The concept of necessity appears again
in Engels famous distinction between the
kingdom (realm) of necessity and the
kingdom of freedom. The transition from
one to the other marks the end of class
divided and exploitive society to communism.

The terms and idea here is based on Hegel
famous notion that freedom is the mastery 
of necessity. The freedom in communist 
society is based on humans mastering
their own social structure in the sense
that exploiting classes no longer are
able to exploit exploited classes by
conditioning provision of basic necessities or
meeting biological and physiological needs,
upon exploited classes serving up
material surpluses to the exploiting
classes. As Engels says in the quote
below, "
"And he has now
> become master of his own social 
> organization. The laws of his own social action, hitherto
> standing 
> face-to-face with man as laws of 
> Nature foreign to, and dominating 
> him, will then be used with full understanding, and so
> mastered by 
> him."

He was mastered by his/her own social 
organization before by the existence
of Masters,rulers who exploited "him
and her".

The masses of women and men master
the Masters who were imposing necessity
on the many, controlling them by
conditioning proviision of their necessities
on the giving of surpluses, as discussed
at length in the last few posts. This is the specific
necessity that is mastered by the masses
and the specific character of the freedom
of this "kingdom of freedom".

The science that comprehends and intellectually
masters the peculiar
complex of necessity in exploitative society
(the kingdom of necessity)
is the science of historical materialism, Marxism.

Once it successfully leads revolution to world
socialism and communism, it makes its own
subject matter - exploitative societies of 
all types, especially in the final conflict
capitalism = obsolete, kaput, thrown in
the dustbin of history. Like the proletariat
ending all classes including itself, historical
materialism and its practice self-abolishes.
The kingdom of freedom will have a new art
 of society, which will be less a science. 
The system of thought that guides action
in the realm of freedom  will have a 
heavier proportion of idealism rather than
materialism (science), because, as I 
say above the artificially imposed necessity
of class society will be no longer imposed
The freedom of communism will in part be
that ideas, thought, human will, conscious planning
rather than material necessity will guide
action and activities. Humans will be able
to do what they will and want, that is
be free.

On Sat, 2/14/09, Charles Brown <cdb1003 at> wrote:

> From: Charles Brown <cdb1003 at>
> Subject: kingdom of necessity
> To: cdb1003 at
> Date: Saturday, February 14, 2009, 8:31 PM
> From Anti-Duhring
> With the seizing of the means of production 
> by society, production of 
> commodities is done away with, and, simultaneously, the
> mastery of the 
> product over the producer. Anarchy in 
> social production is replaced by 
> systematic, definite organization. The struggle for
> individual 
> existence disappears. Then, for the 
> first time, man, in a certain 
> sense, is finally marked off from the rest of the animal
> kingdom, and 
> emerges from mere animal conditions
> of existence into really human 
> ones. The whole sphere of the conditions of life which
> environ man, 
> and which have hitherto ruled man, 
> now comes under the dominion and 
> control of man, who for the first time becomes the real,
> conscious 
> lord of nature, because he has now
> become master of his own social 
> organization. The laws of his own social action, hitherto
> standing 
> face-to-face with man as laws of 
> Nature foreign to, and dominating 
> him, will then be used with full understanding, and so
> mastered by 
> him. Man's own social organization, 
> hitherto confronting him as a 
> necessity imposed by Nature and history, now becomes the
> result of his 
> own free action. The extraneous 
> objective forces that have, hitherto, 
> governed history,pass under the control of man himself.
> Only from that 
> time will man himself, more and 
> more consciously, make his own history 
> — only from that time will the social causes set in
> movement by him 
> have, in the main and in a constantly 
> growing measure, the results 
> intended by him. It is the ascent of man from the kingdom
> of necessity 
> to the kingdom of freedom

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