On Sat, 27 Jun 2009 19:55:56 +0100 Karl Dallas <karldal...@f2s.com>
> Where can we read this article in English?
> 2009/6/27 <marxism-thaxis-requ...@lists.econ.utah.edu>

Well, the journal, Religious Humanism, which is put out
by the HUUmanists, costs something like $22 for a one
year subscription.  It comes out twice a year.  Unfortunately,
unlike the German journal, Aufklärung und Kritik, they
are not very good about posting articles online.  In fact on their
website at:
If you go to the website of the HUUmanists at:
they don't display any articles past 1999.
If requested offlist, I can email people my article. 

Jim Farmelant
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