Why does our working class behaves the way it does? 
What is the prospect for political revolution? 
What does revolution in the mode of production means for us in real time.? 
Why is it possible to win some concessions something, but nothing at other  
What is the meaning of reform? 
Why has no industrially advance country gone into political revolution? 
What does social relations of production mean? 
What does it mean for us? 
What is class in theory and for us in reality? 
Can socialism - meaning changes in the property relations, be won  
How does one determine what is a winnable fight? 
What determines a winnable reform or concession? 
On and off I have thought about questions like these for 40 years. Only in  
the last 15 years has American history begun to make sense to me. Communists  
fight better and harder when things makes sense or when they can gain more  
clarity into history and events. Marx and Engels are fine. Lenin and Mao are  
cool and Stalin logic contains its own rationale. 
None of them can help us at the end of the day. 
At the end of the day one has to sift through their own history. 

In a message dated 1/15/2009 10:29:55 P.M. Eastern  Standard Time, 
waistli...@aol.com writes:
>>3). National health care is  the perfect example of a winnable   concession
because of the  identity of interest between workers, capitalist  and   
and everyone else.<<

Yeah, right, it's just  around the corner, like the withdrawal from Iraq  is.


Iraq  is different from the issue of health care. 

Lets see what  happens

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