Asia Times, Sep 18, 2008 

China's  imploding US ally By Richard Komaiko and Chris Stewart
Maurice  Greenberg

The collapse of US insurance giant AIG and its US$85 billion  takeover by the 
US government on Tuesday takes the US financial crisis right to  the heart of 
China's development as a capitalist country.

AIG, the  world's sixth-largest company by assets and biggest insurer, 
according to the  Forbes Global 2000 list for 2007, is one of the few US 
institutions to be  founded in China, its roots dating from 1919 when Cornelius 
Starr, a  veteran of World War I, founded a small insurance company in Shanghai 
called  American Asiatic Underwriters, later to become AIG.

More famously,  Starr's successor, Maurice R Greenberg, built relations with 
China's leadership  from 1975, his first visit to the country predating by 
several years the  revolutionary moves by Deng Xiaoping to open up China to 
Western  influences.

In this, Greenberg proved himself a master of developing  guanxi, a term 
summarized as "connections" and now recognized as holding the key  to 
development of business in China.

According to Benjamin A  Shobert, reviewing Robert Buderi and Gregory T 
Huang's book of that name,  "guanxi is commonly perceived as partnering and 
understood to focus the  attention of Westerners on the great importance that 
Chinese put on  relationships. To most Westerners guanxi emphasizes personal 
relationships in  contrast to the contractual, non-relational business 
common in  America.

"While a portion of the word's meaning can simply be seen as  stressing 
relationships, the authors emphasize that a better understanding of  the word 
is to 
emphasize four things: trust, favor, dependence and adaptation -  the last 
what the authors call 'patience and cultivation'."

Greenberg's  patience and cultivation of relations with China's leaders saw 
him play a key  role in building links between the US and China, while his 
company had a  front-runner's view as it and China metamorphosed into leading 
players in the  global business world. 

Starr was the initial path breaker. When he set  up shop in Shanghai, there 
were many other Westerners selling insurance in the  city, then as now the 
country's financial hub. But these potential rivals almost  exclusively 
concentrated their efforts on selling to other Westerners. Starr  realized that 
Chinese people themselves represented a vast and underserved  market for 
insurance, with relatively low risks. This insight would enable him  to become 
one of 
the wealthiest men in the world.

Within 10 years, Starr  had established offices across China, Hong Kong, the 
Philippines, Indochina,  Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. In 1926, he opened his 
first office in the United  States. The growth of his company was temporarily 
disrupted by the Chinese civil  war and the general turmoil in East Asia. In 
Starr moved the headquarters  of his corporate empire to the Empire State - 
New York. From there, his company  and fortune grew many fold.

In 1962, Starr appointed Greenberg to head  AIG's then failing North American 
operations. In a remarkable display of  business prowess, Greenberg turned 
the unit around, a feat that encouraged Starr  to name him his successor before 
passing away in 1968.

Starr bequeathed  all his wealth to the C V Starr Foundation, one of the 
largest foundations in  the United States, with over $3 billion in assets. 
Greenberg became the chairman  of this foundation while also assuming the reins 
AIG. Under his leadership,  the company prospered while he himself became one 
the kingpins of American  foreign policy.

In 1977, he became a member of the Council of Foreign  Relations, arguably 
America's most influential think-tank, and over the next  three decades he 
hold numerous leadership positions in the council,  culminating in 1997 with 
the founding of the Greenberg Chair.

Today, the  Greenberg Chair "is the senior person directly responsible for 
the substantive  content and management" of the think-tank. Greenberg has also 
been a member of  the board of directors of the New York Stock Exchange; a 
former chairman, deputy  chairman and director of the Federal Reserve Bank of 
York; a member of the  US-China Business Council; the chairman of the Asia 
Society; and a member of the  Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and 
Negotiations to the President of the  United States.

With all of these roles, plus his control over the  resources of the Starr 
Foundation and the American International Group,  Greenberg's power to shape 
America's foreign policy was rivaled only by Citizen  Kane.

Greenberg's foreign policy views were heavily influenced by two  factors. One 
was his experience in World War II of the liberation of the Nazi  
concentration camp at Dachau. The other was the legacy of Starr's love for  
China. This 
latter factor would ultimately play an enormous role in shaping  America's 
policy toward China for more than a quarter of a century.

In  all of his actions and with all of his influence, Greenberg exercised a 
sanguine  desire to foster reconciliation and cooperation between the United 
States and  the People's Republic of China. The impact of this desire can be 
seen in the  fingerprint that Greenberg has left on academic and policy 
institutions around  the United States.

At his discretion, the Starr Foundation has funded  numerous fellowships with 
the Asian Cultural Council, donated $300,000 to  Columbia University's East 
Asian Library and considerably more to Berkeley's C V  Starr East Asian 
Library. Most recently, Greenberg and the Starr Foundation each  donated $25 
to Yale University to create the Maurice R Greenberg  Yale-China Initiative.

Greenberg's lobbying efforts were a driving factor  behind America's decision 
to support China's admission to the World Trade  Organization, which it 
officially joined in November 2001. Undoubtedly, a fair  amount of the credit 
the creation of an American policy environment that is  favorable to China is 
due to Greenberg and the resources that were generated by  AIG.

AIG's own development in China took various, often ground-breaking,  forms. 
China America Insurance Company was formed in 1980 as a 50-50 joint  venture 
between AIG companies and the People's Insurance Company of China  (PICC), the 
first joint venture between a foreign insurance organization and  PICC. 
Personal ties with future leaders were also forged. In 1990, AIG financed  and 
chaired a financial services conference in Shanghai to assist then city  mayor 
later country premier Zhu Rongji in introducing the international  financial 
community to investment opportunities in Shanghai. 

Two years  later, AIG unit American International Insurance (AIA) established 
a branch  office in Shanghai, to become the first foreign-owned life and 
non-life  insurance business to receive a license from the People's Bank of 
In  1995, AIG companies won licenses to extend operations to Guangzhou, the 
key city  in the country's efforts to open up to the outside world of commerce, 
and a year  later it secured a lease allowing it to return in 1998 to the 
Shanghai Bund,  home of C V Starr's original Shanghai insurance companies.

In 2003, by  which time AIG's presence in the country extended to several 
provinces, the  insurer acquired a 9.9% stake in PICC Property and Casualty 
P&C) when  the Chinese company listed in Hong Kong. In 2005, as the Chinese 
government  continued to ease its grip on the financial sector, AIG Private 
Bank became the  first foreign private bank to receive approval to open a 
representative office  in Shanghai.

One immediate effect of AIG's collapse could be on PICC  P&C's stock price, 
which would be at risk if AIG liquidated its stake,  Citigroup analyst Bob 
Leung said in a research note on Tuesday.

Chinese  insurers also face a greater counter-party risk from the collapse of 
AIG than  from Lehman Brothers, the other US financial giant that crumpled in 
the past few  days. Lehman, which has filed for bankruptcy has significant 
exposure in Asia.  "Given the very low life insurance accession rate in Asia, 
"if AIG loses its A-  rating or its situation worsens significantly, we expect 
the financial impact to  affect mainly P&C insurers," Leung wrote.

S&P lowered AIG's  long-term counterparty rating to 'A-' on Monday.

China's insurance  regulator declared that AIG businesses in the country were 
sound, echoing  statements from the rest of the region. This is however a big 
concern going  forward, given the large market share that AIG commands in 
many Asian markets,  and the sheer volume of domestic securities that it holds 
across the  region.

Other insurers in China meanwhile may gain from AIG's loss.  "China Life, 
with a strong balance sheet and limited non-yuan asset exposure  (less than 
billion and mainly in H-stock [Hong Kong listed shares] and  cash) has the 
strongest balance sheet of all regional insurers and is likely to  benefit from 
'flight to quality' perspective," Leung wrote.

The sudden  decline of AIG may lead to a reduced influence of the company in 
international  affairs, and a cut in the amount of resources that are lavished 
on America's  foreign policy establishment for the purpose of encouraging 
China-friendly  policy.

As it is, Greenberg's path finding and influential role in China  has already 
been superceded to a large extent by the huge influx of other  Western 
business leaders, notable among them Henry Paulson, who as chairman and  chief 
executive of Goldman Sachs spent much time and effort building his own  
with the present Chinese leadership.

Paulson's appointment as  US Treasury Secretary in 2006 came at a time of 
simmering tensions between  Washington and Beijing over China's reluctance to 
strengthen its currency and  rein in the growing trade surplus it enjoyed with 
the US. Demands for faster  appreciation of the yen continue, but their tenor 
has become less strident since  Paulson took up his government post, with the 
focus on relations changing  through the Strategic Economic Dialogue to broader 
long-term bilateral economic  interests.

Ironically, while the US Federal Reserve played the dominant  role in bailing 
out AIG this week, it was Paulson holding key strings of power  in Washington 
while Maurice Greenberg sat on the sidelines.

In 2005,  Greenberg was accused of financial malfeasance. In the ensuing 
scandal, he was  ousted from his leadership role at AIG. Nonetheless, he 
direct  ownership of 39 million shares of AIG stock, and an additional 243 
million  shares through the investment company that he still controls, C V 
and Co.  At the beginning of this year, his shares were worth $15.8 billion. 
By the close  of the market on Tuesday afternoon, they were worth a little more 
than $1  billion. 

The links that Greenberg had cultivated over the decades with  the Chinese 
community certainly are also looking frayed when it comes to trust  in AIG 
products in the wake of this week's collapse.

As Chan Akya reports  in Asia Times Online on Wednesday ( Waiter, there's a 
banker in my soup),  panic-stricken policyholders lined up all day on Wednesday 
in Singapore to  surrender their policies to secure redemption value.

In Hong Kong, where  AIG is the largest life insurer with more than 26% of 
the market and more than  1.9 million policies sold, more than 1,700 people 
canceled their insurance  policies with AIG on Tuesday. On Wednesday, some 170 
policy holders rushed to  AIG headquarters to cut their insurance or 
The Hong Kong government  has demanded AIG seek approval before it removes 
any asset out of the  territory.

One 50-year-old woman at the hectic commercial and retailing  center of 
Causeway Bay said she decided to surrender her insurance policy today  as she 
worried AIG's business might be affected.

"I was supposed to  pay premiums this month but I don't want to take any risk 
now. I am so afraid  that I will lose all my money here. To keep as much 
money as I have in my  pocket, I surrender the policy now," she  said.

With further  reporting by Olivia Chung, senior Asia Times Online reporter in 
Hong  Kong.

Richard Komaiko researches Sino-American relations, economic  policy, 
terrorism and national security. He holds a degree in economics from the  
of Illinois and has studied Chinese language and culture at the  University of 
Illinois, University of Chicago and the Beijing Institute of  Education. 
Chris Stewart is the Asia Times Online Business Editor


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