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> Komu: 
> Datum: 08.10.2008 23:22
> Předmět: [Marxism-Thaxis] Moral hazard
Moral hazard

Moral hazard is the prospect that a party insulated from risk ( e.g. by a 
bailout-CB) may behave differently from the way it would behave if it were 
fully exposed to the risk. Moral hazard arises because an individual or 
institution does not bear the full consequences of its actions, and therefore 
has a tendency to act less carefully than it otherwise would, leaving another 
party to bear some responsibility for the consequences of those actions. For 
example, an individual with insurance against automobile theft may be less 
vigilant about locking his or her car, because the negative consequences of 
automobile theft are (partially) borne by the insurance company.

Moral hazard is related to information asymmetry, a situation in which one 
party in a transaction has more information than another. The party that is 
insulated from risk generally has more information about its actions and 
intentions than the party paying for the negative consequences of the risk. 
More broadly, moral hazard occurs when the party with more information about 
its actions or intentions has a tendency or incentive to behave inappropriately 
from the perspective of the party with less information.

A special case of moral hazard is called a principal-agent problem, where one 
party, called an agent, acts on behalf of another party, called the principal. 
The agent usually has more information about his or her actions or intentions 
than the principal does, because the principal usually cannot perfectly monitor 
the agent. The agent may have an incentive to act inappropriately (from the 
viewpoint of the principal) if the interests of the agent and the principal are 
not aligned.

Contents [hide]
1 In finance 
2 In insurance 
3 In management 
4 History of the term 
5 See also 
6 References 
7 External links 

[edit] In finance
Financial bail-outs of lending institutions by governments, central banks or 
other institutions can encourage risky lending in the future, if those that 
take the risks come to believe that they will not have to carry the full burden 
of losses. Lending institutions need to take risks by making loans, and usually 
the most risky loans have the potential for making the highest return. A moral 
hazard arises if lending institutions believe that they can make risky loans 
that will pay handsomely if the investment turns out well but they will not 
have to fully pay for losses if the investment turns out badly. Taxpayers, 
depositors, and other creditors have often had to shoulder at least part of the 
burden of risky financial decisions made by lending institutions.[1]

Moral hazard can also occur with borrowers. Borrowers may not act prudently (in 
the view of the lender) when they invest or spend funds recklessly. For 
example, credit card companies often limit the amount borrowers can spend using 
their cards, because without such limits those borrowers may spend borrowed 
funds recklessly, leading to default.

Some believe that mortgage standards became lax because of a moral hazard—in 
which each link in the mortgage chain collected profits while believing it was 
passing on risk—and that this substantially contributed to the 2007–2008 
subprime mortgage financial crisis.[2] Brokers, who were not lending their own 
money, pushed risk onto the lenders. Lenders, who sold mortgages soon after 
underwriting them, pushed risk onto investors. Investment banks bought 
mortgages and chopped up mortgage-backed securities into slices, some riskier 
than others. Investors bought securities and hedged against the risk of default 
and prepayment, pushing those risks further along.

[edit] In insurance
In insurance markets, moral hazard occurs when the behavior of the insured 
party changes in a way that raises costs for the insurer, since the insured 
party no longer bears the full costs of that behavior.

Two types of behavior can change. One type is the risky behavior itself, 
resulting in what is called ex ante moral hazard. In this case, insured parties 
behave in a more risky manner, resulting in more negative consequences that the 
insurer must pay for. For example, after purchasing automobile insurance, some 
may tend to be less careful about locking the automobile or choose to drive 
more, thereby increasing the risk of theft or an accident for the insurer. 
After purchasing fire insurance, some may tend to be less careful about 
preventing fires (say, by smoking in bed or neglecting to replace the batteries 
in fire alarms).

A second type of behavior that may change is the reaction to the negative 
consequences of risk, once they have occurred and once insurance is provided to 
cover their costs. This may be called ex post moral hazard. In this case, 
insured parties do not behave in a more risky manner that results in more 
negative consequences, but they do ask an insurer to pay for more of the 
negative consequences from risk as insurance coverage increases. For example, 
without medical insurance, some may forego medical treatment due to its costs 
and simply deal with substandard health. But after medical insurance becomes 
available, some may ask an insurance provider to pay for the cost of medical 
treatment that would not have occurred otherwise.

Sometimes moral hazard is so severe that it makes insurance impossible. Sports 
players would like to insure against losing games, and students would like to 
be paid if their exams go poorly. But with insurance, players would play less 
hard (why risk injury?) and students would have a strong incentive to study 

Deductibles, copayment, and coinsurance reduce the risk of moral hazard since 
the insured have a financial incentive to avoid making a claim.

Moral hazard has been studied by insurers[4] and academics. See works by 
Kenneth Arrow[5][6][7], Tom Baker[8], and John Nyman.

[edit] In management
Moral hazard can occur when upper management is shielded from the consequences 
of poor decision making. This situation can occur under a number of 

When a manager has a sinecure position from which he or she cannot be readily 
When a manager is protected by someone higher in the corporate structure, such 
as in cases of nepotism or pet projects. 
When funding and/or managerial status for a project is independent of the 
project's success. 
When the failure of the project is of minimal overall consequence to the firm, 
regardless of the local impact on the managed division. 
When there is no clear means of determining who is accountable for a given 
The software development industry has specifically identified this kind of 
risky behavior as a management anti-pattern, but it can occur in any field.

[edit] History of the term
According to research by Dembe and Boden,[9] the term dates back to the 1600s, 
and was widely used by English insurance companies by the late 1800s. Early 
usage of the term carried negative connotations, implying fraud or immoral 
behavior (usually on the part of an insured party). Dembe and Boden point out, 
however, that prominent mathematicians studying decision making in the 1700s 
used "moral" to mean "subjective", which may cloud the true ethical 
significance in the term.[10]

The concept of moral hazard was the subject of renewed study by economists in 
the 1960s, and at the time did not imply immoral behavior or fraud; rather, 
economists use the term to describe inefficiencies that can occur when risks 
are displaced, rather than on the ethics or morals of the involved parties.

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