are" and "he who  pays the
picks the tune". However, I feel that comrade Bustelo and a  few other
on this list are dangerously close to going over the  line by actually

supporting Obama's candidacy. If this is indeed the case,  it would be
refreshing if 
these comrades would just come out and say  what they've been hinting
at these 
last few months -- that they're  supporting Obama --  not because of
soft on the  Democrats, but because they want to be part of the "anti 
movement",  or whatever cliche they choose. The discussion  could then
proceed on 
a political rather than an ad hominem level.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second,
it  is 
violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Arthur
Schopenhauer (1788-1860

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