Fighting for a Water Affordibility Plan 
Water protest in Highland Park,Michigan. PHOTO /MICHIGAN WELFARE RIGHTS  
DETROIT — “For a decade, the Detroit community has been fighting to prevent  
the privatization of the city’s water,” says Ann Rall of the Michigan  
Welfare  Rights Organization. “It’s hard to determine how many families are  
without water. The Water Department is unwilling to respond to requests for  
information.  The number that gets thrown around is around 40,000  residential 
offs for  failure to pay in 2005. In August of 2008, there  were about 499,” 
says Rall. 
Nonetheless, the privatization of Detroit’s water is moving ahead. “The  
City of Detroit is selling its water to Coke and Pepsi. In Highland Park,  
Michigan, Coke built a bottling plant and is angling to take over their water  
system. In addition, a huge private contract was given for installation of  
wireless water meters. Some residents have complained that they are required to 
spend their own money to make their plumbing compatible. Whole blocks of homes  
had their water shut off when one resident was unwilling or unable to cooperate 
with the installation of the meters,” says Rall. The city also awarded a  
private  contract to handle the city’s sewage for close to $47 million.  (The 
contract is  under federal investigation concerning the alleged  bribery of 
public officials.) 
As a result of community pressure, in April, 2006, the Detroit City Council  
approved a Water Affordability Plan for families to keep their water on. But  
the  process has been a classic example of “pseudo-democracy,” says Ann  
Rall. “ The  administration simply refused to implement it. They created  and 
implemented  their own program, which was inadequate.” Rall says the  community 
wants the  original Water Affordability Plan implemented. “Since  the City 
Council doesn’t  have the political wherewithal to make the  administration do 
it voted to be  done, we decided to take it to the  people and get a vote 
that would require that  the city implement this. We  are trying to put two 
initiatives on the ballot in  the general election in  November, 2009,” she 
Rall said they recently learned that a part of the City Charter says no  
ballot initiative put forward by the people can have a bearing on the  
appropriation of funds. “By some people’s interpretation, the Water   
Affordability Plan 
would require that a certain amount of funds go to people  who  can’t afford 
to pay their water bill. So you can have a plan but can’t  talk  about how the 
money can be spent!” Rall said the group might try to  put together  a 
petition calling for an amendment of the City Charter.  “This is a more  
process. But people are excited about the  prospect of taking on an  actual 
amendment of the City Charter. It has an  attractive possibility of  building 
into something larger,” she said. 
A dedicated group is leading this fight and there is a lot of community  
support, says Rall. “But, people tend to get pulled in many directions because  
all Hell continues to break out in Detroit. On one night alone, there was a  
crucial meeting about a reporter who faces 10 years in prison for doing her job 
investigating the deaths of motorcyclists, taking photos and asking questions. 
 Then there was a major school board meeting with the state wanting to 
appoint  a  financial manager for our School Board. People are continuing to 
their  homes, and there are cuts in heat and electricity.” 
Rall said their next step would involve a huge effort. “We need about 7,000  
signatures and the number of signatures required for an amendment of the City  
Charter is over 30,000. We are starting a public education campaign to get  
more  people involved and to start collecting signatures. Once it starts we  
will only  have 90 days to collect signatures.” 
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