The following is my opinion: 

The Fianna Fail party  has a strategy. It is my opinion that Brian Cowan, as
Taoiseach, is being increasingly viewed by the Fianna Fail Party as a
transitory leader of the Party. The Party will sacrifice him to save its
skin. He will be saddled, so it hopes, with all the blame concerning the
harsh decisions that are currently being made by the Fianna Fail led
government. Consequently, in true Stalinist fashion, he will be eventually
sacrificed to "the masses" to save the Party.

When he has done the "dirty work" he will be shouldered with the blame for
Fianna Fail's lack of popularity. He will then be replaced by a new and
"shining" leader. Since many of the nasty decisions will have already been
taken by Cowan, the new leader will appear as free from such blame --a
smiling and kinder figure -a people's person.
It is hoped in this way that any popular support lost by the party will be
recovered as a result of the election of its new leader. The mass media will
give her/him  the customary honeymoon period. In this way it is hoped that
the party will win the next general election. Fianna Fail hopes to be able
to claim too that it saved the nation from collapse under very adverse
global economic conditions. In this way Cowan, as a figure from Greek
tragedy, will have fallen on his own sword. The Party, by distancing itself
from Brian Cowan, will have saved the day by exclusively holding Cowan
responsible for having imposed harsh policies on the working class.

There is no better party than Fianna Fail to successfully appeal to
patriotism as a device for rallying the Irish people behind it. 

Paddy Hackett


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