I watched and recorded Obama speech last night focusing on three aspects of  
the economy, "health care, energy and education."  I asked the question  "what 
is Obama going to reform," in the system and apparently here is the  answer. 
These three issues contain a deep and complex intersection of class  interest 
for all of American society.  Reforming health care, depending on  how it is 
carried out, has the potential to change the living relations between  and 
within classes in America, without changing the property relations, by  
all classes living relations and links to government.  

Also of interest was Obama stating the military budget will now  appear as a 
regular "line item" on the national budget. Generally speaking, only  Senator 
John McCain has over the past decades been able to attack military  spending 
and survive politically. 

Still not sure about Obama's  meaning about reforming Medicare and no mention 
of Medicaid. The "aid" in  Medicaid means aid to dependent children and 
welfare recipients and the "care"  generally deals with retired workers and the 

Obama  projected an "up until now" not seen firmness and militancy in his 
rhetoric. His  peculiar "cool" is bound up with the immigrant experience, and 
simply "cool"  as expressed by the blacks. 

However that are rules that  govern politics and simply being against the 
bourgeois power because they are  bourgeois, is fine, but fails to educate 
in the "art of the possible."  "The possible" is the recognition of where the 
greatest intersection of class  interest runs through all the various classes 
and class sectors attacking the  system from different sides of the social 
Further, economic crisis cannot be fought out in the economy, only the  
political superstructure as the colliding and collusion of underlying  
class striving. 
In my opinion, the weakness of a sector of the communist/Marxist pole, that  
for very different reasons and considerations as a pole, voted for Obama, with 
 some actively campaigning for him, was a weakness in understanding and  
articulating an outline of intersecting class interest, making Obama's election 

The President - any President and any real  leader in any organization (from 
trade union to the local bingo club), inherits  certain things: in the case of 
President a military and administrative  bureaucracy, which, is fundamental 
to and indispensable to governing; and this  administrative bureaucracy may not 
agree with him and dangerously hinder his  capability.  Most importantly, no 
one can govern a people who disagree with  them. Here is the political context 
Obama is being tracked within. 
Obama's Presidency "teeters" on winning a section of the voting workers  that 
have generally and historically voted Republican. Here is why the running  
stats on what sections of the population ARE NOT hostile to the Obama  
administration is important as a gage in the art of the possible.   

It is not falling under the spell of bourgeois politics to track  real events 
with a generalized political equation that keeps ones political pole  on 
track and riveted to the science of society. 

Last point:  Michelle Obama is the point man - no quotes, in the politics of 
wining the  government administrative bureaucracy to the Obama administration 
and policy  change domestically. Her importance and political capacity should 
not be under  estimated. Roughly 10 days ago she gave an impressive speech 
realigning  government policy with respects to the various Indian nations, 
speaking of  developing infrastructure projects like schools and water works.  

Barack Obama story is that of the immigrant, and his has inspired  a huge 
section of America that contains and embody such history. Michelle  
specific history is that of the Negro in its purity. Surely, no one  can 
mistake the meaning of the word Negro in this context. Such an alignment as  
"top" of American government has never occurred in American history.  

Mr. Cool + Michelle =  . . ............."something!!,"   . . .  as a specific 
method of rule that has not yet come of fruition.  

Things get interesting. 

Unite or Perish.  


>>So a  sizable majority wants Obama to pursue his policies with our
without  Republican support. Meanwhile, a huge majority says that
Republicans should  emphasize working with Obama in a bipartisan way
over pursuing their policy  ideas:
Which do you think should be a higher priority for Republicans  in
Congress right now — working in a bipartisan way with Barack Obama  and
Democrats in Congress or sticking to Republican policies? <<
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