The characterization of Obama is not very informative. 

Yes, this is a crossroads . . . a conjuncture of the election of the first 
black president and a major crisis of capitalism. Those two facts are 
interdependent, interrelated, and quite important, but I've yet to see an 
insightful elucidation of the nature of that importance.  Decisive in this is 
not the election of a black president, but the fact that Cracker America, 
almost half of the white electorate, voted for McCain and is out for Obama's 
blood. I saw a documentary last night on HBO: "Right America: Feeling Wronged": 
a survey of white Americans who hate Obama. These aren't just white people, 
these are the whitest people you ever saw, the redneck kind that make your 
blood run cold. The kind not shy about telling you what they think about 
niggers. Granted, they are dinosaurs, and hopefully they will die out soon, but 
not soon enough.  Now the question is: how will Cracker America react to 
'socialist' Obama's handling of the economic crisis? 

-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Feb 26, 2009 8:13 AM
>Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity:      
>The election of Barack Obama 1
>Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of  Barack Obama 
>By Waistline2 
>Obama: Change or continuity? (Part III) By ElĂ­ades Acosta Matos raises a  
>question whose answer is "both!" 

The key to understanding Obama the person and his administration resides in  
American history itself and this moment of capitalist crisis. Barack Obama is  
most certainly the chief executive officer of imperial capital but that does  
not  tell anyone very much. 
Dialectic of Revolution as history. 
Obama the person is the promise made flesh of our Second Revolutionary  War  
- the Civil War. Written on the banner of our Second Revolutionary War  is the 
 p romise, "toward a more perfect union," and then the idea of a  nation - 
not Union, conceived in liberty and justice. The living Obama as  symbol, 
manifest this promise, and is the crossing of the color line in American  
Without  understanding this tiny promise, and the crossing of the  color line, 
the behavior of the American peoples and the class intersection that  made his 
election possible makes no(n)-sense. The complexity as the moment,  resides 
in the need for bourgeoisie and revolutionary alike, compelled by the  logic of 
history, to appropriate the same history for diametrically opposed -  
antagonistic, purposes. 

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