Aronson makes some interesting points. Too bad most of the 
commentators are religious idiots. That level of retardation befits Interesting that Aronson doesn't hesitate to 
criticize Obama but not Cornel West.

At 05:22 PM 1/11/2009, Charles Brown wrote:
>Aronson's guide for the godless
>A WSU prof contemplates America as a not-so-religious nation
>  MT Photo: Kim Heron
>More Spirituality Stories
>City mission (7/30/2008)
>Young Mormons on the move
>Alms & Tithe (5/28/2008)
>At Zakat, Big Brother's the enemy and there's an escape from despair
>Wright and the truth (4/30/2008)
>Controversial pastor is warm, smart as hell and deeply intellectual.
>By W. Kim Heron & Curt Guyette
>Editor's note: Readers can discuss this interview and the questions 
>it raises in the comment section at the end of this article. Author 
>Ron Aronson will be checking our comment board for a dialogue with 
>readers in the coming days.
>It began seriously with publication of The End of Faith: Religion, 
>Terror, and the Future of Reason, which became a best-seller for a 
>previously obscure neuroscience grad student named Sam Harris. And 
>it's grown into what Wayne State University professor Ron Aronson 
>calls "a remarkable intellectual wave." What "it" is doesn't have a 
>simple name, but involves questioning and sometimes attacking 
>religion; it especially involves a questioning of the increasing 
>role that religion has taken in American public life in recent 
>decades. The wave includes philosopher Daniel C. Dennett calling for 
>the scientific investigation of religion in Breaking the Spell: 
>Religion as a Natural Phenomenon. It includes the acerbic journo 
>Christopher Hitchens (God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons 
>Everything) and the Oxford biologist Richard Dawkins (The God 
>Delusion). Bill Maher recently added his two cents with the film Religulous.
>Living Without God (Counterpoint), Aronson's contribution to the 
>wave, was published late last year. It brooks no argument with 
>religion as religion, but it challenges how the religious right has 
>warped our politics in recent times. Mostly it considers how folks 
>on the liberal left who aren't religious can nonetheless root their 
>politics and passions in something larger themselves. It's a book 
>that's won blurb-praise from both the activist-theologian Cornel 
>West and the aforementioned Hitchens, as well as from author Barbara 

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