Why would Lenin chastise you for using his exact characterization of the  
seizure of state power by the bourgeois democratic majorities, that he 
described  in "Imperialism?" Lenin characterized this exact same process as 
expressing the  meaning of "semi-colony" or having not broken out of the value 
relations as it  operates on the basis of the bourgeois property relations. 
No one calls the "South and Central American revolution" communists - at  
least on this list, and why would one criticize any struggle against the 
ravages  of capital? 
>> And yet, concretely, we are in many ways at an historical  anti-pole
with the situation in Russia in 1917. Lenin might chastise me  for
dogmatic reference to _The State and Revolution_ given that the  South
and Central American revolution has organized the working  class
majorities in many countries so as to use the  bourgeois-democratic
electoral/mass sufferage system to seize state power.  The
fascist/comprador bourgeois classes have had to resort to  that
favorite of the reaction the coup d'etat in Venezuela and  Honduras.
Violent overthrow is the desparate polictal location of the  rich
enemies of the working masses today in the South of the  Western

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