In memoriam: Holly Stand

by Kurt Stand

submitted to portside by the author

August 28, 2009

My mother, Hannelore (Holly) Stand, passed away on
August 16 after a lifetime of engagement in the
struggle for peace, equality and socialism.  She was
born into a Ruhr coal-mining community in 1924; her
early life was marked by that community's revolutionary
aspirations - and by the defeat of those aspirations.
She left Germany in 1933 having witnessed the barbarism
of fascism in power: Book burnings, arrests, brutal
beatings, killings. Those of her family members who
remained in Germany paid a heavy price during the years
that followed for remaining true to their Communist

The United States was a refuge, but not a respite, from
the harshness of the depression, the sacrifices of
political struggle. Her parents were each deeply
engaged in the anti-fascist and labor movements; her
father as a miner then as a building maintenance
worker, her mother as a domestic worker. As her parents
organized, she was frequently uprooted; my mother
attended 12 schools in 4 states over the course of 4
years. She was unable to complete high school when
finally back in New York to stay in 1938; though that
did not prevent her from becoming a well-read and well-
educated person - nor from eventually getting her GED
when my brother and I were in college.

My mother became politically active early in her own
right, joining the Young Communist League and the
Nature Friends - a workers' hiking group banned by the
Nazis in Germany and listed as a subversive
organization in the U.S. during the years of
McCarthyism. It was within these groups that she built
many of the friendships that would last a lifetime, and
met my father Mille whom she married in 1943 just
before he went overseas as a soldier during World War
II. During the war, my mother worked in a garment
factory, participated in Soviet War Relief efforts, and
was involved in efforts to maintain an anti-fascist
presence in the German-American community of Yorkville
(in Manhattan).

Her activism continued after the war, especially in
work on behalf of Vito Marcantonio and his American
Labor Party Congressional campaigns, when redistricting
designed to weaken him added portions of Yorkville to
his East Harlem base. In the 1950s-60s, she and my
father dedicated time and energy to Camp Midvale in New
Jersey, a left-wing community that survived the height
of Cold War anti-Communist hysteria. They also worked
for many years as part of the editorial committee of
the Communist Party-associated publication German-
American, and for the (Social Democrat-inclined)
Workmen's Benefit Fund. Their work with the WBF in the
1970s-80s was especially concerned with building
housing for elderly German-immigrant domestic workers
who, when forced to retire, often found themselves with
no home, and no family to turn to. And for all the
years of its existence, they were actively engaged in
building solidarity with the German Democratic

The values my mother held, she lived. She wouldn't
cross a picket line or buy a boycotted good, be it a
Judy Bond dress or scab grapes. She was at the 1963
March on Washington, supported school integration in
our Bronx neighborhood. I remember walking "Ban the
Bomb" picket lines in front of the United Nations with
her when I was a child; and later with my own children,
marching with her in protest of the first Gulf War in
Washington DC. To the end of her days she was engaged;
in the 1990s with the Women's International League for
Peace and Freedom, and these last years with the
Unitarian church in Westchester, NY.

Living her values also meant that my mother always
spoke her mind in the organizations to which she
belonged, the socialist societies she supported. Her
critical independence of thought meant that the pain
she felt when the GDR and the Soviet Union collapsed -
the pain of knowing how much so many sacrificed to
build a better world - did not lead to disillusionment,
did not lead to a sterile dogmatism, but rather to a
search for what to learn, how to go forward.
Nonetheless, the early years of the 21st century were
difficult ones for my mother. The Bush Administration's
glorification of war, justification of torture, the
demagoguery and lies, all brought back memories of
fascism. Obama's election brought back new hope, a
confirmation of the humane values of the people in the
U.S. Yet she had no illusion that further progress
would come easily or quickly.

Strong in her opinions, my mother was open-minded in
ways important to us when we were growing up. She was
brought up with a strong sense of the meaning and
importance of family when a child in the Ruhr, only to
see family ties disrupted again and again by the
realities of repression and poverty in Germany, in the
United States. For that reason she was especially
devoted to her family, and was as fiercely committed to
my father, to my brother and me, to her grandchildren
and great grandchildren, as she was to the ideals for
which she fought and lived. A deep and abiding
commitment to her family, solidarity with all who
labor, with all who work to make this a better world,
formed the content of her life. She lives in the memory
of those who knew her, she lives in the aspirations for
a world of peace and justice.

[Moderator's Note: A memorial of Holly Stand is in the
planning stages, and it tentatively set for Oct. 11 in
New York City.]

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