The Struggle Over Commons Governance at Wikipedia
Bill Totten 
by David Bollier (March 14 2008)

Surely there is no greater living experiment in commons-based
than Wikipedia, one of the biggest, most productive online communities
around.  Wikipedia now hosts more than nine million articles in 250
languages, all of them contributed by volunteers.  It is a remarkable

But what may be more interesting - if difficult for the Wikipedians
involved - is the growing struggle to negotiate better ways of
this burgeoning collective project and its offshoots as a public
 The fights are not just about power (who should wield it) and
philosophy (what editorial and management principles should prevail),
but about Wikipedia's very identity.  Now that Wikipedia is one of the
most-visited sites on the Web, this is a high-stakes, high-visibility

One of the biggest battles is between "inclusionists" and
"deletionists".  Inclusionists believe that Wikipedia should host the
widest imaginable range of articles, even at the risk of including
entries that might be regarded as trivia.  So, for example, should
Wikipedia host biographies of the 500 fictional characters who make up
Pokemon cards?  Inclusionists say yes - that's why people like

Deletionists say no.  They want to exercise some level of editorial
judgment in determining what sorts of articles will be featured in
Wikipedia.  They argue that Wikipedia's reputation and reliability
be enhanced if there is a measure of selectivity.  And as people who
commit more time to running the operation, they understandably feel
should have a greater say.

To try to resolve this fierce debate between inclusionists and
deletionists, Wikipedia has evolved an elaborate set of internal
processes.  As described in The Economist (March 08 2008), a subject
eligible for inclusion in Wikipedia only if it is considered
as defined by such criteria as mention in an international journal,
matches on Google, and subject-specific rules (a porn star who has
appeared in Playboy is "notable", but one who has appeared in a
low-budget porn film is not).  Final decisions about what gets in and
what is deleted are made by a core group of about 1,000 editors and
administrators.  And for particularly controversial decisions, there
an appeal process handled by the Arbitration Committee.

While the popular perception of Wikipedia is that anyone can submit an
article - which is true - there is, in fact, an elaborate virtual
bureaucracy of sorts that decides what content stays in, what gets
edited, and what gets deleted.  The Economist notes:

Debates about the merits of articles often drag on for weeks, draining
energy and taking up far more space than the entries themselves.  Such
deliberations involve volleys of arcane internal acronyms and
to obscure policies and guidelines ... Covert alliances and intrigues
are common.  Sometimes editors resort to a practice called "sock
puppetry", in which one person creates lots of accounts and pretends
be several different people in debate so as to create the illusion of
support for a particular position.  The result is that novices can
quickly get lost in Wikipedia's Kafkaesque bureaucracy.

This battle between inclusionists and deletionists is just part of a
much larger set of complaints being raised against Wikipedia
 There is, for example, a Wikipedia Review {1}, that hosts a range of
rants and debates about how Wikipedia and related projects are run.

An excellent overview of the complaints against Wikipedia governance
be found on Michel Bauwens' informative Peer to Peer Foundation blog
{2}.  Bauwens believes that "major reforms will be needed to ensure
Wikipedia governance is democratic and remains so".   His concerns:

1.  Wikipedia disrespects and disregards scholars, experts, scientists
and others with special knowledge.

2.  Wikipedia's culture of anonymous editing and administration
in a lack of responsible authorship and management.

3.  Wikipedia's administrators have become an entrenched and
over-powerful elite, unresponsive and harmful to authors and

4.  Wikipedia's numerous politics and procedures are not enforced
equally on the community - popular or powerful editors are often

5.  Wikipedia's quasi-judicial body, the Arbitration Committee
is at best incompetent and at worst corrupt.

6.  The Wikimedia Foundation, the organization legally responsible for
Wikipedia, is opaque, is poorly managed, and is insufficiently
independent from Wikipedia's remaining founder and his business

To an outsider, it is hard to evaluate many of the issues and how they
should be resolved constructively.  But it is clear that the existing
governance of Wikipedia needs serious attention.  The fate of
matters, first, because it is a significant innovation of great
practical and symbolic value.  We should all wish for its success.

Second, we need to learn more about the principles of successful
management and governance in the peer production environment.  I'm
hoping that Wikipedia leadership can navigate the power politics
that community and attempt to establish more open, democratic
for self-governance.

The most sobering thing I learned from Bauwens' blog post was his
response to one reader comment:  "My feeling after going over the
evidence is that the dysfunctional process is probably beyond reform,
and that the deletionist power grab is too entrenched.  Before, I was
the opinion that the dysfunctions were part of a broadly healthy
ecosystem that could repair itself from within."

Let's hope this is not true.  But if so, there is a powerful object
lesson:  The structures and cultures of online commons - especially
large ones - matter a great deal and need close attention and
open-minded adaptations.  Yet even if Wikipedia cannot be reformed
within, the prospect of a "fork" in the community or new competition
from the outside, can be salutary.

Indeed, that is already happening.  One of the original Wikipedia
co-founders, Larry Sanger, has started Citizendium {3}, which has a
greater emphasis on expert editorial judgment.  And Google is planning
project called "Knol" {4} (which stands for a "unit of knowledge")
will allow individuals to submit their own entries to an
encyclopedia-like venture.  A voting system will elevate "the best"
entries, and authors will receive bylines and share in ad revenue
generated by the site.

So there are many varieties of commons for user-generated
 The Internet ecosystem will help sort out the respective fitness of
each one in the digital/social landscape.






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