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Honduras Resistance Deepens, With Working Class at the Helm

International Labor Solidarity Needed Urgently to Defeat the Coup


The Honduran people -- with the working class and their trade unions playing
an increasing leadership role -- are on the move. Their revolutionary
upsurge is shaking the fragile edifice of corporate-dominated politics
across the continent and creating frictions within the U.S. ruling
establishment itself.

As we go to press, a week-long nationwide general strike of teachers and
public sector workers is under way. It is a political strike to press for
the resistance movement's three central demands: (1) the immediate and
unconditional reinstatement of Manuel Zelaya as the sole and legitimate
president of Honduras, (2) a referendum on convening a Constituent Assembly
to draft a new Constitution, and (3) the immediate punishment of all the
perpetrators of the June 28 coup for their crimes against the people.

Up till now, there had been three two-day strikes (all on Thursdays and
Fridays) called by the three main trade union federations in Honduras, all
of which are part of the National Front Against the Coup. All the main
decisions regarding what to do next in the struggle are made by a weekly
Delegates Assembly of the Front, which is held at the hall of the Beverage
Industry Workers Union (STIBYS). The Delegates Assembly -- which brings
together more than 800 mandated representatives from unions and popular
organizations throughout Honduras -- has become the nerve center and
coordinating body of the resistance movement.

The recent strike has been more widely followed than the previous two-day
strikes. In addition to the teachers and State office workers, the workers
and students at the National Autonomous University of Honduras hit the
bricks, as did the workers at the National Agrarian Institute, the
electrical workers of the Empresa Nacional de Energ? ??a, some
private-sector workers, and the workers at the National Weather Service.

Also, on August 11, tens of thousands of people converged from all corners
of the country into Honduras' two main cities -- Tegucigalpa and San Pedro
Sula. Most of the participants in this National March of Popular Resistance
had left their villages and towns on August 6, the day that the unlimited
general strike began, in response to the call from the National Front
Against the Coup. Most of the marchers pledged to remain in these two cities
throughout the week to participate in the planned demonstrations, roadblocks
and plant/campus occupations. In Tegucigalpa, a mass march of 20,000
people -- with union banners displayed prominently -- buoyed people's
determination to continue the struggle. One of the chants throughout the
march was, "No Somos Cuatro Gatos!" -- or, we are not just a small handful
of people (literally we are not four cats) -- a reply to the Micheletti
media machine, which keeps trying to convince the world that 45 days after
the coup things have "returned to normal," with only a handful of
discontents -- four cats -- stirring up trouble. Washington's Conundrum It
is now public knowledge that a wing of the Republican Party helped in one
form or another to prepare the June 28 coup that overthrew democratically
elected President Manuel Zelaya -- with hawks like John Negroponte, Otto
Reich and current U.S. Ambassador to Honduras Hugo Llorens in the forefront
of this effort. Meetings between Llorens and the high military command took
place throughout the entire week leading up to the coup.

The mass public outrage that swept the Americas in the aftermath of the coup
compelled the Organization of American States (OAS) to call for the
"immediate and unconditional reinstatement of Zelaya as the legitimate
president of Honduras." Having military coups break out in a continent
marked by growing revolutionary upheavals -- especially after President
Barack Obama's public pledge to "turn the page" on the era of military
dictatorship of past decades -- posed a serious risk to the overall position
of U.S. imperialism in the region. Obama and all the heads of state in the
Western Hemisphere voted in favor of the OAS resolution.

No sooner had those votes been taken, however, than the U.S. State
Department, under Hillary Clinton, set out to subvert the OAS resolution by
drafting a script for a "mediated settlement" in Honduras that legitimized
the perpetrators of the June 28 coup. One week later, Clinton anointed a
credible regional leader to serve as the mediator for this U.S.-initiated
plan: President Oscar Arias of Costa Rica. (Two of Clinton's associates,
Lanny Davis and Bennet Ratcliff are, in fact, running strategy for the coup

The Arias Plan calls for the return of Zelaya to Honduras BUT only if he
accepts to form a "government of national reconciliation" with the
perpetrators of the coup, if he renounces his effort to poll the Honduran
people on convening a Constituent Assembly that would draft a new
Constitution, and if he drops his call to bring the coup leadership to trial
for their crimes.

Zelaya accepted this plan, while emphasizing that the central question for
him was point no. 1 of the seven points -- that is, his immediate return to
Honduras. But the de-facto government of Roberto Micheletti -- better known
in Honduras as "Pinocheletti" -- rejected the Arias Plan and even went so
far as to deny visas to a delegation from the OAS sent to discuss the plan.
The top military brass no doubt fear that a return of Zelaya, no matter how
conditioned and politically hamstrung, would be seized upon by millions of
mobilized people in Honduras and throughout the region as a blow to the
de-facto government.

This rejection of the Arias Plan by Micheletti has posed a conundrum for
Washington -- and for Obama, in particular. Getting Zelaya on board with the
Arias Plan did not do the trick. The National Front Against the Coup, which
is the voice of the fighting resistance movement, categorically rejected the
Arias Plan, as did many governments in the Americas, following the lead of
Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. There is widespread awareness in Honduras that the
U.S. government -- one wing of which was implicated in the coup -- has no
right to violate the Honduran people's right to self-determination by
imposing unacceptable conditions for the return of Zelaya.

This did not, however, prevent U.S. Ambassador Hugo Llorens from personally
requesting over the weekend of August 8-9 that the National Front Against
the Coup get on board with the Arias Plan "as the sole means of preventing
more violence and ensuring a peaceful outcome" ( No doubt
Llorens was hoping to find at least one taker within the Front leadership
who could be bought off and wielded to show that there is now a "reasonable"
wing of the movement that approves a negotiated settlement with Micheletti.

But here, too, Llorens was rebuffed. On August 11, the National Front issued
a new declaration rejecting Llorens' overtures and reaffirming the call for
the unconditional and immediate reinstatement of Zelaya as president and the
convening of a Constituent Assembly to draft a Constitution that would
replace the 1982 Constitution, drafted by a previous military dictatorship
to protect the oligarchy and enshrine the monopoly of political power in the
two parties of the ruling class: the Liberals and Conservatives.

Stalling and buying time for the de-facto regime, with the hope that the
movement would slowly wither on the vine, has been another tactic deployed
by U.S. imperialism. The desired goal is to weather the storm until November
2009, when new presidential elections will be held. But not only has the
resistance movement not ebbed, it has grown by the day. And now the National
Front Against the Coup has issued a statement announcing that if Zelaya is
not properly reinstated as the sole legitimate president of Honduras, they
will call for a boycott of the coup-organized November elections.

Yet another option is to begin the wholesale repression of the resistance
movement. But this, too, is backfiring. On August 6, for example, the
National Guard attacked a peaceful demonstration in Tegucigalpa, killing one
teacher: Roger Abraham Vallejo. The following day, the mass protests were
more than twice the size. And with all the international attention focused
on Honduras, such repression cannot go under the radar -- nor can it be
easily justified. After all, Obama is still on record calling for the return
of Zelaya to Honduras.

International Labor Solidarity Needed Urgently

The growing class confrontation in Honduras requires the immediate, visible
and effective solidarity of the international workers' movement,
particularly of the international trade union movement. The workers,
peasants, youth and indigenous people of Honduran are putting their lives on
the line in this struggle for democracy, workers' rights, and economic and
social justice. They need the active support of working people the world
over, particularly in the United States, to help them carry forth and win
their struggle.

In response to the "Appeal from the National Front Against the Coup to
Working People the World Over," the 9-million-member Unified Workers Central
(CUT) of Brazil voted on August 7 to call for Continental Days of
Mobilizations on August 10-14 in solidarity with the people of Honduras.
This appeal has been heeded widely across the continent, with mass
demonstrations in most major cities demanding that their respective
governments sever all diplomatic ties with the military regime in Honduras
and insist on the implementation of the initial OAS resolution.

In the United States, we have perhaps the most critical role to play. An
August 8 solidarity message from the Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace and
Justice to the Honduran trade union movement lays out our tasks in the
United States in precise terms:

"We are painfully aware that the U.S. government, by its refusal to cut off
all aid and arms to the Honduran military and coup plotters, becomes
complicit in this attack on the constitutional order and democratic rights
of the people of Honduras. Words by the Obama administration that are not
matched by strong actions to cut off all funds and guns to the conspirators
are empty gestures.

"We demand that our government cut off all aid and arms to and all commerce
with the perpetrators of this criminal coup and the oligarchs, corporations
and other forces that conspire with them directly or collude with them by
their silence. The coup would not last a week if the U.S. did this, froze
all the assets of the plotters and called upon the international community
to do the same. Corporations that continue to do business in Honduras should
be barred from doing business in the United States.

"President Zelaya must be returned to office in Honduras immediately and
without conditions. The conspirators against him should be arrested and
brought to trial for their crimes against the people. We pledge to support
you in any way we can until such time as the president, the constitutional
order and democracy are restored in Honduras. The working class and labor
movement of Honduras shall prevail. You shall consign the forces of darkness
and reaction to the past."

Indeed. With the aid of the international labor movement, beginning with
that of the U.S. labor movement, the Honduran working class and labor
movement of Honduras can and shall prevail!


Why the Deep Aspiration to a Constituent Assembly [Note: Following are
excerpts from an article by internationally recognized Honduran writer Helen
Uma? ??a. The article appeared under the title "The Fear of a Two-Letter
Word," referring to a "S? ??" vote -- Spanish for "Yes" -- in the June 28
non-binding opinion poll on whether or not a Constituent Assembly should be
convened to draft a new Constitution. The excerpts have been translated by
The Organizer.] On June 28, I had hoped to cast my ballot for a "S? ??" --
or "yes" -- vote on the "fourth ballot box," or "Cuarta Urna." Like so many
others, I saw this referendum on convening a Constituent Assembly to draft a
new Constitution as a path for a change that would collectively benefit the
historically marginalized sectors of our society: the peasants, workers, and
ethnic minorities. ...

It was finally time to modify a Constitution whose deficiencies are glaring,
with the endorsement of a majority of our citizens and following a full
public discussion.

To state, as the perpetrators of the coup have done (only to be echoed by a
servile media), that what Mel [President Manuel Zelaya] wanted to accomplish
with this "fourth ballot" was to secure his re-election on November 29,
2009, is without a doubt the greatest lie and distortion in the political
history of our country. The hypothetical Constitution -- as it depended on
whether the people would vote "S? ??" -- would not have been drafted and
approved until newly elected deputies had convened as a National Constituent
Assembly to undertake this task. And this could not have taken place until
next year, well after Mel had left office.

When I first learned of the coup, I was sickened. The powers that be had
resorted to military force, with the assistance, or at the very least the
tacit approval, of the empire to the North, to abort what could have been a
journey to a more just and equitable society, to deal a death blow to the
possibility of realizing our long-held dream: that we could begin the
building a new society where the most urgent needs of the population --
food, healthcare, education, housing, jobs -- could be met.

The very idea that the people could be consulted about something of this
import, and that a new Constitution could be drafted to remedy the grave
injustices enshrined in the current magna carta, was met with great
enthusiasm by the people.

Never before had our humble but proud people -- those who live in
shantytowns or on the edges of precipices in forgotten canyons -- been told
they could express themselves on such a significant issue. Never before. The
coup was the awkward response by the ruling elite, by the twin parties of
the landowners and oligarchs, to this human wave that was becoming conscious
of its true interests. ... But the last word hasn't been said. Not by a long

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