It would seem that Michael Jackson aesthetic was a species of the
bourgeois Romanticists "Peter Pan" philosophy. ( I think his pad was
called "Neverland"; he even has an "evil" father , like Captain Hook
in the fifties television version of Peter Pan) He sought to remain a
child and in communication with children, presumably in some sense
pursuing the idea that childhood is a special locus of creative
consciousness and , of course, youthful vitality.  In this regard,
Jackson is part of a main Western aesthetic tradition.

This shades into the notion of the "child as the father of the man",
which more abstractly is probably part of the process of the origin of
the human species.  "Pan" is part of the species name of the

This is also a version of adoration or deification of the child, which
is a theme in the Christian myth of  Jesus myth and other world

Peter Pan

This article is about the character Peter Pan. For the original play
and novel about the character, see Peter and Wendy. For other uses,
see Peter Pan (disambiguation).

Illustration of Peter Pan playing the pipes, from the novel Peter and
Wendy published in 1911Peter Pan is a character created by Scottish
novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie (1860–1937). A mischievous boy
who can fly and magically refuses to grow up, Peter Pan spends his
never-ending childhood adventuring on the small island of Neverland as
the leader of his gang the Lost Boys, interacting with mermaids,
Indians, fairies and pirates, and from time to time meeting ordinary
children from the world outside. In addition to two distinct works by
Barrie, the character has been featured in a variety of media and
merchandise, both adapting and expanding on Barrie's works.

Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Major stories
3 Appearance
4 Age
5 Personality
6 Abilities
7 Relationships
8 In popular culture
9 References

[edit] History

Cover of 1915 edition of J.M. Barrie's novel, first published in
1911.Peter Pan first appeared in a section of The Little White Bird, a
1902 novel written for adults. Following the highly successful debut
of the play about Peter Pan in 1904, Barrie's publishers, Hodder and
Stoughton, extracted chapters 13-18 of The Little White Bird and
republished them in 1906 under the title Peter Pan in Kensington
Gardens, with the addition of illustrations by Arthur Rackham.[1]

The character's best-known adventure debuted on 27 December 1904, in
the stage play Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up. This story
was adapted and expanded somewhat as a novel, published in 1911 as
Peter and Wendy, later as Peter Pan and Wendy, and still later as
simply Peter Pan.

Peter Pan has appeared in numerous adaptations, sequels, and prequels
since then, including the widely known 1953 animated feature film Walt
Disney's Peter Pan, various stage musicals (including one by Jerome
Robbins, starring Cyril Ritchard and Mary Martin, filmed for
television), live-action feature films Hook (1991) and Peter Pan
(2003), and the authorized sequel novel Peter Pan in Scarlet (2006).
He has also appeared in various works not authorized by the holders of
the character's copyright, which has lapsed in most parts of the
world. A major new stage production that will tour internationally is
being mounted in 2009 in Kensington Gardens in a specially built
theatre pavilion within view of the Peter Pan statue.

[edit] Major stories
Of the stories written about Peter Pan, several have gained widespread
notability. See Works based on Peter Pan for a list of books, films,
etc. featuring these and other Peter Pan stories.

Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens - Infant Peter flies from his home,
makes friends with fairies, and takes up residence in Kensington
Gardens. A 'book-within-a-book' first published in Barrie's The Little
White Bird.
Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up/Peter and Wendy - Peter
brings Wendy and her brothers to Never Land, where he has a climactic
showdown with his nemesis Captain Hook. Originally told in Barrie's
stage play and novel, and repeatedly adapted in various media.
Hook - Peter has grown up, forgotten about his life in Never Land, and
has a wife and children of his own. While the family is in London
visiting elderly Wendy, Captain Hook abducts Peter's children to lure
him back for a final duel to the death. A film by Steven Spielberg.
Return to Never Land - During World War II, Wendy's slightly
war-hardened daughter Jane is taken to Neverland by Captain Hook, but
Peter saves her and asks her to be the Lost Boys' new 'mother'. A film
by Disney.
Peter and the Starcatchers, Peter and the Shadow Thieves, Peter and
the Secret of Rundoon - Peter leaves a London orphanage for a series
of adventures which offer an origin story for Captain Hook, fairies,
his abilities, and the Lost Boys. Novels by Dave Barry and Ridley
Peter Pan in Scarlet - Wendy, John, and most of the Lost Boys return
to Neverland, where Peter has begun to take Captain Hook's place. A
novel by Geraldine McCaughrean, an official sequel to Peter and Wendy.

[edit] Appearance
Barrie never described Peter's appearance in detail, even in the novel
Peter and Wendy, leaving much of it to the imagination of the reader
and the interpretation of anyone adapting the character. Barrie
mentions in "Peter and Wendy" that Peter Pan still had all of his
first teeth. He describes him as a beautiful boy with a beautiful
smile, 'clad in skeleton leaves and the juices that flow from trees'.
In the play, Peter's outfit is made of autumn leaves and cobwebs.

Traditionally the character has been played on stage by an adult
woman, a decision driven primarily by the difficulty of casting actors
even younger than the one playing Peter as the other children, so the
presentation of the character on stage has never been viewed as
implying how Peter 'really' looks.

In Peter Pan in Scarlet, Geraldine McCaughrean adds to the description
of his appearance, mentioning his blue eyes, and saying that his hair
is light (or at least any colour lighter than black). In this novel,
Never Land has moved on to autumn, so Peter wears a tunic of jay
feathers and maple leaves, rather than his summertime garb. In the
'Starcatcher' stories written by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson, Peter
has carrot-orange hair and bright blue eyes.

In the Disney films, Peter wears an outfit that's easier to animate,
consisting of a short-sleeved green tunic and tights apparently made
of cloth, and a cap with a feather in it. He has pointed elf-like
ears, and his hair is orangish brown. In the live-action 2003 film, he
is portrayed by Jeremy Sumpter, who has blond hair and blue eyes, and
his outfit is made of leaves and vines. In Hook, he appears as an
adult as Robin Williams with dark brown hair, but in flashbacks to his
youth his hair is more orangish. In this film his ears appear pointed
only when he is 'Peter Pan', not 'Peter Banning'; his Pan clothing
resembles the Disney outfit.

[edit] Age

Statue of Peter Pan in LondonIronically, the 'boy who wouldn't grow
up' has appeared at a variety of ages. In his original appearance in
The Little White Bird he was only seven days old. Although his age is
not stated in Barrie's later play and novel, his characterization is
clearly years older. The book states that he has all of his baby
teeth, and Barrie's intended model for the statue of Peter that was
erected in Kensington Gardens was a set of photos of Michael Llewelyn
Davies taken at the age of six. Early illustrations of the character
generally appeared to be that age or perhaps a few years older. In the
1953 Disney adaptation and its 2002 sequel, Peter appears to be in
late childhood, between 10 and 13 years old. (The actor who provided
the voice in 1953 was 15-year-old Bobby Driscoll.) In the 2003 film,
Jeremy Sumpter was 13 at the time filming started, but by the end of
filming he was 14 and had grown several inches taller. In the movie
Hook, Peter is said to have left Neverland many years earlier,
forsaking his eternal youth and aging normally. When remembering his
buried past, Peter is shown as a baby, and little boy, and also a
near-teenager, showing that he stayed outside of Never Land to grow up
a little bit. When Peter says "I remember you being a lot bigger," in
the final duel, Hook answers, "to a 10-year-old I'm huge." He is
portrayed by the then 40-year-old Robin Williams, and has two
children, played by actors which were 7 and 13 years old at the time.

[edit] Personality

Statue of Peter Pan in KirriemuirPeter is mainly an exaggerated
stereotype of a boastful and careless boy. He is quick to point out
how great he is, even when such claims are questionable (such as when
he congratulates himself for Wendy's successful reattachment of his

Peter has a nonchalant, devil-may-care attitude, and is fearlessly
cocky when it comes to putting himself in danger. Barrie writes that
when Peter thought he was going to die on Marooner's Rock, he felt
scared, yet he felt only one shudder run through him when any other
person would've felt scared up until death. With his blissful
unawareness of the tragedy of death, he says, 'To die will be an
awfully big adventure'.

In some variations of the story and some spin-offs, Peter can also be
quite nasty and selfish. In the Disney adaptation of the tale, Peter
appears very judgmental and pompous (for example, he called the Lost
Boys 'blockheads' and when the Darling children say that they should
leave for home at once, he gets the wrong message and angrily assumes
that they want to grow up).

In the 2003 live-action film, Peter Pan is sensitive about the subject
of 'growing up'. When confronted by Hook about Wendy growing up,
marrying and eventually 'shutting the window' on Peter, he becomes
very depressed and finally loses the will to fight.

[edit] Abilities
Peter's archetypal ability is his un ending youth. In "Peter and
Wendy" it is explained that Peter must forget his own adventures and
what he learns about the world in order to stay child-like. Author
Kevin Orlin Johnson argues that the Pan stories are in the
German-English tradition of the Totenkindergeschichte (roughly, "tales
of dead children"), and the idea that Peter and all of the lost boys
are dead in a Never Land afterlife is consistent with that genre, and
rooted in Barrie's own life story.[citation needed] The fact that the
other Lost Boys are growing up and able to be killed in Peter and
Wendy contradicts this idea. The unauthorized prequels by Barry and
Pearson attribute Peter's everlasting youth to his exposure to
starstuff, a magical substance which has fallen to earth.

Peter's ability to fly is explained somewhat, but inconsistently. In
The Little White Bird he is able to fly because he – like all babies –
is part bird. In the play and novel, he teaches the Darling children
to fly using a combination of happy thoughts and fairy dust; it is
unclear whether he is serious about 'happy thoughts' being required
(it was stated in the novel that this was merely a silly diversion
from the fairy dust being the true source), or whether he requires the
fairy dust himself. In Hook, the adult Peter is unable to fly until he
remembers his 'happy thought'. The ability to fly is also attributed
to starstuff – apparently the same thing as fairy dust – in the
Starcatcher prequels.

Peter has an effect on the whole of Never Land and its inhabitants
when he is there. Barrie states that the although Never Land appears
different to every child, the island 'wakes up' when he returns from
his trip to London. In the chapter 'The Mermaid Lagoon' in Peter and
Wendy, Barrie writes that there is almost nothing that Peter cannot
do. He is a skilled swordsman, rivaling even Captain Hook, whose hand
he cut off in a duel. He has remarkably keen vision and hearing. He is
skilled in mimicry, copying the voice of Hook, and the tick-tock of
the Crocodile.

In both Peter Pan and Wendy and Peter Pan in Scarlet, there are
various mentions of Peter's ability to imagine things into existence,
such as food, though this ability plays a more central role in Peter
Pan in Scarlet. He also creates imaginary windows and doors as a kind
of physical metaphor for ignoring or shunning his companions. He is
said to be able to feel danger when it's near. In Peter Pan in
Scarlet, it says that when Curly's puppy licks Peter, it licks off a
lot of fairy dust, which may be interpreted to mean that he has become
fairy-like to the point of producing his own dust, but could also
simply mean that he spends so much time with fairies that he is coated
in their dust.

In Peter and Wendy, Barrie states that the Peter Pan legend Mrs
Darling heard as a child was that when children died, he accompanied
them part of the way to their destination so that they wouldn't be

[edit] Relationships
Peter does not know his parents. In Kensington Gardens Barrie wrote
that he left them as an infant, and seeing the window closed and a new
baby in the house when he returned, he assumed they no longer wanted
him. In Starcatchers he is said to be an orphan, though his friends
Molly and George discover who his parents are in Rundoon. In Hook,
Peter remembers his parents, specifically his mother, who wanted him
to grow up and go to the best schools in London to become a judge and
have a family life. After Peter "ran away" to Neverland, he returns to
find his parents forgot about him and had another child (the gender of
Peter's sibling is revealed to be another boy in "Peter and Wendy").

Peter is the leader of the Lost Boys, a band of boys who were lost by
their parents, and came to live in Neverland; it is reported that he
"thins them out" when they start to grow up. He is best friends with
Tinker Bell, a common fairy who is often jealously protective of him.

His nemesis is Captain Hook, whose hand he cut off in a duel. Hook's
crew, including Smee and Starkey, also consider him a foe. The
Starcatchers books introduce additional foes: Slank, Lord Ombra, and
Captain Nerezza.

From time to time Peter visits the real world, particularly around
Kensington Gardens, and befriends children there. Wendy Darling, whom
he recruited to be his 'mother', is the most significant of them; he
also brings her brothers John and Michael to Never Land at her
request. He later befriends Wendy's daughter Jane (and her subsequent
daughter Margaret), and Peter and Wendy says that he will continue
this pattern indefinitely. In Starcatchers he previously befriends
Molly Aster and young George Darling.

Peter appears to be known to all the residents of Neverland, including
the Indian princess Tiger Lily and her tribe, the mermaids, and the

In Hook, Peter states the reason he wanted to grow up was to be a
father. He married Wendy's granddaughter, Moira, and they have two
children, Maggie and Jack.

[edit] In popular culture
The character of Peter Pan (or thinly disguised versions of him) has
appeared in countless tributes and parodies, and has been the subject
of several later works of fiction. (See Works based on Peter Pan for
notable examples.) J. R. R. Tolkien's biographer Humphrey Carpenter
has speculated that Tolkien's impressions of a production of Barrie's
Peter Pan in Birmingham in 1910 "may have had a little to do with" his
original conception of the Elves of Middle Earth.[2] Since featuring
the character in their 1953 animated film, Walt Disney has continued
to use him as one of their traditional characters, featuring him in
the sequel film Return to Neverland and in their parks as a meetable
character, and the focus of the dark ride, Peter Pan's Flight; he
appears in House of Mouse, The Lion King 1½, Mickey's Magical
Christmas, and the Kingdom Hearts video games.

The name "Peter Pan" has been adopted for various purposes over the
years. Three thoroughbred racehorses have been given the name, the
first born in 1904. It has been adopted by several businesses,
including Peter Pan peanut butter, Peter Pan Bus Lines, and Peter Pan
Records. An early 1960s program in which Cuban children were sent
unattended to Miami to escape feared mistreatment under the then-new
Castro regime was called Operation Peter Pan (or 'Operación Pedro
Pan'). The term Peter Pan syndrome was popularized in 1983 by a book
with that name, about individuals (usually male) with underdeveloped

Peter Pan is depicted in public sculpture. There are seven statues
cast from a mould by sculptor George Frampton, following an original
commission by Barrie in 1912. The statues are in Kensington Gardens in
London, England; Liverpool, England; Brussels, Belgium; Camden, New
Jersey, United States; Perth, Western Australia; Toronto, Ontario,[3]
Canada; and St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Two more statues (though
not of Frampton's mould) are in Kirriemuir, Scotland, the birthplace
of JM Barrie. A new bronze statue by Diarmuid Byron O'Connor was
commissioned by Great Ormond Street Hospital in London and unveiled in
2000, showing Peter blowing fairy dust, with Tinker Bell added in

[edit] References
^ Birkin, Andrew (2003). J.M. Barrie & the Lost Boys. Yale University
Press. p. 47. ISBN 0300098227.
^ Carpenter, Humphrey (1977), Tolkien: A Biography, New York:
Ballantine Books, ISBN 0-04-928037-6
^ in small park on NW corner of Avenue Rd and St. Clair Ave West
^ Tinker Bell statue dedication press release
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The Lost Boys · other characters

Official books
and plays The Little White Bird · Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens ·
Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up · Peter and Wendy · Peter
Pan in Scarlet

Films/TV series Peter Pan (1924) · Peter Pan (1953) · The Lost Boys
(1978) · Peter Pan no Bōken (1989) · Peter Pan and the Pirates
(1990-1991) · Hook (1991) · Return to Never Land (2002) · Peter Pan
(2003) · Finding Neverland (2004) · Tinker Bell (2008)

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Related people J. M. Barrie · Llewelyn Davies boys · Sylvia Llewelyn
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Peter Pan

On 7/10/09, c b <> wrote:
> Michael Jackson  50
> Bessie Smith   37
> Billie Holiday 44
> Charlie Parker 34
> John Coltrane  40
> Jimi Hendrix   28
> Mozart         35
> Tupac Shakur   25
> Biggie Smalls  24
> Elvis Presley  42
> Fats Waller    39
> Judy Garland   47
> Marvin Gaye    44
> David Ruffin   50
> Paul Williams  34
> John Lennon    40
> Edith Piaf     47
> Janis Joplin   27
> Jim Morrison   28
> Paul Chambers  33
> Duane Allman   24
> Howard Duane Allman (November 20, 1946 – October 29, 1971) was an
> American lead guitarist, co-founder of the Southern rock group the
> Allman Brothers Band, and respected session musician. He is best
> remembered for his brief but influential tenure in that band,
> expressive slide guitar playing, and formidable improvisational
> skills.[citation needed]
> A sought-after session musician both before and during his tenure with
> the band, Allman performed with such established stars as King Curtis,
> Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding, and Herbie Mann. His contributions to
> the 1970 album Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs by Derek and the
> Dominos went on to become a part of Rock history.
> Phillipe Wynn 43
> Philippé Wynne (April 3, 1941 – July 13, 1984), born Phillip Walker,
> was an American R&B vocalist. Best known for his role as the lead
> singer in the popular R&B group The Spinners (a role he shared with
> fellow group member Bobby Smith), Wynne scored notable hits such as
> "How Could I Let You Get Away", "The Rubberband Man", "One of a Kind
> (Love Affair)", "I'll Be Around", "Mighty Love", "Sadie", "Could It Be
> I'm Falling in Love", and "Then Came You" (with Dionne Warwick). After
> leaving The Spinners, Wynne never regained the same success, although
> his voice was featured in hits such as "(Not Just) Knee Deep". Wynne
> died of a heart attack while performing at a night club on July 13,
> 1984.
> Charlie Christian 26
> Hank Williams  29
> Florence Ballard 32
> Mary Wells      49
> Tammi Terrell  24
> Scott Joplin   48
> Dinah Washington 39
> Nat King Cole   45
> Buddy Holly   22
> Ritchie Valens  17

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