That WSJ article goes on and on but doesn't really detail the true
dirty deals that were made in order to paralyze the PLO while Hamas
benefited. However, while the imperialists have often criticized the
Marxist traditions as taking away too much 'agency' from humans, it's
interesting to see how the imperialist ideologues typically take away
human agency and explain everything as a 'Frankenstein's monster'
theory. Of course few have read the novel, so perhaps they are not
aware that the monster morally reprimands and judges his master and

So Israel and its supporters would rather kick themselves for helping
Hamas to get created than deal with the real problem: a just setlement
for the Palestinians displaced and deterritorialized by the creation
of a European colonialist Israel, that only that European colonialist
state can give (unless the US got a serious leader who said Israel's
energy security and military supplies would be in jeopardy without a
real settlement of the issue; I'm sure we will see pigs take flight

You can also see the ambivalence that the Israeli state has with
anything religious. On the one hand, they wish to say that Israel's
foundation is based on the idea of a unifying Jewish religion. On the
other hand, European Jewry had largely become secular and even atheist
(I even know atheists who dress up like Hassidim). You can't say a
biblical God gives you the land if you don't believe in God. The
ruling elite of Israel have the same issues dealing with religious
Jews and even religious forms of zionism because if the rulers play up
the importance of  religion, they can always have it turned back on
them for being secularized zionists.

The US itself has the same sort of ambivalence about backing religious
types in its imperialist schemes.
It wants them to be God-fearing puppets who do the US's bidding. And
then they are shocked when agency returns to history.


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