In his talk to the Detroit NAACP dinner , Rev. Wright discussed
linguistics (Black and Standard English) . He mentioned the old
"left-brain/rightbrain" thingy from about 30 years ago. His dichotomy
was  "subject thinking" /object thinking".

As I thought about it later, this could be "subject thinking" is to
"object thinking" as imitative thinking is to symbolic thinking.

subject thinking : object thinking :: imitative thinking; symbolic

(Actually thought of the latter when a little boy imitated me with a
salute greeting)

picture or imtiative thinking is one function ( we share that with
other species;"monkey see monkey do"). Symbolic thinking as highly
developed as our's is ,is unique to humans. Symbolic thinking involves
using something to represent something that it is not , an object or
something outside something else represents something that it is not.
The marks on a page 'dog" are identified with something that they are
not identical to, an actual dog. ( See anthropologist Leslie white's
deinition of "symbol" in this regard; see any elementary anthroplogy
textbook.  Picture thinking or representations on the otherhand
"imitate: or similate what they represent. They are similar, not
different , than what they represent.

The prime example of the most objective thinking is writing. originally
it was speaking, but at any rate through language.

Wright actually referred to "learning styles". His "subjective"
thinking involved learners who sympathize with the teacher. They learn
by thinking in terms of "subjects" or imitating other human individuals
(subjects). The other learning style is through "objects" as, Wright put
I then made the "mental slide" from thinking though objects to
"objective thinking".  Then I though of sympathizing with another
subject as imitating another person type thinking.

Anyway, it was an update and connection ( in my frontal lobes ; smile)
between that old ideas of rightbrain/leftbrain, subject/object,
picturethinking/wordthinking, imitate/symbol.

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