Russia agrees to Afghan request for defence aid
Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:13pm IST
By Sayed Salahuddin

KABUL (Reuters) - Russia has accepted a request from President Hamid Karzai to 
provide military aid to Afghanistan, the Afghan government said on Monday.

The move comes amid complaints by many Afghans that NATO and the United States, 
who have thousands of troops in Afghanistan, have been slow to equip Afghan 
national forces to fight the Taliban.

Afghanistan has largely relied on NATO and the United States to bankroll its 
security needs and the economy since U.S.-led troops overthrew the Taliban 
government in 2001.

But despite receiving some military equipment from NATO, Afghanistan still uses 
Russian-made weapons and aircraft, left over from the former Soviet Union's 
10-year occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s.

Karzai, who has led Afghanistan since the Taliban's removal, made the request 
by a letter to Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev in November 2008, the 
presidential palace said in a statement.

"Medvedev, in a letter addressed to Karzai, has said that Russia is ready to 
help Afghanistan in the defensive sectors," the statement said.

Medvedev said defensive ties between Kabul and Moscow would result in effective 
cooperation on both sides and in the restoration of security in the region, the 
statement said.

Russia was keen for cooperation with Afghanistan in other areas too, the 
statement quoted Medvedev as saying in the letter.

Chief presidential spokesman Humayun Hamidzada said despite Karzai's call on 
Russia for defensive aid, Afghanistan was committed to its ties with NATO and 
the United States.

"The equipment of our national army, our helicopters and tanks are Russian-made 
so this (request) has a technical aspect. We have strategic commitment to NATO 
and the United States," Hamidzada told Reuters.

Some 70,000 foreign troops under NATO and U.S. military command are stationed 
in Afghanistan, and Washington is expected to send up to 30,000 extra forces by 
summer to the country, where the al Qaeda-backed Taliban have made a comeback 
since 2005.

U.S.-led and Afghan troops overthrew the Taliban government after it refused to 
hand over al Qaeda leaders wanted by Washington for masterminding the Sept. 11 
attacks on the United States.

More than seven years on, Taliban and al Qaeda leaders are still at large and 
many Afghans believe foreign forces are more focussed on pursuing their own 
regional agendas, rather than helping Afghanistan.

The United States and its allies have not given any time frame for the 
withdrawal of their forces and say the soldiers will remain in Afghanistan for 
the long haul and until national security forces can stand on their own feet.

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