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Honeymoon In Hell 
Amid all the gloom, Obama gets high marks in the latest NEWSWEEK poll, 
with the GOP in the doghouse. 

Michael Hirsh 
Newsweek Web Exclusive 

Despite the tumbling economy,
 Barack Obama continues to enjoy a 
honeymoon with the American public 
in the face of the most trying 
crisis any newly inaugurated president
 has encountered since Franklin 
Delano Roosevelt. The GOP, 
meanwhile, is viewed by a majority of 
Americans as the party of "no," 
without a plan of its own to fix the 
economy, and even rank-and-file
 Republicans are concerned about the 
party's direction, according to the
 first NEWSWEEK Poll taken since 
Obama assumed office. 

"People give Obama credit for 
reaching out to Republicans, but they 
don't see Republicans reciprocating,"
 says pollster Larry Hugick, 
whose firm conducted the survey. 
"A surprising number said 
bipartisanship is more important
 than getting things done." 

Overall, 58 percent 
of Americans 
surveyed approve of the job Obama is 
doing, while 26 percent
and one in six (16 percent) has no 
opinion. Although his approval ratings
 are down from levels seen a few 
weeks ago in other polls, 72 percent 
of Americans still say they have 
a favorable opinion of Obama—
a higher rating than he received in 
NEWSWEEK Polls during the
 presidential campaign last year. The 
president's rating in this poll is 
consistent with estimates provided 
by other national media polls in the last week. 

On the most important issue 
of the day, the NEWSWEEK Poll shows that 
close to two thirds (65 percent) 
of the public say they are very or 
somewhat confident that Obama
 will be successful in turning the 
economy around. That's down 
just a little from the 71 percent who felt 
that way before he took office.
 Still, overall perceptions of the 
economy remain solidly negative,
 with 84 percent saying the national 
economy is in poor shape and 
just 3 percent viewing things positively. 

The public is also dubious about 
some of the president's programs. 
Majorities of Americans think too 
much has been spent so far to help 
rescue large banks in danger of
 failing and domestic auto companies 
facing bankruptcy. A somewhat 
surprising majority (56 percent) 
supports nationalizing large banks
 at risk of failing—a policy the 
Obama administration has shied
 away from. And fewer than half of those 
polled (49 percent) say they support 
Obama's proposal to allow the 
expiration of tax cuts for those with
 incomes above $250,000 at the 
end of next year. (Forty-two percent 
say they oppose ending these 

Even so, faith in Obama personally
 has apparently carried over into 
optimism about the future. More 
than a third (37 percent) of the 
public expect economic conditions 
to improve in the next 12 months, 
compared with 29 percent who 
think things will be worse. Another big 
plus for the president's policies 
is that a huge majority of Americans 
(73 percent) favor his plan to remove
 most U.S. troops from Iraq by 
the end of next year. 

The biggest problem for the GOP,
 according to the poll, may be that 58 
percent of Americans believe that Republicans
 who have opposed Obama's 
economic-rescue plans have no plan of their 
own for turning the 
economy around. With the Republicans
 having lost the White House and 
both houses of Congress, public
 identification with the party has 
dropped to a recent low point of 26 
percent, after running at or near 
30 percent for most of the last 15 years.
 That's the lowest level 
since the Watergate era and a
 striking loss of stature for the party, 
considering that self-described 
conservatives continue to outnumber 
liberals in the country by nearly two to 
one (39 percent vs. 20 

Many Republicans express concern
 about where their party is headed and 
whether GOP leaders in Congress are
 in touch with their constituents. 
Asked about the direction of their party,
 45 percent of rank-and-file 
Republicans say it is moving in the 
right direction, while more than a 
third (35 percent) think it is going in
 the wrong direction. This is 
in sharp contrast to what a NEWSWEEK
 Poll found in 1999 after the 
Clinton impeachment hearings. 
At that time, 65 percent of Republicans 
said their party was headed in the right direction. 

Some of these results spring from 
discontent over Republican 
leadership; other survey respondents
 indicate the party is 
ideologically lost. More than half 
of Republicans today (52 percent) 
say they don't think GOP congressional 
leaders are in touch with what 
the average Republican thinks. While four 
in 10 Republicans (39 
percent) think the GOP is about right
 in terms of ideology, another 38 
percent believe it is not conservative 
enough, and only 20 percent 
think it is too conservative. 

Apart from Obama himself, however, 
the Democratic Party can hardly 
crow about these results. The public's
 general disdain for 
Congress—including the Democratic leadership—hasn't changed much since 
the Democrats took over in 2006. More people have an unfavorable 
opinion of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
 than a favorable one (41 percent 
vs. 35 percent). Senate Majority Leader 
Harry Reid fares little 
better, with 28 percent viewing him 
unfavorably and 23 percent with a 
favorable opinion. One reason for Pelosi's 
and Reid's low numbers is 
that by a large margin—51 percent to 40 percent—
Americans say they 
value bipartisanship in Washington over 
getting things done quickly. 
And the public doesn't see Democratic congressional leaders acting in 
a bipartisan manner nearly as much as Obama,
 who is given credit for 
trying: 71 percent feel that the president 
has made a reasonable 
effort to work with and listen to Republicans on Capitol Hill. 

The results are based on telephone
 interviews conducted March 4-5 with 
a nationally representative sample of 
1,203 adults, age 18 and over. 
The overall margin of sampling error is
 plus or minus 3.5 percentage 


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