Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy
Asked if he liked his job, one of John Updike’s characters replied,
"Hell, it wouldn’t be a job if I liked it." All but a tiny minority of
specially lucky or privileged workers would undoubtedly agree. There is
nothing inherently interesting about most of the narrowly sub-divided
tasks which workers are obliged to perform; and with the purpose of the
job at best obscure and at worst humanly degrading, the worker can find
no satisfaction in what his efforts accomplish. As far as he is
concerned, the one justification is the paycheck. The paycheck is the
key to whatever gratifications are allowed to working people in this
society: such self-respect, status, and recognition by one’s fellows
as can be achieved depend primarily on the possession of material
objects. The worker’s house, the model of his automobile, his wife’s
clothes—all assume major significance as indexes of success or
failure. And yet within the existing social framework these objects of
consumption increasingly lose their capacity to satisfy. Forces similar
to those which destroy the worker’s identification with his work lead
to the erosion of his self-identification as a consumer. With goods
being sought for their status- bearing qualities, the drive to
substitute the newer and more expensive for the older and cheaper ceases
to be related to the serviceability of the goods and becomes a means of
climbing up a rung on the social ladder.

Monopoly Capital

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