Necessity is a main form of 
determination. When science 
discovers necessary connections, 
it finds determinations. These
 are also objective conditions 
and natural laws.

Marx claims that
there are necessary 
connections in human
society and affairs.

But some of those necessary
connections are maintained
only by the force of state power
behind private property relations,
the laws of private property, exploiter/
exploited relations.  These necessary
 connections are abolished in the 
Realm of Freedom.  The other two levels of 
necessary connections - meeting
necessaries and "obeying" the
of "physics" in general, natural
 laws, persist
 in communism, as does the 
materialist epistemological principle
that practice is the test of theory
(2nd Thesis on Feuerbach; central
thesis of the book _Materialism
and Empirio-Criticism_ by Lenin) persist
 in communism.


Finding necessary determinations in human affairs is social science
Charles Brown 
Previous message: [Marxism-Thaxis] Second Thesis on Feuerbach as Mother wit 
Next message: [Marxism-Thaxis] _Capital_ as science 


The interesting thing to me
 is that on the sort of fundamental 
issue in dispute - are human
 activities subject to scientific
 investigation and understanding
 - Jerry agrees with the thinkers 
who he uses the denigrating
 terminology to refer to. Jerry 
and the post/structuralists and
 postmodernists are philosophical
 idealists, in terms of the Marxist
 philosophical analytical categories.
 Those who say there is and can
 be no social _science_ are
 philosophical idealists; because
 they claim that there are no
 objective or necessary
 determinations of human history.
 The real dispute here is between
 idealists and materialists. 
Foucault , Butler and Monaco are 
on the same side in that dispute. 
The claim that politics, history, 
law, literature et al can only be 
understood "humanistically" is
 philosophical idealism, in the 
sense that Marx and Engels use
 that analytical category. By the 
way, positivism reduces to philosophical idealism, as Lenin demonstrates in _
Materialism and Empirio-Criticism_ 


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