I can't wait to read this in English.

I don't have the full story of the intellectual 
provenance of secular humanism, but it is a 
highly ambiguous and pliable ideology, a fact has 
its good and bad points.  We've heard the new 
brand name "new atheists" but I haven't heard of 
a new humanism.  Perhaps the germanophone 
environment is not as sterile as ours?

At 06:48 PM 4/10/2008, Jim Farmelant wrote:
>On Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:13:42 -0400 "Charles Brown"
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Jim sent a link to his article to the list, I believe.
> > By the way, one of the references in the article is a link to one
> > of
> > Ralph Dumain's discussions.
>So far, it is only the German version that is
>avalable online. It can be downloaded at:
>It was recently published in the German
>freethough/humanist journal
>Aufklärung und Kritik.  I have
>been trying to get it published in
>English in the US.
>Jim F.
> >
> > CB
> >
> > >>> Ralph Dumain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/09/2008 5:53 PM
> > >>>
> > What exactly did I miss?  I don't recall a discussion on a "new
> > atheism" or "new humanism".
> >
> > I did, coincidentally, however, just discover an interesting book:
> >
> >
> >
> > a New Political Humanism, edited by Barry F. Seidman and Neil
> > J.Murphy. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2004.
> > <http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0416/2004007252.html>Contents.
> >
> > See also web sites for <http://barryfseidman.com/>Barry F. Seidman
> > and <http://www.equaltimeforfreethought.org/>Equal Time for
> > Freethought.
> >

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