The world capitalist economy has plunged into a sustained economic
depression. The signs are that this depression shall be deep and prolonged.
The principal way by which capitalism can come out of the depression is by
reducing both the living standards and employment conditions of the working
class. The only other solution is social revolution involving the seizure of
power by the working class from the capitalist class necessitating the
establishment of a world communist federation. Because of the peculiarities
of the Irish situation: booms powered by bubbles and a Fianna Fail dominated
government that instead of storing up its surplus revenue, in anticipation
of future contingencies, largely squandered it. These funds were largely
used to bribe the electorate into voting the Fianna Fail party back into
power. It was also used to support its capitalist friends such as Irish
property developers and bankers.
Since the outset of the depression the same Irish government has been
engaged in a sustained attack on the working class. It endeavours to achieve
this by splitting the working class --pitting worker against worker. By
maximising the fragmentation of the working class it is rendered more
vulnerable to crushing defeat. Immigrant workers are split from indigenous
workers; public workers from private workers; female workers from male
workers; unskilled workers from skilled workers etc. In its current attack
the government has singled out the public sector workers. To achieve a cut
back in the income of these workers it has actively led a sustained campaign
against them entailing the polarisation of pubic and private worker. This is
the basis from which it has imposed substantial pension levy on the public
worker. Success here will render it easier for the state to reinforce this
cutback with ensuing cutbacks in the incomes of the entire working class.
Its declared intention of widening and further increasing income tax within
the next month is irrefutable evidence of this. The government also hopes to
continue the reorganisation of the public sector work force. "An Bord Snip"
with its mandate to focus on slashing employee numbers and spending within
the public service forms part of this plan. The consequent reorganisation
and diminution of the public service will lead to a weaker and harder
pressed workforce. It is hoped to ultimately reduce the public service
worker more or less to the same condition as that of the average factory or
shop worker. Then capitalism will have a cheaper and more docile workforce.
The European bourgeoisie is watching this conflict with keen interest. Cowan
will be Europe's new hero should he succeed in defeating the public sector
workers and indeed the working class in Ireland as a whole. His success may
provide them with encouragement to attempt to impose similar conditions on
their own public sector. The present struggle in Ireland is not just a local
matter. It also has a European dimension that may influence events in the
European Union.
In view of this it is imperative that the working class meet this capitalist
onslaught, led by its state, with stiff resistance and the correct politics.
Working class action must involve strikes culminating in the general strike
together with the setting up of workers' councils for the organisation and
administration of economic, social and political life. In the struggle the
conservative unions must be replaced by communist unions. In connection with
this communists must struggle to set up workplace committees as a means of
organising against the bosses and the leadership of the conservative trade
unions. In solidarity with the working class in Ireland the European working
class must strenuously resist their own ruling class too in the struggle for
The government has been actively encouraging the mass immigration of workers
into the Irish Republic on an unprecedented scale. This is but a further way
of promoting more division within the working class. Immigration is a social
engineering device intended to drive down the price of labour power through
competition. It is also intended to hinder the prospects of the working
class in Ireland evolving into a unified revolutionary class force. The
working class based in Ireland must overcome this division by endeavouring
to create unity among migrant and indigenous sections of the working class
in Ireland on a principled revolutionary basis.
None of the political elements represented in the Oireachtas can offer a
solution other than essentially the same solution as that of the Fianna Fail
Party. They are all bourgeois in character including the Labour Party, the
Green Party and Sinn Fein. They simply attempt to dress the same solution up
in different clothes. They all actively support a solution to the capitalist
crisis at the expense of the working class. The leader of the Labour Party,
Eamon Gilmore, has expressed his opposition to strike action and does not
reject a pension levy in principle. Neither is he, in principle, against
increased taxation being imposed on the working class. He merely calls for
"fairness" in taxation. The Labour Party and Fine Gael claim that the cut
backs in the living standards of the working class are necessary and
correct. Their difficulty with Fianna Fail is their alleged lack of fairness
together with the unscrupulous way in which they are imposed. The opposition
of Fine Gael and Labour hinges on matters of ethics. Fine Gael presents
itself as free from corruption unlike Fianna Fail. They oppose the form as
opposed to the substance of Fianna Fail's politics. They thereby present a
false opposition since ethically there can be no essential difference
between the parties. Fine Gael and Labour would be largely as dirty as
Fianna Fail were they in government under the same conditions as  Fine Fail.
It also claims that it would make a more competent party than Fianna Fail.
Again this is a rather derivative difference and of no significance. In
effect the main party in power and the opposition are similar. Consequently
the opposition concentrate their opposition around matters of corruption and
competence. These constitute matters of secondary importance that obstruct
the healthy development of class politics.
The voluntary reduction of salaries by high profile figures from the
business and media world is merely a ploy designed to exert further pressure
on the working class to accept living standards.
The growing army of the unemployed means that the production of surplus
value, total profits, has diminished. This means that fewer resources exist
from which to pay for state expenditure. This forces the state to cut
spending, increase taxes and borrowing. Borrowing is a form of future
taxation with a difference. Interest must be paid which amounts to an
addition to future taxation. This constitutes a further deduction from total
profits which further adversely affects investment conditions. This tends to
bring about a downwards spiral. Consequently the Irish economy is forced to
further contract in order to reproduce the conditions for recovery. Spending
cuts, taxation and borrowing must be further increased.
The present depression is a result of the bourgeoisie's refusal to let the
economic system follow its "natural" cyclical downswing whereby capitalism
cleanses itself of less profitable forms of capital. This leads to a
restoration of profitability and greater sustained economic activity.
Instead the capitalist class through the medium of its state modified the
downswings through counter-cyclical interventionist activity. The ruling
class fear a generalised depression because its destabilising consequences
may lead to revolution. In general the more the cyclical behaviour of
capitalism is modified and prevented from completing its "natural" cycle the
greater, more intense the crisis. The evidence suggests that the capitalist
social system has plunged into depression. No amount of state intervention
can arrest it from assuming an acute form this time round. We have now
entered a new historical epoch. Politics can never be the same again. Under
these new conditions of sustained and deep stagnation the class struggle
sharpens. Consequently capitalism's obsolescent character becomes
increasingly visible.              
At present the leadership of the working class (trade union and political
leadership) has been offering solutions intended to rescue capitalism from
its demise. Capitalism can only be rescued at the expense of the working
class. There exist no significant political forces advocating a solution
necessitating the transcendence of capitalism. Communists must endeavour to
create communist current within the working class. This can begin by
organising circles of communist intellectuals. Such a communist
intelligentsia conducts an intellectual struggle to propagate communist
doctrine. As this intelligentsia develops and spreads its influence it has
the basis for linking into the more advanced sections of the working class
to form a communist strand within the working class. This is the basis on
which a revolutionary communist movement can be built. 
Under the present critical conditions a communist movement would draw up an
action plan as the basis for struggle against this sustained attack on the
working class.

Paddy Hackett

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