Ralph Dumain 

The comparison is rather dubious, and insulting.  If Obama were a 
truth-teller, he would not have made it to this point. He plays 
straight to the middle of the road, trying to please everyone. And 
how do you know Obama is risking his life?  You think the secret 
service will punk out on him?

CB: Hey, I am a fan of MLKing, a follower even, but for a moment think
of him as not a saint, but as radical activist, with some faults. He may
have been more radical than Obama, but Obama is still making King like
ideals central to his campaign.  He's even being critcized for being to,
well, sort of religious. Consider how religious MLKing was. More
religious than Obama. I'm not knocking religion , but there is an
atheist point of review respected here. 

So, if we just think of both of them as human for a moment, isn't it
less outrageous to compare O with K ? Just a cut above average,  leaders
among equals.

Unfortunately, and I don't like to talk about it, but I do worry about
you know what.

Why do Black people have nightmares ? Cause the last Negro who had a
dream got you know what.


The test of the American soul is not a clean test, for there are a 
number of reasons white and other Americans have their doubts about 
Obama.  The Jeremiah Wright flap indeed re-blackified Obama for the 
time being.  Hard to tell the long-term ramifications.  Of course, 
there remains a racial double standard.  A large number of whites are 
perfectly willing to accept a black person in a position of authority 
if he is ten times as competent, deferential, and 
non-demanding.  This will obviously affect the acceptance 
factor.  However, Obama's platitudinous campaign may underimpress 
long time white Democrats who are wondering why the ghost of FDR or 
maybe Hubert Humphrey for lack of anything better has not yet been

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