The state extracts exchange value from the economy in the form of revenue 
through taxation. As revenue it is not capital but simply exchange value. It 
constitutes an unproductive deduction of value from the economy if it does not 
directly contribute to the creation of value. Now some of the tax revenue 
deducted from the economy is advanced by the state as capital. The state turns 
some of its revenue into capital by investing it in industry. In this way it 
makes a direct contribution to the production of surplus value. The part 
advanced as capital forms part of capitalism's valorisation process. This means 
that state capital is essentially no different from private capital. On the 
whole private capital has as its function the maximisation of surplus value.The 
special role that the state plays does not preclude the existence of state-run 
commodity producing companies. State run companies are driven by the profit 
motive too. They seek to produce surplus value at the expense of the working 
class. They use the exchange value obtained from taxation as capital to produce 
and sell commodities. This involves the state in the purchase of labour power 
for use in the production process. Surplus value is generated through the 
exploitation of labour power. In this way there is no essential difference 
between workers employed by the state who function as productive workers and 
the workers employed by private capital. Much of the labour power hired by the 
Irish state has been used in the valorisation process: CIE workers, ESB workers 

Much of the 'state's revenue is used to fund the standing army, the police the 
bureaucracy, social expenditure etc. While not directly participating in value 
creation, revenue used in this way supports the capitalist system and thereby 
the valorisation process. Revenue largely collected in the form of taxation by 
the state is required to pay for services that ultimately serve the interests 
of the capitalist class. The maintenance of transport in one way or another, 
the management of water and sewage, the education of the working class etc. 
Many of these services are necessary to provide the infrastructure necessary if 
capital is to function --if it is to sustain and develop itself. Workers need 
to be available and goods need to be transported and distributed. Otherwise the 
market for commodities, instead of expanding, contracts and even collapses. 
Apart from its oppressive role capitalist society would collapse if the state 
did not provide services, including social services, on the scale apppropriate 
to its needs. One of the contradictions of capital, as a private social form, 
is its inability to spontaneously provide public community outside the economic 
process itself. Hence the need for the political state.

State revenue that fails to contribute to the sustenance of capitalism such as 
excessive remuneration to the tops of the bureaucracy and other excess 
constitutes mere waste. It serves no useful purpose neither economically, 
ideologically nor culturally. Revenue that funds waste constitutes a useless 
deduction from the value created by a capitalist economy. It tends to put 
valorisation under greater pressure in the effort to counteract the law of the 
tendency of the rate of profit to fall. It is in capitalism's ultimate interest 
to prevent the growth of waste. However it is not always easy to identify 
waste. Because of its contradictory nature capitalist social relations tend to 
produce waste --even inordinate amounts of it.

The public sector is very diverse in terms of pension, pay and conditions of 
work. To lump the public sector workers together on the basis that they all 
share these conditions is invalid. Public employees range from porters to 
electronic engineers, architects, departmental secretaries, judges and 
generals. As to be expected under capitalism the pay and conditions of work 
between these different categories of state employees is very different. 

Neither can the private sector be reduced to one entity for the purpose of 
comparing pensions, pay and working conditions between the state and non state 
employees. The non-state sector is even more diverse. Private employees can be 
employed by different kinds of employers under diverse conditions. Some 
capitalist may be extremely large, other less large and then others very small. 

To make a distinction between public sector employees and private sector 
employees in terms of job security, pay and conditions of work is not 
acceptable. It is not valid to conclude that state employees have better job 
security, pay and conditions of work than the latter. There are employees in 
the private sector with much better job security, pay and conditions of work 
than in the public sector --senior managers and professionals such as engineers 
and marketing people. Furthermore they are two qualitatively distinct spheres 
and cannot be validly compared with each other.

It is constantly been claimed across the bourgeois mass media that state 
employees have better pensions, pay and conditions of work. But this is an 
unsupported simplification. Within individual companies these conditions are 
diverse. Senior management are not employed on the same basis as other 
employees. Along with this some companies based in Ireland have been affected 
more adversely by the depression than others. Some, if not many, of these 
companies pay relatively higher wages and provide better conditions of work. 
This is because they are relatively very capital intensive. Many of their 
employees would have spent most if not all of their adult life working for such 
companies. These employees have better conditions than many public employees. 
Many of these differences are due to the power of the market. The law of value 
can determine how workers are treated by employers. Given the market conditions 
it can suit oligopolies to provide their workers with relatively better pay and 
conditions of work than are found elsewhere. The private sector is a diverse 
sector. It consists of diverse branches of production. Indeed as with public 
sector employees many private sector employees are non-productive workers too. 
It consists of strong and weak enterprises and big and small. Conditions 
concerning pensions, pay and conditions are correspondingly diverse. Many 
private employees have better pensions, pay and working conditions than many 
public employees. Just because many private employees have lost their jobs and 
suffered pay reductions does not mean that all private employees are suffering 
the same fate. Many parts of the private sector are still cushioned from the 
more acute effects of the economic crisis. Yet there is no campaign calling for 
further pay reductions against employees in these sectors. The populist 
campaign leveled against public sector employees is a campaign grounded in 
irrationalist reactionary ideology.

The working class is constantly being bombarded with bourgeois propaganda. It 
is told that the state is living way beyond its means in its day-to-day 
spending. Therefore, it is concluded, that the state has to cutback on 
expenditure to keep the Irish economy solvent. The conclusion drawn is that by 
cutting back on pay as opposed to services the services can be maintained. 
Public workers are to 
be forced to pay for the economic crisis. Many state and non state employees 
live within the same family or household. In many of these cases the non-state 
employees suffering income falls may indirectly adversely affect the state 
employees belonging to the same family or household. The reverse situation is 
also true. It is said that there is no choice but to make public workers pay 
for for the state deficit. But apologists for capitalism are not calling on the 
super-paid highly affluent public/private employees annually earning hundreds 
of thousands of Euros to pay for it. This tactic represents the thin end of the 
wedge. It constitutes part of a sustained attack on the working class as a 
whole. The target is the defeat of the entire working class. It is hoped that 
this approach will deal such a blow to the more organized section of the 
working class that it will lead to the implosion of the working class thereby 
rendering a general assault on the entire working class much easier to achieve.

The call from the agents of the bourgeoisie for further cuts in the pay of 
public employees as a means of solving the economic crisis on the grounds that 
they receive better pensions, pay and working conditions than the private 
sector is not valid. As I have indicated the private cannot be compared with 
the public because like is not being compared with like.The private sector 
consists of diverse enterprises: large and small capitalists; small retail 
outlets; non-capitalist farmers; sub-contractors; landlords; celebs; publicans; 
trade unions charities; political parties and artists. Many of the 
aforementioned are non-capitalist enterprises. Furthermore the heterogeneity of 
conditions of employment within the state sector makes such generalizations 
concerning pay determination invalid.

The world capitalist crisis that has hit Ireland is a result of the inherent 
limited nature of the capitalist mode of production. Capitalism of necessity 
produces crises. The only way to put an end to such crises is by eliminating 
capitalism and replacing it with a communist society. There are only two 
options facing the Irish working class. One is a solution to the crisis at the 
expense of the working class. The other is a social revolution at the expense 
of the capitalist class. Compromise is an impossibility. The workers have no 
choice but to choose one or the other. This choice will determine the character 
of the Irish economy for years into the future.

Paddy Hackett
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