In a message dated 1/6/2009 12:00:59 A.M.  Eastern Standard Time, writes:
>   9. Super  Capitalism, Super Imperialism and Monetary  Imperialism
>      (Charles  Brown)

>>CB: Most of Lenin's concepts from 1916 don't need  updating.  Monopoly, 
financial oligarchy cartels. financial sector  dominance and parasitism of 
industrial capital, objective laws or tendencies of  capitalism apply better in 
than  anything you or other analysts are  talking about. We can learn more 
from the dead Lenin about capitalism 2009 than  we can from your posts even 
though you are alive (ha ha !).  As to the  updating, aren't you up to that ?<<

Poor CB,he can't even tell when  I agree with him. Dude, if you would
stop soaking your ass in places like  A-hole list, Marxmal and Liberal
Bored Observer, maybe we could communicate  occasionally.



An industrial capital  formation as a historically distinct sector of capital 
no longer exist. I am not  aware of one single economist of note that speaks 
of an industrial sector of  capital. Not one. The existence of Chrysler, Ford 
or GM does not mean a sector  of capital called industrial capital exists. 
Industrial capital without  industrial capitalists cannot exists. 

Where is the industrial capitalist  as a sector of capital? 

Why not simple produce the evidence of the  existence of a sector of capital 
that is industrial capital?  


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