Strategy in the Class struggle 
Part 2
The Ultra Right Fiction 
Here is why focusing our attack or line of march to "attack the ultra  
right" insures our defeat. The battle has to be through the political middle or 
winning the middle to the side of class demands of the proletariat fused to 
the  striving of the most destitute of the proletarian masses. Fighting the 
ultra  right means fighting the fringe and reactionary elements as they 
attack the  Obama administration. 
The Obama administration strategic political line and desire is to defeat  
its opponents; the "ultra right," as the inherent nature of their sectarian  
battle for government control. When we focus our attack on the "ultra 
right" we  are fighting the enemy of our enemy. The "ultra right" is not the 
enemy of the  proletariat as such, but rather all of capital.  More importantly 
the  worker as the historic political middle are not connected to capital on 
the  basis of the lunatic fringe but on the basis of secure employment that 
is  increasingly less secure. 
The entire concept of the "ultra right" is a fiction, increasingly used by  
the black and brown petty bourgeois intellectual as the means to frighten 
the  poverty stricken masses into a fight designed to carry the petty 
bourgeois into  political office. The concept ultra right is totally devoid of 
class content  or contemporary reality. Class content means a break down of 
economic fragments  of class, their spontaneous behavior as intersection of 
class interest and our  response as communists to this reality movement. 
The question before the movement is, what is to be done? Real questions  
call for real answers. This means politicizing every step of the way. It means 
 propagandizing from within the actual struggle – as scattered and 
disoriented as  it is – to push that struggle forward from within, through all 
stages,  toward its actual conclusion. For instance, in Detroit we have 
targeted H.R. 676  as the focal point in the battle for the single payer health 
care system. The  sponsor of this bill - John Conyers, is elected from 
Detroit. Three months ago,  Conyers would not support his own bill, but in the 
past 3 weeks has turn towards  supporting and advocating for 676. 
I have no particular love for Conyers, but he is an extremely astute  
politician, birthed and nurtured in the art of class politics. John is no ones  
fools and has outlasted all his antagonists. Actually, John Conyers is of  
another generation of politicians radically different from the second 
generation  black political official, including the likes of Jesse Jackson Sr.  
Perhaps, Conyers did not want to place himself in opposition to President Obama 
 during his first 100 days in office. Conyers bill - H.R. 676, has 86 
sponsors  and was crafted long before Obama came to office. 
What actually happened was that the pace of the political struggle against  
a single payer place was accelerated by the Obama administration reaching 
out to  the "ultra right" while trying to attack it rather than focusing on 
he political  middle and winning this to a single payer plan. The right wing 
of the communist  movement followed Obama down this path of defeat while 
attacking those  supporting H.R. 676 as ultra leftist. 
We can only start where we can start. We need a general vision of the  
process unfolding and a particular vision and understanding of each concrete  
Pushing the movement forward from within is not an arbitrary question. It  
depends on where it is and where it needs to go. The struggle over how to  
stabilize the economy sets the terms of the debate for each scattered battle. 
 Bailout laid-off workers and debt-ridden college students? Yes or no? Or,  
bailout the banks? Yes or no! Nationalize in the interests of private 
property?  Or, in the interests of the people? 
The next step forward is from scattered defensive battles to unified  
political battles — with the demand rising from within each scattered battle  
that the government take over the private resources of the key corporations and 
 run them in the interests of the many, not the few — for the public 
welfare, not  for private gain. Our fight is bound up with winning the 
middle to the  cause of the most poverty stricken sector of the proletariat. 
As the crisis deepens and its effects spread, government action to protect  
private property is transforming scattered, issue-based battles into 
political  battles over what the government does and whom it protects. We can 
already see  how government intervention in the auto industry contains a 
possible seed that  could put the government on collision course with the 
of the  autoworkers. 
The current stage of economic crisis has opened the historical battlefield  
of nationalization. Class interests can be fought out on this battlefield.  
Leveling our attack against the "ultra right" will ensure our catastrophic  
defeat , by realigning the political struggle in favor of the 
Consciousness can be developed along the line of march that is through the  
political middle. The direction of the outcome, however, is not guaranteed. 
 Whether revolutionaries can accomplish the tasks of this moment depends on 
 whether we connect with people’s thinking where they are reacting to their 
own  catastrophes and fighting to solve their immediate problems – connect 
with them  so we can sum up their needs and demands and put them back out in 
a way that  points forward toward their actual solution. 
In every current and corner of social life, the immediate needs of people  
in the cities and towns devastated by the economy opens the door to these  
battles. In every battle over real and immediate needs, people can become 
aware  of their class interests, how to fight for them, and what it will take 
to  achieve them. 
Expressed unevenly at first, the common political edge is beginning to  
emerge within the social struggle of people for what they need. These times 
call  on revolutionaries to drop their separate demands and to do the difficult 
 intellectual work within the battle for the next political step ahead for 
the  actual movement. Revolutionaries’ approach to developing consciousness 
reflects  what philosophy – and life itself – tells us. Growth and 
development cannot  happen unless and until a process goes through all of its 
to reach its  actual and ultimate conclusion. The first stage is well on 
its way. The  financial and economic crisis is rapidly destroying the material 
basis that  connected this decisive section of the working class to the 
capitalist class.  The next steps: breaking loose from the politics and 
ideology of the class  enemy, uniting the scattered defensive battles, and 
developing into a political  force that can fight for its actual interests and 
Science, politics, art 
This approach to revolutionaries’ work within this political moment, then,  
rests on the distinction between science and the art of politics – and 
embraces  the importance of both. 
A scientific understanding of society and social change is indispensable to 
 revolutionaries’ work. It allows us to see what is new and how the 
foundation of  society is changing. It gives us the view of the overall line of 
march of the  revolution, the material conditions in which that is unfolding, 
and the actual  and ultimate results of the objective movement. 
Just as military battles are not won by convincing the combatants of the  
laws of physics, likewise it is not possible to "apply" science directly to 
the  practical struggle. Science points to the political, strategic, and 
tactical  considerations and conclusions that make it possible for 
revolutionaries to keep  the struggle on course, moving step by step, to its 
conclusion. Political  struggle depends on the art of politics. 
The art of politics is to rely on the objective to accomplish the  
subjective – that is, to rely on the changes in material conditions to  
accomplish a 
stage of the consciousness. The current awakening and widening  struggle 
present the opportunity to develop consciousness of class and political  
interests. Everything depends on thinking, creative revolutionaries. 
In Detroit it is vital to be creative and transcend the politics and  
ideology of race theory as the salient feature of the struggle. Characterizing  
capital attacks as racist without a clear economy logic can only disorient 
the  mass of workers and prevent them articulating a clear and precise class 
outlook  and class demands as a rallying point for the entire American 
working class. The  mass of proletarians in Detroit already know they are 
What they do not  yet know is their historic role in the American Proletarian 
New situation, new possibilities 
The history of the American left has alternated between two equally  
unproductive approaches to work. One approach imitates the mass movement and  
makes specific demands into a question of principle. The other tries to win the 
reform movement to "revolutionary" – and usually ideological – positions 
or  principles. This flip-flop and over emphasis’s on "historical questions" 
of  principle was understandable in the past because history was not yet 
going where  revolutionaries wanted to take it. In the 1920s and 1930s, the 
country was still  industrializing. Even during the Depression, the capitalist 
system was  expanding. In the 1950s and 1960s, an expanded capitalist system 
with  imperialist super-profits, also carved out from a war torn Europe, 
could grant  civil rights and access into the system for women and ethnic 
minorities. The  objective social motion was to become part of an expanding 
That is not the motion today. Social motion today is shaped by the growing  
objective antagonism to capital, not the fight to reform and expand it. The 
 capitalist system of exchange and entire economic system has broken down. 
An  objectively revolutionary movement has begun. Bit by bit, it is being 
forced to  direct its demands politically and this motion is proceeding faster 
than  anything I have experienced. 
Revolutionaries in the U.S. have never really faced such a moment – the  
capitalist system in the process of destruction, a fundamental rupture of the  
system of exchange, the resulting discussions within the ruling class over 
how  to stabilize the market and protect private property, all sections of 
society  drawn into political discourse and activity, and a politically 
pivotal section  of the working class whose actual interests are poised against 
the capitalist  class and the government. No practical economic and social 
problem can be  addressed except in the political battle over what the 
government will do and  what class it serves. The revolutionary process is also 
a critical juncture.  The government and corporations are inseparably 
intertwined and intermingled.  They are poised to control a class whose 
increasingly takes a political  form. That class can go no further until it 
learns to fight politically in its  own interests. 
Thousands of well-connected, thinking, creative, and active revolutionaries 
 are today grappling intellectually, politically, and practically with this 
 question. They are experts on their fronts of struggles, skillful leaders 
in  their organizations, and tireless teachers of their constituencies. They 
know  that in order to coalesce the movement needs more than increased 
hardship and an  ultimate general goal; it needs direction as to how to get 
hardship to  ultimate aim. 
The challenge before revolutionaries today is a big one, and the stakes are 
 high. Political struggle is beginning in this country. To step up to the 
tasks  of the day, revolutionaries on all fronts need to talk with one 
another about  science and analysis, strategy and politics – the meaning of 
political  moment and how to politicize this awakening and push the process 
The anger and awakening are spreading rapidly – setting the objective basis 
 for consciousness to catch up in waves and leaps. Revolutionaries need to 
unite  their energies to accomplish their responsibilities and to answer the 
call of  history. The workers cannot leap to class consciousness if we do 
not talk about  class and class demands and why huge sections of the economy 
must be ripped out  of the free market relations. Limiting this discussion 
to the color factor in  Detroit and/or the striving of the petty bourgeois 
political leaders of the city  will trap the proletariat in mediocrity. 
Gearing our attacks against the ultra  right rather than on the critical issue 
survival and neighborhoods maneuvers  us into fighting the enemy of our 

Proletarian Unite.
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