Engels was, course, quite right to debunk belief
in ghosts and mediums.  In fact there were some
political reasons behind this.  At the time that
Engels wrote this, spiritualism was quite popular
within the IWMA, especially in the US and UK.
In the US, one of the leading figures in the IWMA,
Victoria Woodhull, was also a famous medium, whom
both Marx & Engels very much disapproved of (perhaps

On the other hand, it should also be pointed out that
Engels does go off the rails on a few points in his
essay.  Engels poked fun of the idea of a fourth
dimension.  But even in his day, n-dimensional
geometries were already quite well established
and respectable.  Later on, physicists like
Albert Einstein would show that such geometries
could be useful for understanding aspects of
physical reality.  Engels poked fun of the notion
of imaginary numbers, that is numbers that were
derived from the square root of -1.  But both
imaginary numbers and complex numbers were already,
in Engels's time, a quite respectable part of
mathematics.  And physicists and engineers were
already using them in analyzing such things as
wave phenomena, for instance.

While Engels generally had a good grasp of the
science of his day, he was behind the times in
his understanding of mathematics (he was also
deficient in his understanding of the latest
work on the foundations of the calculus) 
and that led him to making a few whoppers 
in his writings.

His assertion that empiricism was lacking
the intellectual resources for battling
belief in the paranormal is open to question too.
Probably the most important critique of belief
in miracles ever written was David Hume's
essay, "Of Miracles," 
Hume, of course, was an empiricist philosopher.
If Engels wished to show the inadequacies of
empiricism as a basis for refuting the paranormal,
then he should have discussed Hume's essay and 
showed where Hume went wrong.

Jim Farmelant

-- "Charles Brown" <charl...@cncl.ci.detroit.mi.us> wrote:
Engels’ Dialectics of Nature
Natural Science and the Spirit World[1] 

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