Rosa L  has got CB again ! What a whiz



Mr B Up To His Old Tricks

Mr B has once again popped his head over the parapet in a debate about
'dialectical contradictions'.

CB: Rosa, I'm over here. Standing out in the open all the time.

But, does he actually tell us what these obscure Hegelian entities are?

CB:  Contradictions, comrade. I could have sworn I mentioned
contradictions in this discussion. Let me take a look back.....Sure
enough, I called them "contradictions".


His most substantive point is contained in this argument:

CB: We're making progress. CB has made a "most substantive point" (smile)


 On the contradiction implied in "John is a man", we might ask is John
the only man? If so, then the correct expression is "John is the man".

 So, if John is a man , then there are other men. Joe is a man. Jack
is a man. Andrew is a man.

 If John is identical with "a man", and Joe is identical with "a man",
and Jack is identical with "a man", then through some kind of
transitivity of identities we reach the contradiction that

John is Joe. John is Jack.

 Rosa L will say what is the contradiction in "John is Jack" ?

 It is that John is not Jack, as stipulated above when we said there
are other men besides John. Jack is another man from John is identical
with the expression John is not Jack.

 So directly the contradiction is that we have both John is Jack and
John is not Jack at the same time.

 I have now made the contradiction implicit in "John is a man" so
explicit and patent that even contradiction-blind Rosa L. should be
able to see it. But thanks to Rosa for pressing the point on this
example from Lenin's philosophical notebooks, as it is only in
"contradiction" with Rosa that I was moved to move the thought to full

 The contradiction inherent in the verb "to be" , "is", can be seen as
the same as that found in "self-reference" by modern mathematical
philosophers like Russell. Russell's famous paradox derived from the
self-reference of "the set of all sets that don't contain themselves".

 The wikipedia article on paraconsistency notes the efforts at
avoiding self-reference in the logics after that.

 In any sentence with a verb form of the verb "to be" makes a
reference , a self-reference, of the subject of the sentence. The
subject refers to itself in the predicate.

 "John is a man", is a reference of John to himself as "a man", a

 So, modern mathematics rediscovered the paradoxes of self-reference
that Hegel had discovered, perhaps as described in the quote of Hegel
adduced on this thread by Rosa L. above

 Paraconsistent logics are propositionally weaker than classical logic

"It should be emphasized that Paraconsistent logics are
propositionally weaker than classical logic; that is, they deem fewer
propositional inferences valid. The point is that a Paraconsistent
logic can never be a propositional extension of classical logic, that
is, propositionally validate everything that classical logic does. In
that sense, then, Paraconsistent logic is more conservative or
cautious than classical logic. It is due to such conservativeness that
Paraconsistent languages can be more expressive than their classical
counterparts including the hierarchy of Meta-languages due to Tarski
et al. According to Feferman [1984]: '…natural language abounds with
directly or indirectly self-referential (emphasis added - CB) yet
apparently harmless expressions -- all of which are excluded from the
Tarskian framework.' This expressive limitation can be overcome in
Paraconsistent logic."


Rosa: [I have slightly edited this so that it conforms to the
formatting principles adopted at this site, as I have done Mr B's
other comments below.]

It always surprises me the extent to which Dialectical Mystics will
tie themselves into knots in a vain effort to sell this ruling-class
creed to the rest of us. They are indeed reminiscent of those Roman
Catholic theologians and casuists who attempt to convince us, for
example, that Jesus was 'god' incarnate, many of whom will try to
employ sophisticated modern logic to that end, too.

CB: Perhaps Rosa Logica is confusing a discussion of “knots”, which
contradictions are in a sense, with being tied up in them.


Now, the above 'argument' is supposed to be a response to a long
argument of mine (much of which Mr B ignores) that aims to show that
this Hegelian doctrine is flawed from beginning to end.
CB; Not really . It is supposed to demonstrate that there is a
contradiction in "John is a man".

CB: The main points of my argument were these:

1) Traditional theorists treat all words as names or singular
designating expressions (i.e., they are all supposed to 'refer' to
this or that -- and if we can't find a this or a that in this world
for them to refer to, 'abstractions' -- or, these days, something from
meta-theory -- are invented for them to designate). This is indeed
part of Plato's Beard, as Quine called it.

2) Unfortunately, this destroys the unity of the proposition, since it
turns propositions into lists, and lists say nothing. So,  the
'propositions' that dialecticians finally end up with destroy any
capacity they have for expressing generality, since this turns
predicate expression into the names of abstract particulars. [Examples
below; a longer explanation can be found in Essay Three Part One.]

3) Dialecticians in particular do this when they, following Hegel,
turn the "is" of predication into the "is" of identity.

4) This is the only way they can 'derive' a 'contradiction'.

5) They resist the conventions of ordinary language, since the
vernacular actually prevents this trick from being carried out.

CB:  Rosa never asks why is it that ordinary language itself uses the
same word "is" for identity and predication, thereby itself starting
down the path to contradiction. Why not use different words for the
"is" of identity and the "is" of predication ?

At any rate, If one just uses "is" as identifying, then the subject is
identified with something that it is not, a different word that
follows the verb "is".  So , even the "is" of identification

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