Dear All,
a draft paper of mine and İsmail Şiriner is available now. Comments are always 
"The Nature and Paradoxes of Freedom

Freedom is a powerful Idea. As a concept, combined with equality and 
fraternity, it was
the forceful ideal drive for a series of revolutions in Europe and throughout 
the world since the
middle of the 17th century. As well as ruling and oppressed and subordinated 
classes, imperialist
states and colonised and suppressed people referred and refer to it either to 
defend their socioeconomic
and political domination or justify their fight for emancipation and self 
Therefore, it is not surprising that it is a hot-combated concept. It includes 
the freedom of
conscience, thought and speech, will and action of individuals and collective 
agents. This whole
scope of the concept may be summed up by subsuming them under the terms of 
external and
internal freedom. These two aspects of freedom must be taken in their 
dialectical unity as
inseparable and accomplishing aspects of one and the same concept.
In contemporary debates, it still continues to be a core concept and is pointed 
to as the
main motivation by Marxist scholars for fundamental social and political 
changes as explored
within the framework of the concept of (human) emancipation. By contrast, 
enough, neo-liberals and conservatives, too, use the concept of freedom to 
justify their social-
Darwinist socio-political proposals. This is a paradox as well as an intriguing 
commonness and
provokes for further tho
ught, investigation and qualification. The aim of the paper is to address
this paradox."

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