-- Ralph Dumain <rdum...@autodidactproject.org> wrote:


"Lenin chose physics to illustrate his theories. He could have picked any 
number of sciences had he so wished. I should also note the conditions of 1908 
are not unique. Marxism itself, as a scientific world view, is going through a 
similar crisis today in 2008 as was physics in 1908. Lenin's methods of 
analysis are as useful today as they were then."

COMMENT: The prior citations include some questioning of Lenin, with occasional 
extrapolations of the issues involved.  This one is not a criticism, but a 
rather silly analogy.


Well in Soviet writing, Lenin's notion of a crisis in physics
as described in "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism" was
applied to a number of different disciplines.  Thus,
the early Soviet psychologists (Vygotsky,Lenontiev, 
Rubenshtein, Luria, etc. maintained that their own
science was undergoing a crisis that was similar to the
one that Lenin had asserted was troubling physics.

The crisis in psychology was seen as emerging
from a contradiction between the materialist
outlook that was associated with experimental
psychology, and the idealism which bourgeois
psychology retained from the philosophies
of Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, and Kant.
The writings of Wundt, the father of modern
psychology, were seen as exemplifying this
contradiction.  Therefore, early Soviet psychologists
were more than willing to give a fair hearing to
psychologies that challenged Wundt's
introspectionism including
both John B. Watson's behaviorism and
Gestalt psychology. Watson's work was looked
favorably upon because he was seen as attempting
to articulate a materialist psychology. Indeed, Watson
was invited to write an article on behaviorism for
the *Large Soviet Encyclopedia*.  Gestalt psychology
was treated favorably at first because it was
seen as an attempt at developing a dialectical
psychology.  A little later on, Soviet psychologists
initiated attempts at developing their own
psychological theories which they hoped
would be consistent with basic Marxist principles
such as the materialist conception of history and
Lenin's analysis of reflection. Thus,
American behaviorism was ultimately rejected
as being mechanistic and positivistic
while Gestalt psychology was rejected
as idealist. Nevertheless, they were recognized
as having made important contributions
which had to be absorbed into a psychology
that was firmly grounded in dialectical

Jim Farmelant

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