On Sun, 22 Jun 2008 20:05:27 -0400 "Charles Brown"
> What's Southwest Neo-Kantianism ?

Wikipedia says the following at:
One major thinker of importance in the first generation of the
Neo-Kantian movement was Hermann Cohen who became known as the leader of
the Marburg School, the other prominent representatives of which were
Paul Natorp, Nicolai Hartmann and Ernst Cassirer. Another important
group, the Southwest School (or Baden School, in Southwest Germany)
included Wilhelm Windelband, Heinrich Rickert and Ernst Troeltsch. The
Marburg School emphasized epistemology and logic, whereas the Southwest
school emphasized issues of culture and value.
The Neo-Kantian schools tended to emphasize scientific readings of Kant,
often downplaying the role of intuition in favour of concepts. However
the ethical aspects of Neo-Kantian thought often drew them within the
orbit of socialism and they had an important influence on Austromarxism
and the revisionism of Edward Bernstein. Lange and Cohen in particular
were keen on this connection between Kantian thought and socialism
leading Ludwig Von Mises to view Kantian thought as pernicious. Another
aspect of the Neo-Kantian movement that was important was its attempt to
promote a revised notion of the Jewish religion particularly in Cohen's
seminal work, one of the few works of the movement available in English

Also see:  http://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/articles/neokantianism.pdf
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