On Jul 14, 2009, at 1:37 PM, c b wrote:

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_W._Adorno
> Adorno's theoretical method is closely related to his understanding of
> music and Arnold Schoenberg and other contemporary composers' atonal
> (less so "twelve-tone") techniques (Adorno had studied composition for
> several years with Alban Berg), which challenged the hierarchical
> nature of traditional tonality in composition.

Nonsense. That "hierarchical nature of traditional tonality in  
composition," if it ever existed, ended with the first notes of  

> ...the Second Viennese School...demanded that composers relate to  
> the traditions more as a canon of taboos rather than as a canon of  
> masterpieces that should be imitated...

Which, no doubt, is why Wozzek is entirely structured in traditional  
forms, why Webern orchestrated (and virtually recomposed) the  
*Ricercar à six,"  why Schoenberg wrote both "tonal" and "twelve-tone"  
works at the same time.


Shane Mage

> This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
> always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
> kindling in measures and going out in measures."
> Herakleitos of Ephesos

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